Unfolded Protein Response (Homo sapiens)
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The Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) is a regulatory system that protects the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) from overload. The UPR is provoked by the accumulation of improperly folded protein in the ER during times of unusually high secretion activity. Analysis of mutants with altered UPR, however, shows that the UPR is also required for normal development and function of secretory cells.
One level at which the URP operates is transcriptional and translational regulation: mobilization of ATF6 and IRE1 leads to increased transcription of genes encoding chaperones, and mobilization of PERK (pancreatic eIF2alpha kinase, EIF2AK3) leads to phosphorylation of the translation initiation factor eIF2alpha and global down-regulation of protein synthesis. These three regulatory pathways are annotated here. View original pathway at:Reactome.
One level at which the URP operates is transcriptional and translational regulation: mobilization of ATF6 and IRE1 leads to increased transcription of genes encoding chaperones, and mobilization of PERK (pancreatic eIF2alpha kinase, EIF2AK3) leads to phosphorylation of the translation initiation factor eIF2alpha and global down-regulation of protein synthesis. These three regulatory pathways are annotated here. View original pathway at:Reactome.
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BiP is also a general chaperone capable of binding unfolded proteins in the ER lumen. When chaperone activity in the ER is overwhelmed, BiP dissociates from ATF6-alpha and binds the excess unfolded proteins. It is unclear whether the dissociation is due to competition of unfolded proteins for BiP or to a more specific interaction between BiP and ATF6-alpha. The dissociation exposes the Golgi localization sequences of ATF6-alpha and allows ATF6-alpha to transit to the Golgi.
The ribonuclease activity of IRE1-alpha also degrades subsets of mRNAs in the vicinity of the ER membrane, thereby reducing the amount of protein entering the ER.
Xbp-1 mRNA that has been cleaved by IRE1-alpha encodes a 40 kd protein designated Xbp-1 (S). Xbp-1 (S) is a potent bZIP transcription factor that transits from the cytosol to the nucleus and binds the sequence CCACG in the ER Stress Responsive Element (ERSE).
BiP is a general chaperone that also binds unfolded proteins within the ER. Thus BiP dissociates from IRE1-alpha when chaperone activity is overwhelmed by unfolded proteins in the ER.