Endothelin pathways (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 09:47, 24 May 2012 by Sabinedaemen (Talk | contribs)
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Sensory motor nerveCOX2CGRPATPK+PKACRLRY1Arachidonic acidSERCAa adrenergic receptorPGI2NPYL-ArginineK+GTPK+ channelRAMP1CitrullineeNOSCa2+ channelIP1NOcAMPACsGCEDHFCa2+ channelcGMPEndothelin 1ECEIP3CapPKCGaQMLCBig ET1MEKEDNRAMLCKDAGERK1/2EDNRBFurin-like proteaseRAFPLCbIP3RPre-pro ET1CADCa2+CaMPIP2Pre-pro ET1Endothelin 1GbQGgQCa2+PMCACa2+EDNRBGaQGbQGgQPLCbPIP2IP3DAGCa2+Ca2+SERCAIP3RNOPGI2PKCCa2+K+GaSGbSGgSGaQGbQGgQb adrenergic receptorGaSGbSGgSSympathic nerveEndothelial cellSmooth muscle cellK+CGRPCGRPGaSGbSGgSK+K+NPYNPYGaIGbIGgINONOCa2+Ca2+


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134211view19:22, 16 July 2024EgonwRemoved template comments
117710view12:27, 22 May 2021EweitzModified title
108353view09:28, 11 December 2019L DupuisConverted interaction lines in vasoconstriction to graphical lines
106403view21:33, 28 August 2019KhanspersModified description
106134view12:03, 16 August 2019MaintBotHMDB identifier normalization
105584view04:42, 10 August 2019KhanspersModified description
94181view13:41, 25 August 2017Mkutmonadded missing metabolite identifiers
74852view08:47, 1 May 2014SabinedaemenSpecify description
71380view18:39, 17 October 2013MaintBotAutomated update of data sources
69912view19:37, 11 July 2013AlexanderPicoModified title
67194view10:19, 26 June 2013Christine ChichesterOntology Term : 'endothelin signaling pathway' added !
64830view21:33, 3 June 2013MaintBotModified title
63181view20:43, 8 May 2013MaintBotUpdating gpml version
59179view18:44, 22 February 2013MaintBotUpdated Ensembl and UniProt data source
57671view20:17, 31 January 2013KhanspersModified categories
56443view21:38, 7 January 2013EgonwAdded missing HMDB data source values.
48538view07:48, 3 June 2012MireilleSthijnsPeriodical save, work in progress
48535view10:31, 2 June 2012MireilleSthijnsPeriodical save, work in progress
48447view15:13, 24 May 2012Sabinedaemen
48446view15:10, 24 May 2012Sabinedaemen
48435view10:42, 24 May 2012Sabinedaemen
48434view10:39, 24 May 2012Sabinedaemen
48433view10:30, 24 May 2012SabinedaemenModified description
48432view10:20, 24 May 2012Sabinedaemen
48431view10:15, 24 May 2012Sabinedaemen
48430view10:13, 24 May 2012Sabinedaemen
48429view10:09, 24 May 2012SabinedaemenPeriodical save, work in progress
48428view10:01, 24 May 2012SabinedaemenSpecify description
48427view09:52, 24 May 2012SabinedaemenOntology Term : 'Ras superfamily mediated signaling pathway' added !
48426view09:51, 24 May 2012SabinedaemenOntology Term : 'calcium/calmodulin dependent signaling pathway' added !
48425view09:50, 24 May 2012SabinedaemenOntology Term : 'hypertension' added !
48424view09:49, 24 May 2012SabinedaemenOntology Term : 'smooth muscle cell' added !
48423view09:49, 24 May 2012SabinedaemenOntology Term : 'blood vessel endothelial cell' added !
48422view09:47, 24 May 2012SabinedaemenOntology Term : 'benign essential hypertension' added !
48421view09:44, 24 May 2012SabinedaemenOntology Term : 'G protein mediated signaling pathway via Galphas family' added !
48420view09:43, 24 May 2012SabinedaemenOntology Term : 'G protein mediated signaling pathway via Galphaq family' added !
48419view09:42, 24 May 2012SabinedaemenOntology Term : 'G protein mediated signaling pathway via Galphai family' added !
48418view09:40, 24 May 2012SabinedaemenSpecify description
48417view09:37, 24 May 2012MireilleSthijnsSpecify description
48416view09:34, 24 May 2012MireilleSthijnsPeriodical save, work in progress
48415view09:29, 24 May 2012MireilleSthijnsSpecify description
48414view09:23, 24 May 2012MireilleSthijnsSpecify description
48413view09:14, 24 May 2012MireilleSthijnsPeriodical save, work in progress
48412view09:04, 24 May 2012MireilleSthijnsPeriodical save, work in progress
48411view08:59, 24 May 2012MireilleSthijnsSpecify description
48410view08:54, 24 May 2012MireilleSthijnsPeriodical save, work in progress
48409view08:43, 24 May 2012MireilleSthijnsPeriodical save, work in progress
48408view08:33, 24 May 2012MireilleSthijnsSpecify description
48407view08:31, 24 May 2012MireilleSthijnsSpecify description
48406view08:23, 24 May 2012MireilleSthijnsPeriodical save, work in progress

