Curation Jamboree Jul 2013

From WikiPathways

Revision as of 19:32, 19 June 2013 by Khanspers (Talk | contribs)
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Join us for a curation jamboree!

Have you always wanted to contribute to WikiPathways but didn't know where to start? Here's your chance! We are organizing our next curation event to improve the quality and extent of our pathways. Curation events are open to all registered WikiPathways users, no prior experience necessary!

>>> LIVE CHAT<<< (Available during the event)

  • When: Thursday and Friday, July 11-12, 2013
  • Support: WikiPathways admins and curators will host local events in San Francisco (US) and Maastricht (NL) and will also be available in an online chat channel during the event to answer all your questions.

Below a list of tasks we need your help with.

Suggested tasks

Add ontology tags

The purpose of this task is to add relevant ontology terms to pathways, which serves as a way of organizing WikiPathways content. WikiPathways can be tagged with ontology terms from pathway, disease and cell type ontologies.

  1. Review the contents of the pathway, pathway description and bibliography to get an idea of what ontology tags are relevant.
  2. In the Ontology Tags section of the pathway page, find tags either by searching or by browsing the available ontologies.
  3. After selecting a term, add it to the pathway by clicking the Add check mark.

Connect interactions

A pathway may be tagged with the Unconnected interactions tag anytime ANY lines in the pathway are not connected to another object in the pathway. This includes lines that are purely graphical and that shouldn't be connected to objects. You can list pathways per curation tag here.

  1. To find out which lines are unconnected, click the Edit button to open the pathway in the editor and click Ctrl+L to highlight all unconnected lines.
  2. For lines representing interactions between datanodes or between datanodes and other objects, connect any unconnected lines according to instructions in Help.
  3. Once the pathway contains no unconnected lines, or if the remaining unconnected lines are purely graphical, remove the Unconnected lines tag from the pathway.

Fix titles

Update curation tags

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