Biosynthesis and regeneration of tetrahydrobiopterin and catabolism of phenylalanine (Homo sapiens)

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4, 5, 86968, 9698, 988, 974, 646, 7698, 992946, 74, 96 LiverGTP cyclohydrolase deficiencyDNAJC12 is a co-chaperone ofPAHNon-enzymatic?PrimapterinTHPAHnorepinephrineNH2TPSerotoninCOMTMAOAMAOPheN-acetylserotoninCR7,8-BH2Neopterin5-OH-TrpPCDARGTPDHFRNeurotransmitters(dopamine/serotonin)SNADNAJC12PTPPNMTBiopterinPTPSSRtyrq-BH2NADPHCRTrpDopamineASMTL-DOPAsepiapterinDHPR5HIAAoxo-PH4GTPCHO2Phenyl-alanineHO-BH4PAHDBHBH43-OMDHVATPHSAMO2448, 94SRDopa-responsive dystonia6-pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin synthase deficiencysepiapterin reductase deficiencyphenylalanine-4-hydroxylase deficiencydihydrofolate reductase deficiencydihydropteridine reductase deficiencypterin-4a-carbinolamine dehydratasen deficiencytyrosine hydroxylase deficiencyaromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase deficiencyDiseaseCatalysisPathwayStimulationProteinMetaboliteConversionConnection to diseaseLegendBiomarkerDNAJC12 deficiency3DNAJC12DNAJC12 deficiency3DNAJC12 interacts with PAH,TH, and the TPHs22CR4ARAADC4MAOMAOAMAOB1MHPGEpinephrine6, 77VMA776SAMCOMT66melatonin6Protein1cofactorComplex


This pathway shows disorders related to phenylalanine and tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) metabolism. Disorders resulting from an enzyme defect are highlighted in pink. Pathological metabolites used as specific markers are highlighted in purple. BH4 is a natural cofactor for PAH, tyrosine-3-hydroxylase, tryptophan-5-hydroxylase and nitric oxide synthase (NOS), where the latter two are key enzymes in the biosynthesis of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin. This pathway was inspired by Edition 5, Chapter 20 of the book of Blau (ISBN 9783030677268) (Ed.4 Chapter 1).

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  1. Blau, Nenad, Duran, Marinus, Gibson, K. Michael, Dionisi-Vici, Carlo; ''Physician's Guidee to the Diagnosis, Treatment, and Follow-Up of Inherited Metabolic Diseases'''; , 2014
  2. K Hyland; ''Neurochemistry and defects of biogenic amine neurotransmitter metabolism''; J Inherit Metab Dis ., 1999 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  3. Yair Anikster, Tobias B Haack, Thierry Vilboux, Ben Pode-Shakked, Beat Thöny, Nan Shen, Virginia Guarani, Thomas Meissner, Ertan Mayatepek, Friedrich K Trefz, Dina Marek-Yagel, Aurora Martinez, Edward L Huttlin, Joao A Paulo, Riccardo Berutti, Jean-François Benoist, Apolline Imbard, Imen Dorboz, Gali Heimer, Yuval Landau, Limor Ziv-Strasser, May Christine V Malicdan, Corinne Gemperle-Britschgi, Kirsten Cremer, Hartmut Engels, David Meili, Irene Keller, Rémy Bruggmann, Tim M Strom, Thomas Meitinger, James C Mullikin, Gerard Schwartz, Bruria Ben-Zeev, William A Gahl, J Wade Harper, Nenad Blau, Georg F Hoffmann, Holger Prokisch, Thomas Opladen, Manuel Schiff; ''Biallelic mutations in DNAJC12 cause hyperphenylal- aninemia, dystonia, and intellectual disability''; Am J Hum Genet., 2017 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  4. Kunwar Jung-Kc, Nastassja Himmelreich, Karina S Prestegård, Tie-Jun Sten Shi, Tanja Scherer, Ming Ying, Ana Jorge-Finnigan, Beat Thöny, Nenad Blau, Aurora Martinez; ''henylalanine hydroxylase variants interact with the co-­ chaperone DNAJC12.''; Hum Mutat., 2019 