Cell-type dependent selectivity of CCK2R signaling (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 13:19, 1 July 2016 by AAR&Co (Talk | contribs)
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Ca2+PV+ basket cellendocannabinoidsCa2+ storesCCK+ Basket Cell presynaptic terminalNa+, Ca2+Ca2+Ca2+Pyramidal cellRyanodine receptorGi/0U73122NEMPLCB1cyclic ADPRryanodineCCK2RADPRYM022GABACCKDAGTRPC1Pertussis toxin2-APB, FFACB1Gq8-NH2-cADPRIP3 receptorDAG lipaseCCKCCK2RYM022Ryanodine receptorCa2+ storesIP3 receptorNa+, Ca2+


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  1. Lee SY, Földy C, Szabadics J, Soltesz I; ''Cell-type-specific CCK2 receptor signaling underlies the cholecystokinin-mediated selective excitation of hippocampal parvalbumin-positive fast-spiking basket cells.''; J Neurosci, 2011 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Lee SH, Soltesz I; ''Requirement for CB1 but not GABAB receptors in the cholecystokinin mediated inhibition of GABA release from cholecystokinin expressing basket cells.''; J Physiol, 2011 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


View all...
128772view23:25, 21 February 2024EweitzStandardize metabolite nomenclature, case
127931view22:53, 17 January 2024Khanspersupdated depcition of GABA release from presynaptic terminal, added xref for endocannabinoids
117678view12:04, 22 May 2021EweitzModified title
96380view06:51, 11 March 2018EgonwReplaced secondary ChEBI identifiers with primary identifiers.
96379view06:50, 11 March 2018EgonwFixed a character encoding issue.
94188view14:09, 25 August 2017Mkutmonadded missing metabolite identifier
93125view07:50, 31 July 2017DeSlreverted change of cyclic ADPR (Pubchem SID was wrong database, had to be Pubchem CID)
93102view16:10, 28 July 2017DeSlChanged pubchem sub ID to chemspider ID cyclic ADPR
90184view18:35, 21 October 2016Khanspersupdated catalysis
90111view19:32, 13 October 2016Khanspersxref update and layout
89166view03:41, 23 August 2016AriuttaOntology Term : 'signaling pathway' added !
88785view20:01, 14 August 2016AAR&CoModified title
88784view20:01, 14 August 2016AAR&CoEdited Nodes
88782view19:59, 14 August 2016AAR&CoAdded Data Node
88780view19:57, 14 August 2016AAR&CoAdded Data Nodes
88775view19:44, 14 August 2016AAR&CoOntology Term : 'basket cell' added !
88774view19:43, 14 August 2016AAR&CoOntology Term : 'pyramidal neuron' added !
88764view19:07, 14 August 2016AAR&CoAdd Comments
88761view18:59, 14 August 2016AAR&CoModify Labels
88760view18:57, 14 August 2016AAR&CoModify Datanodes
88757view18:47, 14 August 2016AAR&CoOntology Term : 'pertussis' added !
88756view18:46, 14 August 2016AAR&CoModify Datanode
88753view18:41, 14 August 2016AAR&CoPeriodical save, work in progress
88746view18:24, 14 August 2016AAR&CoPeriodical save, work in progress
88743view18:18, 14 August 2016AAR&CoModify Datanode
88612view00:55, 12 August 2016AAR&CoUnconnected lines
88599view20:01, 11 August 2016Mkutmonfix unconnected lines
88555view01:53, 11 August 2016AAR&CoFix unconnected lines
88553view01:48, 11 August 2016AAR&CoAdd citation
88552view01:47, 11 August 2016AAR&CoModified description
86138view13:19, 1 July 2016AAR&CoModified description
86137view13:18, 1 July 2016AAR&CoNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
2-APB, FFAMetabolite1540 (Chemspider)
8-NH2-cADPRartifically added antagonist of cyclic ADPR
ADPRMetabolite388340 (Chemspider) adenosine diphosphate ribose
CB1GeneProductENSG00000118432 (Ensembl) Cannabinoid receptor 1
CCK2RGeneProductENSG00000110148 (Ensembl) receptor
CCKGeneProductENSG00000187094 (Ensembl)
DAG lipaseGeneProductENSG00000134780 (Ensembl)
GABAMetabolite116 (Chemspider)
  • gamma-Aminobutyric acid
  • inhibitory neurotransmitter in mammalian CNS
Gi/0GeneProductENSG00000127955 (Ensembl)
GqGeneProductENSG00000156052 (Ensembl)
IP3 receptorGeneProductENSG00000150995 (Ensembl) had no significant affect on CCK pathway
NEM4209 (Chemspider) artifically added inhibitor of Gi/0
PLCB1GeneProductENSG00000182621 (Ensembl)
Pertussis toxinIPR003899 (InterPro)
  • artifically added inhibitor of Gi/0
  • Protein based toxin produced by Bordetella pertussis
Ryanodine receptor GeneProductENSG00000198838 (Ensembl) channel that allows passage of ER stored Ca2+
TRPC1GeneProductENSG00000144935 (Ensembl)
  • likely forms complexes with TRPC4 and TRPC5
  • transient receptor potential ion channel
  • Artifically added bacterial gene
  • Treponema sp. 15kD lipoprotein gene
YM022GeneProductartificially added inhinitor of CCK2
cyclic ADPRMetabolite21403087 (Chemspider)
ryanodine16736002 (Chemspider) artificially added inhibitor of ryanodine receptor

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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