Help:Editing Pathways

From WikiPathways

Revision as of 22:45, 26 April 2007 by Khanspers (Talk | contribs)
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Editing Pathways

In addition to editing the text fields on a given Pathway Page, this wiki also supports the ability to edit the pathway itself! Click on Edit pathway on any Pathway Page and a webstart version of the PathVisio program will open with the current pathway loaded. You can then add, edit or delete content from the pathway. When you save, updated versions of the images, controlled text, and data files are generated and are immediately available. Try it out in the Sandbox pathway!

Editing the pathway image with PathVisio webstart

Pathway editing for WikiPathways is done in a webstart version of PathVisio. PathVisio supports a number of common drawing tools, as well as an interface for linking objects on pathways to an underlying gene database. For detailed instructions on how to use the PathVisio program please refer to PathVisio Help and PathVisio FAQ.

Editing text fields

Text fields on Pathway Page is edited like any other text on a wiki. Please refer to the WikiMedia website for details on formatting.


Each Pathway Page includes a Description section, which contains information about the biological process described in the pathway. The Description can be edited by clicking the Edit link to the right of the Description section.


Each Pathway Page includes a Bibliography section, designed to hold reference information relevant to the pathway. When editing a pathway, any references to publications, textbooks and websites can be added to this section by clicking the Edit link next to the Bibliography section. Details on how to incorporate literature references can be found here.


Categories Each pathway is categorized into one or several categories, listed under Categories. The category assignment can be edited or new categories added to the pathway by clicking the Edit link to the right of the Categories section.

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