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  5. Hyun-U Cho, Sunpil Kim, Jeongeun Sim, Seulkee Yang, Heeyoung An, Min-Ho Nam, Dong-Pyo Jang, C Justin Lee; ''Redefining differential roles of MAO-A in dopamine degradation and MAO-B in tonic GABA synthesis''; Exp Mol Med . , 2021 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  6. K Kusmierska, E E W Jansen, C Jakobs, K Szymanska, E Malunowicz, D Meilei, B Thony, N Blau, J Tryfon, D Rokicki, E Pronicka, J Sykut-Cegielska; ''Sepiapterin reductase deficiency in a 2-year-old girl with incomplete response to treatment during short-term follow-up''; J Inherit Metab Dis ., 2009 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  7. Heiko Brennenstuhl, Sabine Jung-Klawitter, Birgit Assmann, Thomas Opladen; ''Inherited Disorders of Neurotransmitters: Classification and Practical Approaches for Diagnosis and Treatment''; Neuropediatrics . , 2019 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  8. Phillip L Pearl, Denise D Wallis, K Michael Gibson; ''Pediatric neurotransmitter diseases''; Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep., 2004 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  9. Mark J Crabtree, Keith M Channon; ''Synthesis and recycling of tetrahydrobiopterin in endothelial function and vascular disease''; Nitric Oxide ., 2011 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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128201view01:52, 29 January 2024EweitzSoften disease color
126053view13:30, 31 March 2023DeSlChanged placement of RHEA IDs (on MIM-conversion iso mim-catalysis)
126052view13:27, 31 March 2023DeSlFixed nodes previously missed
126051view13:25, 31 March 2023DeSlConverted geneProducts to Proteins
126050view13:24, 31 March 2023DeSlUpdated Wikidata IDs to UniProt for Enzymes
124953view08:12, 7 January 2023EgonwFixed the OMIM link patterns
123763view13:06, 12 August 2022DeSlFix spelling mistake disorder name
123762view12:55, 12 August 2022DeSlOntology Term : 'phenylketonuria pathway' added !
123761view12:54, 12 August 2022DeSlOntology Term : 'phenylketonuria' added !
123760view12:53, 12 August 2022DeSlOntology Term : 'BH4-deficient hyperphenylalaninemia B' added !
123759view12:51, 12 August 2022DeSlOntology Term : 'dopa responsive dystonia pathway' added !
123758view12:46, 12 August 2022DeSlAdded new lit. ref. 21550412
123689view11:32, 10 August 2022DeSlFixed line connecting two disorders, converted to GraphicalLine
123667view14:44, 8 August 2022DeSlUpdate description for Ed. 5
123666view14:42, 8 August 2022DeSlUpdate legend with complex/cofactor drawing
123665view14:40, 8 August 2022DeSlAdded reactions from serotonin to melatonin
123664view14:28, 8 August 2022DeSlfinalizing additonal metabolic steps from dopamine to VMA and MHPG
123663view14:19, 8 August 2022DeSlAdding new reactions for dopamine to norepinephrine
123662view14:16, 8 August 2022DeSlAdded ID for oxo-PH4
123661view14:15, 8 August 2022DeSlAdded enzymes for dopamine and serotonin conversion
123660view14:04, 8 August 2022DeSlAdded 3-OMD, reconnected HVA and 5HIAA
123658view13:38, 8 August 2022DeSlUpdate OMIM ID for AADC
123657view13:36, 8 August 2022DeSlAdded new disorder related to DNAJC12
123656view13:18, 8 August 2022DeSlUpdate OMIM ID for DHFR related disorder
123655view13:06, 8 August 2022DeSlAdded another primary reference for PW
121756view12:02, 3 March 2022DeSlAdded source for book ref.
