Catabolism of skeletal muscle in cachexia (Homo sapiens)

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43710157134961241151316141515153574542113158PathwayProteasome degradationStimulationTranscription-translationInhibitionMAPK11SMAD3NF-kB complexTNFRSF1AIL1BPI3KCPX-3269TNFProtein synthesisAKT1CEBPBRELBSMAD2TNFRSF12AMTORNFKB2EP300RELASTAT3IKBKGACVR2AAKT1S1RPTORRELPDK1MAP1LC3ACHUKMSTNIL6RNFKBIAJAK1NFKB1IGF1TNFSF12IGF1RIKBKBFBXO32FOXO3Autophagy lysosomal systemIL1AIL6IL1R1MLST8TRIM63TRIM63FBXO32MAP1LC3ACPX-503BindingComplexIndirect stimulationComplex identifierGeneProduct


Cancer related cachexia is a metabolic disease that is defined by an increased breakdown of muscle protein. Muscle breakdown in cachexia occurs mostly due to activation of either the ubiquitin proteasome system, or the autophagy lysosomal system. In this pathway an overview is presented of the different mechanisms that have been found to activate these two systems involved in muscle degradation.

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  8. Sandri M, Sandri C, Gilbert A, Skurk C, Calabria E, Picard A, Walsh K, Schiaffino S, Lecker SH, Goldberg AL; ''Foxo transcription factors inducethe atrophy-related ubiquitin ligase atrogin-1 and cause skeletal muscle atrophy.''; Cell, 2004 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  9. Antonia RJ, Karelehto E, Toriguchi K, Matli M, Warren RS, Pfeffer LM, Donner DB; ''STAT3 regulates inflammatory cytokine production downstream of TNFR1 by inducing expression of TNFAIP3/A20.''; J Cell Mol Med, 2022 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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  11. Li YP, Reid MB; ''NF-kappaB mediates the protein loss induced by TNF-alpha in differentiated skeletal muscle myotubes.''; Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 2000 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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  17. Goodman CA, McNally RM, Hoffmann FM, Hornberger TA; ''Smad3 induces atrogin-1, inhibits mTOR and protein synthesis, and promotes muscle atrophy in vivo.''; Mol Endocrinol, 2013 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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134347view14:32, 20 July 2024EweitzImprove alignment
134346view14:31, 20 July 2024EweitzTailor node dimensions, economize layout
134345view14:26, 20 July 2024EweitzEconomize layout
134344view14:23, 20 July 2024EweitzStandardize pathway node shape
134343view14:21, 20 July 2024EweitzRefine legend
134342view13:54, 20 July 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'cell of skeletal muscle' added !
134221view09:11, 17 July 2024EgonwNormalized the Complex Portal data source
134220view09:10, 17 July 2024EgonwRemoved redundant newlines
134219view09:08, 17 July 2024EgonwRemoved duplicate descriptions.
134111view13:50, 20 June 2024NberkOrganisational reworks
134109view21:13, 18 June 2024NberkChanges to legend
134108view08:40, 18 June 2024NberkCorrected SMAD interactions
134102view14:54, 17 June 2024NberkUpdated legend and references
134101view20:48, 16 June 2024NberkExtended legend
134096view12:27, 15 June 2024NberkCorrected title
134091view14:21, 13 June 2024NberkAdded legend
133928view14:21, 12 June 2024NberkSmall design adjustments
133896view11:23, 12 June 2024NberkAdded mTORC1 identifier
132354view13:49, 6 June 2024NberkSMAD2 identifier and small changes to the layout
131842view13:08, 4 June 2024NberkChanged comments to MAPK11 and CPX-3269
131840view10:12, 4 June 2024NberkReverted to version '12:08, 31 May 2024' by Nberk
131839view10:12, 4 June 2024NberkReverted to version '14:01, 29 May 2024' by Nberk
131838view10:10, 4 June 2024NberkReverted to version '23:41, 30 May 2024' by Nberk
130965view12:08, 31 May 2024NberkModified description
130876view23:41, 30 May 2024EweitzModified title
130670view14:01, 29 May 2024NberkOntology Term : 'cancer pathway' added !
130669view14:01, 29 May 2024NberkOntology Term : 'signaling pathway' added !
130668view13:59, 29 May 2024NberkOntology Term : 'muscle cell' added !
130667view13:59, 29 May 2024NberkOntology Term : 'cancer' added !
130666view13:58, 29 May 2024NberkOntology Term : 'disease pathway' added !
130663view13:51, 29 May 2024NberkNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
ACVR2AGeneProductENSG00000121989 (Ensembl)
AKT1GeneProductENSG00000142208 (Ensembl)
AKT1S1GeneProductENSG00000204673 (Ensembl)
Autophagy lysosomal systemPathwayWP4923 (WikiPathways)
CEBPBGeneProductENSG00000172216 (Ensembl)
CHUKGeneProductENSG00000213341 (Ensembl)
CPX-3269 ComplexCPX-3269 (Other) Complex Portal
CPX-503 ComplexCPX-503 (Other) Complex Portal
EP300ProteinENSG00000100393 (Ensembl)
FBXO32ProteinENSG00000156804 (Ensembl)
FOXO3GeneProductENSG00000118689 (Ensembl)
IGF1GeneProductENSG00000017427 (Ensembl)
IGF1RGeneProductENSG00000140443 (Ensembl)
IKBKBGeneProductENSG00000104365 (Ensembl)
IKBKGGeneProductENSG00000269335 (Ensembl)
IL1AGeneProductENSG00000115008 (Ensembl)
IL1BGeneProductENSG00000125538 (Ensembl)
IL1R1GeneProductENSG00000115594 (Ensembl)
IL6GeneProductENSG00000136244 (Ensembl)
IL6RGeneProductENSG00000160712 (Ensembl)
JAK1GeneProductENSG00000162434 (Ensembl)
MAP1LC3AGeneProductENSG00000101460 (Ensembl)
MAPK11 GeneProductENSG00000185386 (Ensembl) p38beta MAPK
MLST8GeneProductENSG00000167965 (Ensembl)
MSTNGeneProductENSG00000138379 (Ensembl)
MTORGeneProductENSG00000198793 (Ensembl)
NF-kB complex Complex
NFKB1GeneProductENSG00000109320 (Ensembl)
NFKB2GeneProductENSG00000077150 (Ensembl)
NFKBIAGeneProductENSG00000100906 (Ensembl)
PDK1GeneProductENSG00000152256 (Ensembl)
PI3KGeneProductPF00454 (Pfam)
Proteasome degradation PathwayWP183 (WikiPathways)
Protein synthesisPathwayWP107 (WikiPathways)
RELAGeneProductENSG00000173039 (Ensembl)
RELBGeneProductENSG00000104856 (Ensembl)
RELGeneProductENSG00000162924 (Ensembl)
RPTORGeneProductENSG00000141564 (Ensembl)
SMAD2GeneProductENSG00000175387 (Ensembl)
SMAD3GeneProductENSG00000166949 (Ensembl)
STAT3GeneProductENSG00000168610 (Ensembl)
TNFGeneProductENSG00000232810 (Ensembl)
TNFRSF12AGeneProductENSG00000006327 (Ensembl)
TNFRSF1AGeneProductENSG00000067182 (Ensembl)
TNFSF12GeneProductENSG00000239697 (Ensembl)
TRIM63 GeneProductENSG00000158022 (Ensembl) MuRF1
TRIM63ProteinENSG00000158022 (Ensembl)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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