Lipid particles composition (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 14:51, 9 January 2016 by Egonw (Talk | contribs)
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Apo EApo C-IIIHDLApo A-ILCATcholesterolcholesterylesterApo C-IIApo B-100CETPApo A-IIVLDLcholesterylesterApo EApo C-IIApo C-IIIApo B-48Apo EApo C-IIApo C-IIIChylomicron


This particle describes the chemical composition of various lipid particles. See also WP430 and other pathways.

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  1. Steinberg D; ''Lewis A. Conner Memorial Lecture. Oxidative modification of LDL and atherogenesis.''; Circulation, 1997 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Mahley RW; ''Apolipoprotein E: cholesterol transport protein with expanding role in cell biology.''; Science, 1988 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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117687view12:09, 22 May 2021EweitzModified title
106212view12:10, 16 August 2019MaintBotHMDB identifier normalization
103449view16:42, 1 March 2019DeSlModified description
89202view04:01, 23 August 2016AriuttaOntology Term : 'lipid metabolic pathway' added !
87388view11:05, 22 July 2016MaintBotadded missing graphids
84331view09:02, 6 February 2016EgonwMarked complex labels with ChEBI IDs as metabolite.
84144view13:49, 19 January 2016EgonwAnother piece of the puzzle (HT to Freddy for pointing me to the paper)
84085view12:24, 13 January 2016EgonwAdded a reference for the LDL->oxLDL conversion.
84017view16:10, 10 January 2016EgonwMore info and more particles.
84004view15:14, 9 January 2016EgonwAdded TG to VLDL.
84003view15:08, 9 January 2016EgonwAdded more identifiers.
84002view14:55, 9 January 2016EgonwModified description
84001view14:54, 9 January 2016EgonwModified description
84000view14:51, 9 January 2016EgonwModified title
83999view14:50, 9 January 2016EgonwNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
Apo A-IProtein
Apo A-IIProtein
Apo B-100Protein
Apo B-48Protein
Apo C-IIProtein
Apo C-IIIProtein
Apo EProtein
CETPGeneProductENSG00000087237 (Ensembl)
LCATGeneProductENSG00000213398 (Ensembl)
cholesterolMetaboliteHMDB00067 (HMDB)
cholesteryl esterMetaboliteCHEBI:17002 (ChEBI)

Annotated Interactions

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