RIOK1 and RIOK2 in EGFR- and PI3K-mediated tumorigenesis (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 22:10, 14 August 2016 by AAR&Co (Talk | contribs)
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1L11 Ribosomal Stress ResponseAAkt1Egfrp53Cell Cycle ArrestTumorogenesisPtenPi3KfoxoRIOK2TORC2RIOK1ChemosensetivityEgfrPi3KPtenfoxoTORC2RIOK1RIOK2Akt1Apoptosis


This pathway is based on figure 7 from Read et al. When over-expressed the RIOK1 and RIOK2 proteins signal downstream of Akt to induce tumorigensis. RIOK2 also regulates signaling upstream of AKT through stimulation of TORC2 protein. In the absence of RIOK1 and RIOK2 the cell undergoes the L11 Ribosomal Stress Response due to reduction of AKT signaling which invokes p53 to stimulate the apoptosis cascade, chemosensitivity, and cell cycle arrest in the cell.

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  1. Read RD, Fenton TR, Gomez GG, Wykosky J, Vandenberg SR, Babic I, Iwanami A, Yang H, Cavenee WK, Mischel PS, Furnari FB, Thomas JB; ''A kinome-wide RNAi screen in Drosophila Glia reveals that the RIO kinases mediate cell proliferation and survival through TORC2-Akt signaling in glioblastoma.''; PLoS Genet, 2013 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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127936view17:29, 18 January 2024KhanspersOntology Term : 'altered phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-Akt signaling pathway' added !
127935view17:29, 18 January 2024KhanspersOntology Term : 'glioblastoma' added !
127934view17:25, 18 January 2024Khanspersswapped unconnected pathway nodes for labels
127929view22:11, 17 January 2024Khanspersupdated to Homo sapiens, updated xrefs and description
123360view04:51, 18 July 2022EgonwMade two pathways clickable
108159view10:42, 29 November 2019FehrhartOntology Term : 'cancer' added !
89744view23:50, 29 September 2016KhanspersModified title
89642view23:21, 22 September 2016KhanspersCombined into one diagram
89111view18:41, 22 August 2016AAR&CoDeleted extra comment
89062view06:46, 19 August 2016FehrhartConnected line
88807view22:10, 14 August 2016AAR&CoOntology Term : 'altered stress response pathway' added !
88806view22:09, 14 August 2016AAR&CoOntology Term : 'cancer pathway' added !
88805view22:09, 14 August 2016AAR&CoModified description
88804view22:07, 14 August 2016AAR&CoAdded New Nodes
88803view22:04, 14 August 2016AAR&CoModified description
88799view21:07, 14 August 2016AAR&CoNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
Akt1GeneProductFBgn0010379 (Ensembl) AKT Not Specified
ApoptosisPathwayWP31 (WikiPathways) Identifier Not Found
Cell Cycle ArrestPathwayWP31 (WikiPathways)
ChemosensetivityPathwayIdentifier Not Found
EgfrGeneProductFBgn0003731 (Ensembl)
Pi3KGeneProductFBgn0015279 (Ensembl)
PtenGeneProductFBgn0026379 (Ensembl)
RIOK1GeneProductFBgn0036187 (Ensembl)
RIOK2GeneProductFBgn0039306 (Ensembl)
TORC2GeneProductQ3U182 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
TumorogenesisPathwayIdentifier Not Found
foxoGeneProductFBgn0038197 (Ensembl)
p53GeneProductFBgn0039044 (Ensembl)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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