Metabolism of sphingolipids in ER and Golgi apparatus (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 14:44, 30 August 2017 by DeSl (Talk | contribs)
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SPHK2SPHK11Endoplasmic ReticulumTranslocation from ER to Golgi apparatusGalactosyltransferase (GalT1)sphingosine kinaseB3GALNT1ethanolamine phosphateDihydroceramideSphinganine3-ketosphinganineCeramidehexadecanalSphinganine 1-phosphateSphingosineSphingosineSPL1SPHK2SPHK1sphingosine kinaseSPGG1SPGG2SPGG1SPGG2SPTLC1P1SPTLC1P2SPTLC1P3SPTLC1P4SPTLC1P5KDSRCERS3Golgi apparatusgalactosyl-ceramideceramide-1-phosphateGalCer synthaseCERKSphingomyelinglucosylceramideSulfatidegalactosylceramideSM synthaseGlcCer synthaselactosylceramideB3GALT1B4GALNT1B4GALT1GALNT1GALNTL1serinePalmitoyl CoACeramidegalactosyl-ceramideDEGS2DEGS1Dihydroceramide desaturaseSPL1


The metabolism of SphingoLipids (SLs) in the ER and Golgi apparatus. Sphingolipids, or glycosyl-ceramides, are a class of lipids containing a backbone of sphingoid bases, a set of aliphatic amino alcohols that includes sphingosine. These compounds play important roles in signal transmission and cell recognition.

