Brassinolide biosynthetic pathway (Arabidopsis thaliana)

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Revision as of 15:16, 30 August 2015 by Egonw (Talk | contribs)
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1PreceptionSignal Transductiondpy3-DehydroteasteroneDet2brilBrassinolideCastasterone6������-Hydroxycastasterone(24R)-24-Methyl-cholest-4-en-3-one6-Oxocampestanolcpddwf4CathasteroneTyphasterolteasteronecbb3dwf3ikacu-36-Deoxocastasterone6-Deoxotyphasterol3-Dehydro-6-deoxoteasterone6-Deoxoteasterone6-DeoxocathasteroneCampestenol6α-Hydroxycampestenol(24R)-24-Methyl-5������-cholestan-3-onedwf4dwf4cpd(24R)-24-Methylcholest-4-en-3������-olCampesterol24-Methylenecholesteroldwf6lk


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  1. Noguchi T, Fujioka S, Takatsuto S, Sakurai A, Yoshida S, Li J, Chory J; ''Arabidopsis det2 is defective in the conversion of (24R)-24-methylcholest-4-En-3-one to (24R)-24-methyl-5alpha-cholestan-3-one in brassinosteroid biosynthesis.''; Plant Physiol, 1999 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Koka CV, Cerny RE, Gardner RG, Noguchi T, Fujioka S, Takatsuto S, Yoshida S, Clouse SD; ''A putative role for the tomato genes DUMPY and CURL-3 in brassinosteroid biosynthesis and response.''; Plant Physiol, 2000 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  3. Shimada Y, Fujioka S, Miyauchi N, Kushiro M, Takatsuto S, Nomura T, Yokota T, Kamiya Y, Bishop GJ, Yoshida S; ''Brassinosteroid-6-oxidases from Arabidopsis and tomato catalyze multiple C-6 oxidations in brassinosteroid biosynthesis.''; Plant Physiol, 2001 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  4. Kim TW, Hwang JY, Kim YS, Joo SH, Chang SC, Lee JS, Takatsuto S, Kim SK; ''Arabidopsis CYP85A2, a cytochrome P450, mediates the Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of castasterone to brassinolide in brassinosteroid biosynthesis.''; Plant Cell, 2005 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  5. Choe S, Noguchi T, Fujioka S, Takatsuto S, Tissier CP, Gregory BD, Ross AS, Tanaka A, Yoshida S, Tax FE, Feldmann KA; ''The Arabidopsis dwf7/ste1 mutant is defective in the delta7 sterol C-5 desaturation step leading to brassinosteroid biosynthesis.''; Plant Cell, 1999 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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124900view16:43, 30 December 2022EgonwActual LM identifier (c/p typo?)
124882view13:00, 21 December 2022Conroy lipidsOntology Term : 'lipid metabolic pathway' added !
124881view12:59, 21 December 2022Conroy lipidscorrect some names, update ids to lipidmaps,add Rhe IDs where available
118617view09:04, 31 May 2021FinterlyFixed Ensembl linkout
92739view22:08, 2 July 2017MaintBotRemove synonymous DataNodes. Add identifiers.
92738view21:44, 2 July 2017MaintBotRemove some tomato and pea genes. Add an identifier.
92726view11:42, 30 June 2017DeSlModified description
89146view21:57, 22 August 2016AriuttaOntology Term : 'classic metabolic pathway' added !
81806view15:21, 30 August 2015EgonwDetermined the identity of the last metabolite without an ID.
81805view15:16, 30 August 2015EgonwFixed weird characters in compound names and added two metabolite identifiers.
73713view10:17, 18 February 2014MaintBottest encoding
73663view14:12, 13 February 2014Andraadded edges
73662view14:09, 13 February 2014AndraNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
24-MethylenecholesterolMetabolite83160 (Chemspider)
3-Dehydro-6-deoxoteasteroneMetabolite17221009 (Chemspider)
3-DehydroteasteroneMetabolite10378883 (Chemspider)
6-DeoxocastasteroneMetabolite21864867 (Chemspider)
6-DeoxocathasteroneMetabolite17221008 (Chemspider)
6-DeoxoteasteroneMetabolite17221009 (Chemspider)
6-DeoxotyphasterolMetabolite17221010 (Chemspider)
6-OxocampestanolMetabolite21374398 (Chemspider)
6α-HydroxycampestenolMetabolite24785516 (Chemspider)
6������-HydroxycastasteroneMetabolite21864868 (Chemspider)
BrassinolideMetabolite103072 (Chemspider)
CampestenolMetabolite25936841 (Chemspider)
CampesterolMetabolite151215 (Chemspider)
Castasterone Metabolite117794 (Chemspider)
CathasteroneMetabolite21864875 (Chemspider)
Typhasterol Metabolite10378882 (Chemspider)
cpd GeneProduct
teasteroneMetabolite21864885 (Chemspider)

Annotated Interactions

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