Major receptors targeted by epinephrine and norepinephrine (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 15:17, 27 May 2019 by DeSl (Talk | contribs)
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β1 receptorβ2 receptorVasoconstrictionProtein phosphorylationα1 receptorα2 receptorNeurotransmittersPhospholipase CProtein kinase cDiglycerideNorepinephrinePKAcAMPIP3Epinephrineadenylyl cyclase calciumadenylyl cyclase adenylyl cyclase cAMPcAMPPKAProtein phosphorylationProtein phosphorylation


The physiologic actions of adrenergic receptors when stimulated by epinephrine/norepinephrine

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  1. Glen D. Lawrence; ''The Fats of Life: Essential Fatty Acids in Health and Disease''; Rutgers University Press; ISBN 978-0-8135-4677-3, 2010


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134727view21:50, 26 July 2024EweitzRefine label
134726view21:49, 26 July 2024EweitzMitigate striking graphical discrepancy between PathVisio and Kaavio / Pvjs
134725view21:47, 26 July 2024EweitzRegularize angles
134724view21:46, 26 July 2024EweitzReduce entangling among interaction
134723view21:42, 26 July 2024EweitzFix occluded elements
134722view21:40, 26 July 2024EweitzSimplify group, obsoleting bespoke interaction type
134721view21:35, 26 July 2024EweitzRefine legend
134718view12:33, 26 July 2024EweitzModified description
134717view12:33, 26 July 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'cardiac muscle cell' added !
134716view12:32, 26 July 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'cell of skeletal muscle' added !
134715view12:32, 26 July 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'hepatocyte' added !
127758view09:23, 3 December 2023EgonwChEBI id for Ca2+ instead of the "Ca" atom
123422view06:17, 26 July 2022EgonwMade more pathways clickable
119266view07:54, 23 June 2021FinterlyAdded ISBN for book citation
105272view21:21, 25 July 2019Khanspersconverted interactions in legend to graphical lines
105097view19:09, 5 July 2019AlexanderPicoModified description
105096view19:06, 5 July 2019AlexanderPicoModified title
104814view11:57, 19 June 2019ChrisAdded a legend
104630view05:48, 7 June 2019EgonwRemoved the RHEA: prefix from the identifier.
104482view19:18, 28 May 2019DeSlLayout changes
104481view19:18, 28 May 2019DeSlConnected PKC part (left hand side) again properly.
104480view19:05, 28 May 2019DeSlAdded PW links
104479view18:56, 28 May 2019DeSlAdded phosphorylation reaction conversion by PKA and regulation by cAMP.
104477view18:41, 28 May 2019DeSlAdded reactions for AC catalysing cAMP production
104473view14:52, 28 May 2019DeSlStarted updating pw with more biological content.
104454view15:38, 27 May 2019DeSlAdded IDs to adrenergic receptors.
104453view15:31, 27 May 2019DeSlAdded cellular compartment
104452view15:30, 27 May 2019DeSlAdded lit. ref for whole PW.
104451view15:29, 27 May 2019DeSlAdding special characters again, with UTF-8 encoding...
104450view15:23, 27 May 2019DeSlFixing special characters (again)
104449view15:17, 27 May 2019DeSlAdded neurotransmitter PW node, changed labels into Protein nodes (updated special characters) and connected with MIM-binding.
104445view11:49, 27 May 2019Chrischecking for special characters
104428view06:20, 25 May 2019EgonwRemoved broken identifier
104427view06:15, 25 May 2019EgonwModified title
104333view13:57, 17 May 2019FehrhartOntology Term : 'norepinephrine signaling pathway' added !
104332view13:56, 17 May 2019FehrhartOntology Term : 'epinephrine signaling pathway' added !
104178view05:37, 9 May 2019EgonwFixed the type of an metabolite; updated the sec cAMP identifiers to primary ChEBI identifiers.
104133view13:00, 6 May 2019ChrisModified title
104132view12:59, 6 May 2019ChrisOntology Term : 'classic metabolic pathway' added !
104131view12:55, 6 May 2019ChrisNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
DiglycerideMetaboliteCHEBI:41847 (ChEBI)
EpinephrineMetaboliteQ132621 (Wikidata) AKA adrenaline
IP3MetaboliteCHEBI:16595 (ChEBI)
NeurotransmittersPathwayWP4220 (WikiPathways)
PKAProteinQ15329721 (Wikidata)
Phospholipase CMetaboliteQ420248 (Wikidata)
Protein kinase cMetaboliteQ420877 (Wikidata)
adenylyl cyclase ProteinQ356257 (Wikidata)
cAMPProteinCHEBI:17489 (ChEBI)
calciumMetaboliteCHEBI:22984 (ChEBI)
α1 receptor Protein
α2 receptor Protein
β1 receptor Protein
β2 receptor Protein

Annotated Interactions

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