Resolvin E1 and resolvin D1 signaling decrease inflammation (Homo sapiens)

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Epithetial integritySecretion1NucleusG α subunitPolymorphonuclear neutrophilThr308LTB4 would normally bind to its receptor LTB4R and consequently activate AKT1 and NFkB pathway.However, when RvE1 is present, it binds to the receptoor, therefore inhibitimng the binding of LTB4 and inhibiting the NFkB pathway as well.NucleusNFkBADCY1RvE1FPR2PDK1RvD1TNF-α signalingATPLTB4RLTB4AKT1GRK1PP2TNF-α signalingAcinar Cell3AKT1PPSer473Ser473Thr308MigrationApoptosisRvE2 also has a very similar function as RvE1, however the latter was found to be a stronger activator of the receptor CMKLR1.CMKLR1cAMPPIK3CGPI-3 kinase IPIK3CBPIK3CAPIK3CDERKmTORC2


Signaling pathway of resolvin for resolution of inflammation in polymorphonuclear neutrophils and acinar cells

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  1. Makoto Arita, Taisuke Ohira, Yee-Ping Sun, Siva Elangovan, Nan Chiang, Charles N Serhan; ''Resolvin E1 selectively interacts with leukotriene B4 receptor BLT1 and ChemR23 to regulate inflammation''; Pubmed, 2007 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. David Keinan, Noel J Leigh, Joel W Nelson, Laura De Oleo, Olga J Baker; ''Understanding resolvin signaling pathways to improve oral health''; Pubmed, 2013 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  3. David Keinan, Noel J. Leigh, Joel W. Nelson, Laura De Oleo, Olga J. Baker.; ''Understanding Resolvin Signaling Pathways to Improve Oral Health''; Pubmed, 2013 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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129560view14:42, 13 May 2024EweitzIndividualize nodes where appropriate
129559view13:23, 13 May 2024EweitzFix typos, economize layout
129558view13:08, 13 May 2024EweitzUse standard components for cell and nucleus, economize layout in neutrophil
129550view13:40, 12 May 2024EweitzModified description
129549view13:39, 12 May 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'acinar cell' added !
129548view13:38, 12 May 2024EweitzModified title
125329view22:22, 31 January 2023LarsgwAdd PMID to reference
122556view02:15, 16 April 2022EweitzModified title
122383view12:28, 26 March 2022EgonwNot a mim-conversion
122382view11:41, 26 March 2022EgonwModified title
122036view10:53, 9 March 2022ElisaSantarsieroadded new datanode for mTORC2
122030view10:46, 9 March 2022ElisaSantarsierochanged phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases into the corrresponding complex
122029view10:44, 9 March 2022ElisaSantarsieroERK changed
122025view10:26, 9 March 2022ElisaSantarsierochanged ERK into MAPK
121916view12:02, 8 March 2022ElisaSantarsieroChanged G-protein coupled receptor kinase (metabolite) into GRK1 (protein)
121913view11:41, 8 March 2022ElisaSantarsierofixed a typing mistake
121911view10:57, 8 March 2022ElisaSantarsieroChanged adenylate cyclase ID.
121910view10:43, 8 March 2022ElisaSantarsieroAdenylate cyclase conversion of ATP to cAMP changed.
121909view10:32, 8 March 2022ElisaSantarsieroModified description
121905view10:20, 8 March 2022ElisaSantarsieroModified title
121903view10:17, 8 March 2022ElisaSantarsieroOntology Term : 'lipid signaling pathway' added !
121902view10:16, 8 March 2022ElisaSantarsieroOntology Term : 'mature neutrophil' added !
121900view10:05, 8 March 2022ElisaSantarsieroModified description
121806view14:19, 6 March 2022EgonwI don't think this is a chemical conversion
121782view11:41, 5 March 2022EgonwNot a conversion.
121773view16:19, 3 March 2022DeSldisconnected reactions to phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, type is wrong.
121770view12:44, 3 March 2022DeSlConverted colour of ERK to show metabolite
121769view12:41, 3 March 2022DeSlCondensed PW
121768view12:40, 3 March 2022DeSlConnected unconnected line hidden behind MTORC2
121767view12:39, 3 March 2022DeSldisconnected cAMP catalysis
121766view12:35, 3 March 2022DeSlMade PW nodes clickable, small layout changes
121765view12:34, 3 March 2022DeSlConverted MIM-catalysis from metabolites to proteins to arrows
121764view12:34, 3 March 2022DeSlConverted arrows in legend to graphical Lines, small layout change
121556view11:07, 21 February 2022ElisaSantarsieroFixed the role of ATP in adenylate cyclase's catalysis of cAMP.
121555view11:04, 21 February 2022ElisaSantarsieroAdded label of G protein alpha subunit. Added another reference used to understand the role of adenylate cyclase and the function of ATP in it.
121532view09:06, 21 February 2022ElisaSantarsieroAdded RvE2 details
121487view11:43, 18 February 2022ElisaSantarsieroupdate LTB4 connection with LTB4R
121349view09:06, 16 February 2022ElisaSantarsieroNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
ADCY1ProteinENSG00000164742 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
AKT1GeneProductENSG00000142208 (Ensembl)
ATPMetaboliteCHEBI:30616 (ChEBI)
CMKLR1GeneProductENSG00000174600 (Ensembl)
ERKGeneProduct2048 (Entrez Gene)
FPR2GeneProductENSG00000171049 (Ensembl)
GRK1ProteinQ15835 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
LTB4MetaboliteCHEBI:15647 (ChEBI)
LTB4RGeneProductENSG00000213903 (Ensembl)
NFkBPathwayWP4562 (WikiPathways)
PDK1GeneProductENSG00000152256 (Ensembl)
PI-3 kinase IProtein2.7.1.137 (Enzyme Nomenclature)
PIK3CAProteinP42336 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PIK3CBProteinP42338 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PIK3CDProteinO00329 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PIK3CGProteinP48736 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RvD1MetaboliteCHEBI:81564 (ChEBI)
RvE1MetaboliteCHEBI:81559 (ChEBI)
TNF-α signalingPathwayWP231 (WikiPathways)
cAMPMetaboliteCHEBI:17489 (ChEBI)
mTORC2ProteinP42345 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)

Annotated Interactions

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