120404view09:16, 30 November 2021Fehrhartboxed pathway node
119290view11:03, 23 June 2021FinterlyAdded ISBN for book citation
114490view12:55, 17 January 2021DeSlAdded small textual details
114393view16:13, 9 January 2021DeSlAdditional comment for THD (SEGAWA)
114392view16:11, 9 January 2021DeSlOntology Term : 'Segawa syndrome pathway' added !
114391view16:11, 9 January 2021DeSlUpdating OMIM ID for tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency.
114390view16:07, 9 January 2021DeSlOntology Term : 'dystonia 5' added !
114389view16:06, 9 January 2021DeSlOntology Term : 'sepiapterin reductase deficiency' added !
114388view16:06, 9 January 2021DeSlOntology Term : 'megaloblastic anemia' added !
114387view16:04, 9 January 2021DeSlOntology Term : 'PW:0000013' removed !
114386view16:03, 9 January 2021DeSlMore updates for readability of full PW.
114385view15:59, 9 January 2021DeSlVisual updates for readability
114384view15:56, 9 January 2021DeSlAdded legend
111782view13:40, 7 September 2020DeSlUpdated Ec ID for tryptophan hydroxylase
111627view06:16, 31 August 2020EgonwModified description
111626view06:15, 31 August 2020EgonwModified title
108075view11:44, 28 November 2019FehrhartOntology Term : 'disease pathway' added !
106780view13:26, 17 September 2019MaintBotHMDB identifier normalization
104867view11:54, 21 June 2019Josienlandmancorrected two OMIM references
104403view14:54, 23 May 2019IreneHemelAdded Rhea, ChEBI and Uniprot IDs
104397view14:22, 23 May 2019IreneHemelChanged interactions to graphical lines for diseases
104072view13:37, 2 May 2019DdiglesAdded rhea IDs for TPH and PCD reactions, added/modified ChEBI IDs for molecules in these reactions.
104018view17:35, 25 April 2019IreneHemelModified description
98949view12:20, 17 October 2018DeSlModified description

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
3-OMDMetaboliteCHEBI:82913 (ChEBI) AKA 3-ortho-methyldopa (3-OMD)
5-OH-TrpMetaboliteCHEBI:58266 (ChEBI)
5HIAAMetaboliteHMDB0000763 (HMDB) 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid
7,8-BH2MetaboliteQ5276421 (Wikidata) 7,8-dihydrobiopterin
AADCProteinQ421186 (Wikidata) aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase
ARProtein1.1.1.21 (Enzyme Nomenclature) AKA aldose reductase
ASMTProteinP46597 (Uniprot-TrEMBL) AKA hydroxyindole O-methyltransferase, HIOMT (deprecated alias), N-Acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase, also known as ASMT
BH4MetaboliteCHEBI:30436 (ChEBI) AKA tetrahydropterin, 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin
BiopterinMetaboliteQ41793745 (Wikidata)
COMTProteinP21964 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CRProtein1.1.1.184 (Enzyme Nomenclature) AKA carbonyl reductase
CRProteinQ1145916 (Wikidata) carbonyl reductase
DBHProteinP09172 (Uniprot-TrEMBL) AKA dopamine β-hydroxylase
DHFRProteinQ417149 (Wikidata) dihydrofolate reductase
DHPRProteinQ21145902 (Wikidata) dihydropteridine reductase
DNAJC12GeneProduct56521 (Entrez Gene) "DNAJC12 interacts with PAH, TH, and the TPHs, which indicates that DNAJC12 is a specific co-­chaperone for the aromatic amino acid hydroxylases that contributes to the maintenance of their intracellular stability"