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
ACGeneProductENSG00000143199 (Ensembl Human) adenylate cyclase
ATPMetaboliteHMDB01532 (HMDB)
Arachidonic acidMetaboliteHMDB01043 (HMDB)
Big ET1Protein
CADGeneProductENSG00000084774 (Ensembl Human)
  • Calmodulin binding protein; tonically inhibits the ATPase activity of myosin in smoothe muscle; mediating factor for Ca2+ dependent inhibition of smooth muscle contraction
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CGRPGeneProductENSG00000110680 (Ensembl Human)
COX2GeneProduct4513 (Entrez Gene)
CRLRGeneProductENSG00000064989 (Ensembl Human)
Ca2+ channelProtein
Ca2+MetaboliteHMDB00464 (HMDB)
CaMGeneProductENSG00000198668 (Ensembl Human)
CapGeneProductENSG00000130176 (Ensembl Human)
  • Calponin; tonically inhibits the ATPase activity of myosin in smooth muscle
  • Type your comment here
CitrullineMetaboliteHMDB00904 (HMDB)
DAGMetaboliteHMDB07008 (HMDB)
ECEGeneProductENSG00000117298 (Ensembl Human)
EDNRAGeneProductENSG00000151617 (Ensembl Human)
EDNRBGeneProductENSG00000136160 (Ensembl Human)
ERK1/2GeneProductENSG00000100030 (Ensembl Human)
Endothelin 1GeneProductENSG00000078401 (Ensembl Human)
Furin-like proteaseProtein
GTPMetaboliteHMDB01440 (HMDB)
GaIGeneProductENSG00000127955 (Ensembl Human)
GaQGeneProductENSG00000060558 (Ensembl Human)
GaSGeneProductENSG00000087460 (Ensembl Human)
GbIGeneProductENSG00000069966 (Ensembl Human)
GbQGeneProductENSG00000069966 (Ensembl Human)
GbSGeneProductENSG00000069966 (Ensembl Human)
GgIGeneProductENSG00000127588 (Ensembl Human)
GgQGeneProductENSG00000127588 (Ensembl Human)
GgSGeneProductENSG00000127588 (Ensembl Human)
IP1GeneProductENSG00000160013 (Ensembl Human) Prostaglandin I2 Receptor
IP3MetaboliteHMDB01059 (HMDB)
K+ channelProtein
K+MetaboliteHMDB00586 (HMDB)
L-ArginineMetaboliteHMDB00517 (HMDB)
MEKGeneProductENSG00000169032 (Ensembl Human)
MLCGeneProductENSG00000168530 (Ensembl Human) myosine light chain
MLCKGeneProductENSG00000065534 (Ensembl Human)
NOMetaboliteHMDB03378 (HMDB)
NPYGeneProductENSG00000122585 (Ensembl Human)
PIP2MetaboliteHMDB10032 (HMDB)
PKAGeneProductENSG00000178796 (Ensembl Human)
PKCGeneProductENSG00000154229 (Ensembl Human)
PLCbGeneProductENSG00000182621 (Ensembl Human)
Pre-pro ET1Protein
RAFGeneProductENSG00000132155 (Ensembl Human)
RAMP1GeneProductENSG00000132329 (Ensembl Human)
SERCAGeneProductENSG00000174437 (Ensembl Human)
Y1GeneProductENSG00000164128 (Ensembl Human)
a adrenergic receptorGeneProductENSG00000120907 (Ensembl Human)
b adrenergic receptorGeneProductENSG00000043591 (Ensembl Human)
eNOSGeneProductENSG00000164867 (Ensembl Human)
sGCGeneProductENSG00000123201 (Ensembl Human)

Annotated Interactions

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