Bile acid synthesis and enterohepatic circulation (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 23:17, 27 February 2019 by Khanspers (Talk | contribs)
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Hepatocyte1EnterocyteFGFR4FXR1Bile AcidASBTLDLNTCPBile acidABCG8LDLRABCB11ABCG5De Novo SynthesisCholesterolBile AcidCYP7A1MAPK1FXR1LDL cholesterolMAPK3FGF19


Bile Acid Synthesis and Enterohepathic Circulation.

Based on figure 1 in Wang et al.

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  1. Wang Y, Ding WX, Li T; ''Cholesterol and bile acid-mediated regulation of autophagy in fatty liver diseases and atherosclerosis.''; Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Biol Lipids, 2018 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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129532view01:27, 9 May 2024EweitzModified title
129531view01:25, 9 May 2024EweitzOntology Term : '' added !
129530view01:25, 9 May 2024EweitzOntology Term : '' added !
123503view04:59, 29 July 2022EgonwMade a pathway clickable
116629view11:16, 9 May 2021EweitzModified title
103474view09:17, 6 March 2019DeSlLayout update
103473view09:16, 6 March 2019DeSlUpdating lit ref (again)
103472view09:14, 6 March 2019DeSlUpdated lit. ref.
103471view09:14, 6 March 2019DeSlAdded more IDs.
103417view23:27, 27 February 2019KhanspersModified description
103416view23:20, 27 February 2019KhanspersModified description
103415view23:17, 27 February 2019Khanspersfinalizing
101972view14:04, 21 November 2018DeSlChanged secondary to primary ChEBI ID for serotonin.
98957view05:24, 18 October 2018EgonwAdded an ChEBI id for bile acid (=compound class).
98909view15:29, 15 October 2018DeSlAdded lit. ref again, hope all info is now on WPs
98908view15:28, 15 October 2018DeSlConnected info from lit ref according to description of figure
98855view23:07, 9 October 2018VioletHOntology Term : 'bile acid biosynthetic pathway' added !
98854view23:06, 9 October 2018VioletHNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
ABCB11GeneProductENSG00000073734 (Ensembl)
ABCG5GeneProductENSG00000138075 (Ensembl)
ABCG8GeneProductENSG00000143921 (Ensembl)
ASBT GeneProduct
Bile AcidMetaboliteCHEBI:3098 (ChEBI)
Bile acidMetaboliteCHEBI:3098 (ChEBI)
CYP7A1GeneProductENSG00000167910 (Ensembl)
CholesterolMetaboliteCHEBI:16113 (ChEBI)
De Novo Synthesis Pathway
FGF19GeneProductENSG00000162344 (Ensembl)
FXR1GeneProductENSG00000114416 (Ensembl)
LDL cholesterolMetaboliteCHEBI:47774 (ChEBI)
LDLProteinCHEBI:39026 (ChEBI)
LDLRGeneProductENSG00000130164 (Ensembl)
MAPK1GeneProductENSG00000100030 (Ensembl)
MAPK3GeneProductENSG00000102882 (Ensembl)
NTCP GeneProduct

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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