Sucrose metabolism (Arabidopsis thaliana)

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Revision as of 08:32, 15 February 2014 by Egonw (Talk | contribs)
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sucrosehexokinaseglucose 6-phosphatefructosesucrose synthaseglucoseUDP-glucoseinvertaseUTPglucose-6-phosphate isomerasefructose 6-phosphateglucose 1-phosphateGlycolysisATPADPhexokinaseATPADPphosphoglucomutaseUDP-glucose pyrophosphorylasePPiStarch Metabolism


This pathway represents the reactions for the synthesis and degradation in the cytosol of plants.

Enzymes, metabolites and cofactors are represented according to different sources (KEGG, Plant Physiology (third edition), UniProt) Enzyme IDs are either UniProt or Enzyme code and are non-exhaustive due to the redundancy of most databases. Metabolite IDs are as of yet incomplete.

Links to other pathways are represented as well.

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118414view14:18, 27 May 2021EweitzOntology Term : 'starch and sucrose metabolic pathway' added !
117257view10:01, 19 May 2021EweitzModified title
94564view15:33, 27 September 2017DeSlModified description
94563view15:32, 27 September 2017DeSlChanged name of sucrose 6-P to sucrose 6'-P (which is the correct compound for this PW). Added the sucrose 6-P conversion to fructose in PW.
94562view13:32, 27 September 2017DeSlModified description
83874view10:56, 18 December 2015SbohlerCompleted interactions IDs
83828view14:34, 14 December 2015SbohlerMinor changes in layout/formating
78383view10:22, 7 January 2015MaintBotadded missing graphIds
77914view14:01, 29 October 2014EgonwRemoved database names when no identifier was given.
77896view12:21, 25 October 2014EgonwFixed the KEGG Compound data source names.
77818view12:03, 20 October 2014AnweshaAnnotated interactions
76223view13:42, 18 June 2014SbohlerAll protein nodes are now annotated with UNIPROT IDs. Information about multiple isoforms was added. Subcellular location of hexokinase isoforms has been drawn from publication (1) since the information provided in UNIPROT entries appears to be erroneous.
75328view13:44, 19 May 2014SbohlerAdded cell border and label for Chloroplast.
73924view10:51, 4 March 2014AnweshaOntology Term : 'sucrose biosynthetic pathway' added !
73682view08:36, 15 February 2014EgonwAdded IDs for the two pathways.
73681view08:32, 15 February 2014EgonwAdded a bunch of missing metabolite identifiers.
73619view10:14, 6 February 2014SbohlerModified description
73618view10:11, 6 February 2014SbohlerModified description
73610view13:50, 4 February 2014SbohlerSpecify description
73607view13:23, 4 February 2014AnweshaNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
ATPMetaboliteHMDB00538 (HMDB)
Starch MetabolismPathway
UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylaseProtein2.7.7.9 (Enzyme Nomenclature)
fructose 6-phosphateMetaboliteHMDB00124 (HMDB)
fructoseMetaboliteHMDB00660 (HMDB)
glucose 1-phosphateMetaboliteHMDB01586 (HMDB)
glucose 6-phosphateMetaboliteHMDB01401 (HMDB)
glucose-6-phosphate isomeraseProtein5.3.1.9 (Enzyme Nomenclature)
glucoseMetaboliteHMDB00122 (HMDB)
hexokinaseProtein2.7.1.1 (Enzyme Nomenclature)
invertaseProtein3.2.1.26 (Enzyme Nomenclature)
phosphoglucomutaseProtein5.4.2.2 (Enzyme Nomenclature)
sucrose synthaseProtein2.4.1.13 (Enzyme Nomenclature)
sucroseMetaboliteHMDB00258 (HMDB)

Annotated Interactions

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