Ganglio sphingolipid metabolism (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 20:10, 30 October 2022 by AlexanderPico (Talk | contribs)
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Sphingolipids are metabolites used to make cell-cell and cell-substratum interactions possible. This pathway describes how they are synthesized.

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  1. Merrill AH Jr; ''Sphingolipid and glycosphingolipid metabolic pathways in the era of sphingolipidomics.''; Chem Rev, 2011 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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124472view20:10, 30 October 2022AlexanderPicofixed interaction and reference
117518view11:08, 21 May 2021EweitzModified title
110179view14:17, 23 April 2020EgonwOntology Term : 'ganglioside metabolic pathway' added !
106690view13:00, 17 September 2019MaintBotHMDB identifier normalization
104242view15:23, 11 May 2019MaintBotRemoved the RHEA: prefix from the identifier.
103790view16:09, 7 April 2019Egonw
103789view16:06, 7 April 2019EgonwAdded two more identifiers.
103788view16:01, 7 April 2019EgonwAdded several missing identifiers.
103662view11:31, 26 March 2019EgonwRemoved an empty box and move the title a bit closer to the pathway.
103661view11:26, 26 March 2019EgonwAdded a few identifiers, and minor improvements.
94289view12:58, 31 August 2017DeSlOntology Term : 'sphingolipid biosynthetic pathway' added !
92692view18:50, 28 June 2017EgonwTwo metabolites with ID.
91044view09:12, 26 December 2016EgonwModified description
91031view08:00, 23 December 2016EgonwConverted more labels to metabolite DataNodes.
79812view16:49, 16 April 2015Mkutmonfixed unconnected lines
79262view18:22, 19 March 2015ZariChange Identifier for ST8SIA3
76323view07:56, 2 July 2014Mkutmonconnected enzymes to reactions
76322view07:37, 2 July 2014Mkutmonchanged annotation of gene products from Affy to Ensembl.
72172view22:11, 25 October 2013AlexanderPicoadded metabolite xrefs
71002view16:02, 22 September 2013EgonwConnecting dots.
69404view19:00, 8 July 2013EgonwReplaced an outdated HMDB identifier with the 3.5 one.
63191view20:50, 8 May 2013MaintBotUpdating gpml version
45306view20:03, 7 October 2011AlexanderPicoOntology Term : 'sphingolipid metabolic pathway' added !
41140view23:38, 1 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
35548view14:44, 12 February 2010MichielAdded ref
34581view22:18, 21 December 2009KhanspersModified categories
33067view20:50, 11 October 2009MaintBotNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
A3GALT2GeneProduct127550 (Entrez Gene)
B3GALGeneProductENSG00000172318 (Ensembl)
B3GALT4GeneProduct8705 (Entrez Gene) 2.4.1.-
B3GALT4GeneProductENSG00000235863 (Ensembl)
B4GALNT1GeneProduct2583 (Entrez Gene)
FUT1GeneProduct2523 (Entrez Gene)
Fuc-GD1bMetaboliteCHEBI:90265 (ChEBI)
Fuc-GM1MetaboliteCHEBI:90189 (ChEBI)
GA1MetaboliteHMDB0004910 (HMDB)
GA2MetaboliteHMDB0004898 (HMDB)
GD1AMetaboliteHMDB0011777 (HMDB)
GD1BMetaboliteCHEBI:28175 (ChEBI)
GD1aAMetaboliteLMSP0601BE00 (LIPID MAPS)
GD1aMetaboliteHMDB0004853 (HMDB)
GD1bMetaboliteHMDB0004926 (HMDB)
GD1cMetaboliteLMSP0601BN00 (LIPID MAPS)
GD2MetaboliteHMDB0004925 (HMDB)
GD3MetaboliteHMDB0004913 (HMDB)
GM1AMetabolite9963963 (PubChem-compound)
GM1aMetaboliteHMDB0004855 (HMDB)
GM1bMetabolite53239726 (PubChem-compound)
GM2AMetaboliteG00130 (KEGG Glycan)
GM2MetaboliteHMDB0004938 (HMDB)
GM3 SynthaseGeneProductENSG00000115525 (Ensembl)
GM3MetaboliteHMDB0004844 (HMDB)
GP1cMetaboliteLMSP0601AX00 (LIPID MAPS)
GQ1bAMetaboliteHMDB0004928 (HMDB)
GQ1bAMetaboliteLMSP0601BJ00 (LIPID MAPS)
GQ1cMetabolite53481235 (PubChem-compound)
GT1aMetabolite45259173 (PubChem-compound)
GT1aAMetaboliteLMSP0601BF00 (LIPID MAPS)
GT1bMetaboliteHMDB0004927 (HMDB)
GT1cMetabolite53481295 (PubChem-compound)
GT2Metabolite53481325 (PubChem-compound)
GT3Metabolite53481355 (PubChem-compound)
Gal-GD1bMetaboliteLMSP0601BH00 (LIPID MAPS)
GalNAc-GD1aMetaboliteLMSP0601BG00 (LIPID MAPS)
GalNAc-GM1MetaboliteLMSP0601BC00 (LIPID MAPS)
GalNAc-GM1bMetabolite73427345 (PubChem-compound)
LacCerMetaboliteHMDB0006750 (HMDB)
O-AcetylTGeneProductENSG00000169359 (Ensembl)
O-Acetylated GD3Metabolite73427362 (PubChem-compound)
O-Acetylated GT3MetaboliteG00170 (KEGG Glycan)
ST3GAL1GeneProductENSG00000008513 (Ensembl)
ST3GAL2GeneProductENSG00000157350 (Ensembl)
ST3GAL5GeneProduct8869 (Entrez Gene)
ST6GALNAC6GeneProduct30815 (Entrez Gene)
ST6GALNAC6GeneProductENSG00000160408 (Ensembl)
ST8SIA1GeneProduct6489 (Entrez Gene)
ST8SIA1GeneProductENSG00000111728 (Ensembl)
ST8SIA3GeneProduct51046 (Entrez Gene)
ST8SIA5GeneProduct29906 (Entrez Gene)
ST8SIA5GeneProductENSG00000101638 (Ensembl)
ST8Sia1GeneProductENSG00000111728 (Ensembl)

Annotated Interactions

SourceTargetTypeDatabase referenceComment
GD1bArrow48325 (Rhea)
GM1aFuc-GM1Arrow48293 (Rhea)
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