DopamineMetaboliteQ170304 (Wikidata)
EpinephrineMetaboliteHMDB00068 (HMDB)
GTPMetaboliteCHEBI:37565 (ChEBI)
GTPCHGeneProductP30793 (Uniprot-TrEMBL) aka GTP cyclohydrolase I
HO-BH4MetaboliteCHEBI:15642 (ChEBI) AKA pterin-4a-carbinolamine
HVAMetaboliteQ903566 (Wikidata) homovanillic acid
L-DOPAMetaboliteQ300989 (Wikidata)
MAOProtein1.4.3.4 (Enzyme Nomenclature) AKA monoamine oxidase
MAOAProteinP21397 (Uniprot-TrEMBL) "Serotonin, melatonin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine are mainly broken down by MAO-A." Source:
MAOBProteinP27338 (Uniprot-TrEMBL) "MAO-A and MAO-B were believed to metabolize dopamine, tyramine, and tryptamine; however, recent evidence suggests MAO-B may not be responsible for a significant amount of dopamine degradation." Source:
MHPGMetaboliteCHEBI:1576 (ChEBI) AKA 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol
N-acetylserotoninMetaboliteCHEBI:17697 (ChEBI)
NADPHMetaboliteQ26841327 (Wikidata)
NH2TPMetaboliteCHEBI:58462 (ChEBI) aka 7,8-dihydroneopterin 3'-triphosphate, dihydroneopterin triphosphate, dihydroneopterin-PPP
NeopterinMetaboliteQ908292 (Wikidata)
Neurotransmitters (dopamine/serotonin)PathwayWP4220 (WikiPathways)
O2MetaboliteCHEBI:15379 (ChEBI)
PAHProteinP00439 (Uniprot-TrEMBL) AKA phenylalanine hydroxylase
PAHProteinQ420604 (Wikidata) phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase
PCDProtein4.2.1.96 (Enzyme Nomenclature) AKA pterin-4a-carbinolamine dehydratase
PNMTProteinP11086 (Uniprot-TrEMBL) AKA phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase
PTPMetaboliteCHEBI:136564 (ChEBI) 6-pyruvoyl tetrahydropterin, 6PPH4
PTPSGeneProductQ03393 (Uniprot-TrEMBL) AKA 6-pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin synthase
PheMetaboliteCHEBI:28044 (ChEBI)
Phenyl-alanineMetaboliteQ170545 (Wikidata)
PrimapterinMetaboliteQ26261687 (Wikidata)
SAMMetaboliteCHEBI:15414 (ChEBI) Necessary cofactor for enzymatic reaction (lead by enzyme catechol-O-methyltransferase) is s-adenosyl methionine (SAM).
SNAProteinQ16613 (Uniprot-TrEMBL) AKA serotonin N-acetylase; "Aralkylamine N-acetyltransferase (AANAT) (EC, also known as arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase or serotonin N-acetyltransferase (SNAT); an enzyme that is involved in the day/night rhythmic production of melatonin, by modification of serotonin. " Source:]
SRGeneProductQ15331000 (Wikidata) sepiapterin reductase
SerotoninMetaboliteCHEBI:28790 (ChEBI)
THProteinQ420766 (Wikidata) tyrosine hydroxylase
TPHProtein1.14.16.4 (Enzyme Nomenclature) tryptophan hydroxylase
TrpMetaboliteQ181003 (Wikidata)
VMAMetaboliteCHEBI:20106 (ChEBI) AKA Vanillylmandelic acid
melatoninMetaboliteCHEBI:16796 (ChEBI)
norepinephrineMetaboliteCHEBI:33569 (ChEBI)
oxo-PH4Metabolite135398702 (PubChem-compound) AKA 6-lactoyltetrahydropterin (1′-oxoTHP) [PMID:1913029].
q-BH2MetaboliteCHEBI:43120 (ChEBI) Dihydrobiopterin
sepiapterinMetaboliteQ2271580 (Wikidata)
tyrMetaboliteQ188017 (Wikidata)

Annotated Interactions

SourceTargetTypeDatabase referenceComment
GTPNH2TPmim-conversion17474 (Rhea)
NH2TPPTPmim-conversion22049 (Rhea)
PCDmim-catalysisRHEA:11920 (Rhea)
TPHmim-catalysisRHEA:16709 (Rhea)
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