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  1. Lahiri, S., A. H. Futerman; ''The metabolism and function of sphingolipids and glycosphingolipids''; Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2007 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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128518view01:06, 11 February 2024EweitzStandardize case
128517view01:06, 11 February 2024EweitzTweak tailoring
128516view01:05, 11 February 2024EweitzRefine tailored fix of site-PathVisio graphics discrepancy
128515view01:03, 11 February 2024EweitzFix site-PathVisio graphics descrepancy to favor site, soften Golgi apparatus area background color, standardize case
124466view08:30, 30 October 2022DdiglesModified title
119292view11:06, 23 June 2021Finterlyadded PMID
117156view09:46, 18 May 2021EweitzModified title
110014view18:33, 12 April 2020EgonwRemoved the RHEA: prefix.
108860view15:01, 3 February 2020DeSlChanged arrowd to MIM_translocation for Er to Golgi interactions.
108859view15:00, 3 February 2020DeSlChanged spingosine kinase ID from Wikidata to EC number.
108858view14:58, 3 February 2020DeSlChanged Wikidata ID to Uniprot for CERK.
108857view14:57, 3 February 2020DeSlChanged SPL1 ID from Uniprot to Wikidata; added Rhea ID for reaction to hexadecanal (from sphinganine).
108856view14:52, 3 February 2020DeSlChanged Wikidata ID to Uniprot for GlcCer synthase.
108855view14:48, 3 February 2020DeSlAdded Uniprot for SGMS2 iso Wikidata.
108854view14:46, 3 February 2020DeSlChanged SPTLC1P1/2/3/4/5 IDs from Wikidata to Entrez Gene (all pseudogenes, no Uniprot ID findable).
108853view14:42, 3 February 2020DeSlAdded uniprot ID for SGMS1, added rhea ID for reaction to sphingomyelin (parent reaction).
108852view14:39, 3 February 2020DeSlAdded Uniprot ID for SPGG2 iso wikidata.
108851view14:36, 3 February 2020DeSlAdded Uniprot for SPGG1 iso Wikidata, annotated 1 reaction with rhea ID.
108850view14:33, 3 February 2020DeSlChanged B3GalT2 Wikidata to Uniprot ID.
108849view14:31, 3 February 2020DeSlAdded Uniprot ID for B4GalT2
108798view13:33, 30 January 2020DeSlUpdated KDSR, CERS3 and GalCer synthase IDs (wikidata -. Uniprot).
108797view12:30, 30 January 2020DeSlRemoved EC before IDs
106776view13:25, 17 September 2019MaintBotHMDB identifier normalization
97513view13:43, 24 May 2018Youssefwalid
97509view13:38, 24 May 2018YoussefwalidChanged mapping of SATIII to UniprotSwiss
96377view06:42, 11 March 2018EgonwReplaced secondary ChEBI identifiers with primary identifiers.
95051view14:18, 10 November 2017DeSlChanged metabolite nodes to protein nodes.
95050view13:55, 10 November 2017DeSlChanged metabolite nodes to enzyme nodes where appropriate.
94435view11:02, 8 September 2017DeSlConnected last line, changed name of wrong metabolite (one of the sphingosine nodes is actually sphingosine-1-phosphate).
94432view09:37, 8 September 2017DeSlAdded enzyme node (SGMS1) and identifier
94288view12:53, 31 August 2017DeSlChanged title
94287view12:19, 31 August 2017DeSlAdded everything after lactosylceramide.
94285view20:34, 30 August 2017DeSlOntology Term : 'lacto-series glycosphingolipid metabolic pathway' added !
94284view20:34, 30 August 2017DeSlOntology Term : 'glycosphingolipid metabolic pathway' added !
94283view20:27, 30 August 2017DeSlChanged appearance of PW.
94275view14:44, 30 August 2017DeSlOntology Term : 'sphingolipid metabolic pathway' added !
94274view14:44, 30 August 2017DeSlOntology Term : 'sphingolipid biosynthetic pathway' added !
94273view14:43, 30 August 2017DeSlModified description
94272view14:28, 30 August 2017DeSlMade 2 seperate nodes from palmitoyl CoA and Serine, drew lines for translocation.
94271view14:04, 30 August 2017DeSlAdded literature reference
94270view14:01, 30 August 2017DeSlNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
3-ketosphinganineMetaboliteQ27073739 (Wikidata)
B3GALNT1GeneProductENSG00000169255 (Ensembl)
B3GALT1GeneProductENSG00000172318 (Ensembl)
B4GALNT1GeneProductENSG00000135454 (Ensembl)
B4GALT1GeneProductENSG00000086062 (Ensembl)
CERKMetaboliteQ5063674 (Wikidata) Ceramide Kinase
CERS3MetaboliteQ17113326 (Wikidata) dihydroceramide synthase
CeramideMetaboliteCHEBI:7242 (ChEBI)
DEGS1MetaboliteQ21105760 (Wikidata)
DEGS2MetaboliteQ21115762 (Wikidata)
Dihydroceramide desaturaseMetaboliteQ17117943 (Wikidata)
DihydroceramideMetaboliteHMDB06752 (HMDB)
GALNT1GeneProductENSG00000141429 (Ensembl)
GALNTL1ProteinQ8N428 (Uniprot-TrEMBL) GALNT16 Synonyms:GALNTL1 (uniprot)
GalCer synthaseMetaboliteQ18032287 (Wikidata) UGT8 / CGT
GlcCer synthaseMetaboliteQ22678664 (Wikidata) glucosylceramide synthase (GCS)
KDSRMetaboliteQ1143172 (Wikidata) 3-ketodihydrosphingosine reductase
Palmitoyl CoAMetaboliteQ3361645 (Wikidata)
SM synthaseMetaboliteQ21123432 (Wikidata) Sphingomyelin synthase 2
SPGG1MetaboliteQ18047015 (Wikidata) sphingosine-1-phosphate phosphatase
SPGG2MetaboliteQ18049980 (Wikidata) sphingosine-1-phosphate phosphatase
SPHK1GeneProductENSG00000176170 (Ensembl)
SPHK2GeneProductENSG00000063176 (Ensembl)
SPL1MetaboliteQ21144795 (Wikidata) Sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase 1
SPTLC1P1MetaboliteQ18073548 (Wikidata) serine palmitoyltransferase
SPTLC1P2MetaboliteQ18073516 (Wikidata) serine palmitoyltransferase
SPTLC1P3MetaboliteQ18073519 (Wikidata) serine palmitoyltransferase
SPTLC1P4MetaboliteQ18073521 (Wikidata) serine palmitoyltransferase
SPTLC1P5MetaboliteQ18073551 (Wikidata) serine palmitoyltransferase
Sphinganine 1-phosphateMetaboliteQ27077062 (Wikidata)
SphinganineMetaboliteHMDB00269 (HMDB)
SphingomyelinMetaboliteQ423143 (Wikidata)
SphingosineMetaboliteQ418267 (Wikidata)
SphingosineMetaboliteQ46298 (Wikidata)
SulfatideMetaboliteQ408584 (Wikidata)
ceramide-1-phosphateMetaboliteQ35664620 (Wikidata) Cer-1-P
ethanolamine phosphateMetaboliteQ418826 (Wikidata)
galactosyl-ceramideMetaboliteQ2756638 (Wikidata) Galactocerebroside
galactosylceramideMetaboliteCHEBI:36498 (ChEBI) Gala-serie (=GalCer) GSLs (glycosphingolipids)
glucosylceramideMetaboliteQ35662896 (Wikidata)
hexadecanalMetaboliteQ27077978 (Wikidata)
lactosylceramideMetaboliteQ3215908 (Wikidata)
serineMetaboliteCHEBI:17822 (ChEBI)
sphingosine kinaseMetaboliteQ7576797 (Wikidata)

Annotated Interactions

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