Glycogen synthesis and degradation (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 18:35, 10 December 2009 by MaintBot (Talk | contribs)
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1SynthesisPhosphorylase KinaseGlycolysisSer/Thr Protein Phosphatase 2ADegradationPHKA2Glycogen (n+1)GYG2PPP2R2AGlucose-1-phosphatePYGMPPP2R2CcAMPPPP2R1AGlycogenGBE1GYS1PPP2R2BPPP2R4PYGLGlycogenPHKBPHKG1PYGBPPP2R5APPP2R5DAGLPPP2R5CGlucosePPP2CBGYGPPP2R3BUGP2PHKG2CALM1Glucose-6-phosphatePPP2R1BUGP2UDP-glucoseGlycogen (n+1)PPP2R5BGlucose 1-phosphatePGM1PPP2R3APPP2CAGSK3ACALM2PHKA1CALM3GYS2PPP2R5EGSK3B


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  1. Moses SW, Bashan N, Gutman A; ''Glycogen metabolism in the normal red blood cell.''; Blood, 1972 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Salway, Jack G; ''Metabolism at a Glance''; John Wiley & Sons, 2016


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126238view17:23, 17 April 2023EgonwLicense is CCZero
121748view11:24, 3 March 2022DeSlremoved empty comments
119104view09:56, 17 June 2021FinterlyAdded ISBN, removed duplicate PublicationXref and fixed BiopaxRef
117146view09:42, 18 May 2021EweitzModified title
113973view06:29, 14 December 2020EgonwAnother clickable pathway
106813view13:29, 17 September 2019MaintBotHMDB identifier normalization
106435view23:24, 28 August 2019KhanspersModified description
105611view04:54, 10 August 2019KhanspersModified description
102318view08:02, 20 December 2018FehrhartChanged title due to overlap with Reactome pathway
97542view14:38, 24 May 2018Jessev1993Added annotated nodes for different forms of hexokinase and PYG
94085view12:36, 18 August 2017DeSlOntology Term : 'glycogen degradation pathway' added !
94084view12:35, 18 August 2017DeSlConnected last line.
93721view13:40, 14 August 2017DeSlChanged IDs for open-forms of several glucoses to closed forms; added glycogen to gluco-6-phos conversion+inhibition by glucose
89807view11:45, 6 October 2016Mkutmonfix description
63201view20:54, 8 May 2013MaintBotUpdating gpml version
45329view20:15, 7 October 2011AlexanderPicoModified description
45324view20:11, 7 October 2011AlexanderPicoOntology Term : 'glycogen metabolic pathway' added !
43019view11:51, 28 May 2011HarmNijveencorrected CAS ID for glucose-6-phospate
41230view23:46, 1 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
38907view20:41, 24 September 2010AlexanderPico
38906view20:40, 24 September 2010AlexanderPicopathway node, catalysis edges and layout
35631view19:04, 12 February 2010SusanModified description
35630view19:00, 12 February 2010SusanPeriodical save, work in progress
35452view11:48, 12 February 2010Andraadded reference
34475view18:35, 10 December 2009MaintBotAutomatic update of empty xrefs
32124view13:53, 14 August 2009MaintBotFixed group labels
21730view11:32, 14 November 2008MaintBot[[Pathway:Homo sapiens:Glycogen Metabolism]] moved to [[Pathway:WP500]]: Moved to stable identifier
14700view21:06, 23 May 2008KhanspersAdded connectors and metabolites
14697view19:41, 23 May 2008Khanspersconnectors
13072view11:13, 17 May 2008MaintBotautomated metabolite conversion
8090view13:46, 7 January 2008MaintBot[[Pathway:Human:Glycogen Metabolism]] moved to [[Pathway:Homo sapiens:Glycogen Metabolism]]: Renaming species
7667view16:08, 18 December 2007MaintBotfixed category names
7366view12:42, 4 November 2007MaintBotAdded categories to GPML
6328view22:17, 22 May 2007Kdahlquistgpml file for [[Human:Glycogen_Metabolism]]

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
AGLGeneProduct178 (Entrez Gene)
CALM1GeneProduct801 (Entrez Gene)
CALM2GeneProduct805 (Entrez Gene)
CALM3GeneProduct808 (Entrez Gene)
GBE1GeneProduct2632 (Entrez Gene)
GSK3AGeneProduct2931 (Entrez Gene)
GSK3BGeneProduct2932 (Entrez Gene)
GYG2GeneProduct8908 (Entrez Gene)
GYGGeneProduct2992 (Entrez Gene)
GYS1GeneProduct2997 (Entrez Gene)
GYS2GeneProduct2998 (Entrez Gene)
Glucose 1-phosphateMetaboliteHMDB01586 (HMDB)
Glucose-1-phosphateMetabolite59-56-3 (CAS)
Glucose-6-phosphateMetabolite59-56-3 (CAS)
GlucoseMetabolite50-99-7 (CAS)
Glycogen (n+1)Metabolite9005-79-2 (CAS)
GlycogenMetabolite9005-79-2 (CAS)
PGM1GeneProduct5236 (Entrez Gene)
PHKA1GeneProduct5255 (Entrez Gene)
PHKA2GeneProduct5256 (Entrez Gene)
PHKBGeneProduct5257 (Entrez Gene)
PHKG1GeneProduct5260 (Entrez Gene)
PHKG2GeneProduct5261 (Entrez Gene)
PPP2CAGeneProduct5515 (Entrez Gene)
PPP2CBGeneProduct5516 (Entrez Gene)
PPP2R1AGeneProduct5518 (Entrez Gene)
PPP2R1BGeneProduct5519 (Entrez Gene)
PPP2R2AGeneProduct5520 (Entrez Gene)
PPP2R2BGeneProduct5521 (Entrez Gene)
PPP2R2CGeneProduct5522 (Entrez Gene)
PPP2R3AGeneProduct5523 (Entrez Gene)
PPP2R3BGeneProduct28227 (Entrez Gene)
PPP2R4GeneProduct5524 (Entrez Gene)
PPP2R5AGeneProduct5525 (Entrez Gene)
PPP2R5BGeneProduct5526 (Entrez Gene)
PPP2R5CGeneProduct5527 (Entrez Gene)
PPP2R5DGeneProduct5528 (Entrez Gene)
PPP2R5EGeneProduct5529 (Entrez Gene)
PYGBGeneProduct5834 (Entrez Gene)
PYGLGeneProduct5836 (Entrez Gene)
PYGMGeneProduct5837 (Entrez Gene)
UDP-glucoseMetaboliteHMDB00286 (HMDB)
UGP2GeneProduct7360 (Entrez Gene)
cAMPMetaboliteHMDB00058 (HMDB)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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