Monoterpene biosynthesis pathway in mint (Vitis vinifera)

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Revision as of 16:42, 31 October 2019 by DeSl (Talk | contribs)
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2(+)-NeomentholCDH(+)-IsomentholL6HGeranyl diphosphate(-)-Menthone(-)-Menthol(+)-MenthofuranISPD(+)-cis-IsopulegoneMFSISPIMNR 1(-)-trans-IsopiperitenolPR(-)-LimoneneLS(-)-trans-Carveol(+)-Isomenthone(+)-PulegoneMMR 1ISPR(-)-Carvone(+)-NeoisomentholL3H1111MMR 2111111111MNR 21


Monoterpenes (C10) are the major group of compounds within the essential oils of the mint (Lamiaceae) family. Peppermint (Mentha × piperita)is considered a model system for the study of monoterpene metabolism, which main steps are depicted in this pathway.

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  1. Croteau RB, Davis EM, Ringer KL, Wildung MR; ''(-)-Menthol biosynthesis and molecular genetics.''; Naturwissenschaften, 2005 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. McConkey ME, Gershenzon J, Croteau RB; ''Developmental regulation of monoterpene biosynthesis in the glandular trichomes of peppermint.''; Plant Physiol, 2000 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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117377view10:26, 21 May 2021EweitzModified title
108774view08:31, 29 January 2020DeSlModified description
108773view08:31, 29 January 2020DeSlModified description
107973view13:35, 18 November 2019Fehrhartconnected unconnected line
107751view16:42, 31 October 2019DeSlModified description
107750view16:39, 31 October 2019DeSlAdded general lit. ref for PW.
107749view16:38, 31 October 2019DeSlConnected all unconnected lines (added anchors to the conversion arrows).
106609view12:24, 11 September 2019Marvin M2Ontology Term : 'monoterpene biosynthetic pathway' added !
106605view20:34, 10 September 2019VAishwaryaModified title
106604view20:34, 10 September 2019VAishwaryaNew pathway

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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
(+)-IsomenthoneMetaboliteC11952 (KEGG Compound)
(+)-MenthofuranMetaboliteC18025 (KEGG Compound)
(+)-NeomentholMetaboliteC00553 (KEGG Compound)
(+)-PulegoneMetaboliteC09893 (KEGG Compound)
(+)-cis-IsopulegoneMetaboliteC11951 (KEGG Compound)
(-)-CarvoneMetaboliteC01767 (KEGG Compound)
(-)-LimoneneMetaboliteC00521 (KEGG Compound)
(-)-MentholMetaboliteC00400 (KEGG Compound)
(-)-MenthoneMetaboliteC00843 (KEGG Compound)
(-)-trans-CarveolMetaboliteC00964 (KEGG Compound)
(-)-trans-IsopiperitenolMetaboliteC01123 (KEGG Compound)
CDHProteinABR15424.1 (NCBI Protein) (-)-trans-carveol dehydrogenase
Geranyl diphosphateMetaboliteC00341 (KEGG Compound)
ISPDProtein(-)-Isopiperitenol / (-)-carveol dehydrogenase

---------ISPD-1------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 2 Location Identifier: Mlong585_04858 Number of Introns: 0 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 137 Homology to Canonical Genes: 98 %identity to Q5C9I9 ---------ISPD-2------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 2 Location Identifier: Mlong585_04874 Number of Introns: 0 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 137 Homology to Canonical Genes: 98 %identity to Q5C9I9 ---------ISPD-L1------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 2 Location Identifier: Mlong585_04859 Number of Introns: 0 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 127 Homology to Canonical Genes: 72 % identity to Q5C9I9 ---------ISPD-L2------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 2 Location Identifier: Mlong585_04873 Number of Introns: 0 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 127

Homology to Canonical Genes: 72 % identity to Q5C9I9
ISPIProtein(+)-cis-isopulegone isomerase
ISPRProteinAAQ75422.1 (NCBI Protein) (-)-trans-isopipertenone reductase

(-)-Isopiperitenone reductase ---------ISPR-1------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 11 Location Identifier: Mlong585_36604 Number of Introns: 4 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 20 Homology to Canonical Genes: 94 % identity to Q6WAU1 ---------ISPR-2------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 11 Location Identifier: Mlong585_36605 Number of Introns: 4 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 20

Homology to Canonical Genes: 99 % identity to Q6WAU1
L3HProteinAIS36971.1 (NCBI Protein) (-)-Limonene 3-hydroxylase ---------L3H-1------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 5 Location Identifier: Mlong585_17637 Number of Introns: 1 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 2281 Homology to Canonical Genes: 99 % identity to Q9XHE7 ---------L3H-2------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 5 Location Identifier: Mlong585_17629 Number of Introns: 1 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 2281 Homology to Canonical Genes: 99 % identity to Q9XHE7 ---------L3H-3------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 9 Location Identifier: Mlong585_30867 Number of Introns: 1 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 2475 Homology to Canonical Genes: 97 % identity to Q9XHE7 ---------L3H-4------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 9 Location Identifier: Mlong585_30867 Number of Introns: 1 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 2475

Homology to Canonical Genes: 97 % identity to Q9XHE7
L6HProteinAAT39473.1 (NCBI Protein) (-)-limonene 6-hydroxylase
LSProteinAGN90912.1 (NCBI Protein) (-)-Limonene Synthase ---------LS-1------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 5 Location Identifier: Mlong585_17628 Number of Introns: 6 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 5246 Homology to Canonical Genes: 98% identity to Q40322 ---------LS-2------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 5 Location Identifier: Mlong585_17636 Number of Introns: 6 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 5246

Homology to Canonical Genes: 98% identity to Q40322
MFSProteinABW86890.1 (NCBI Protein) (+)-menthofuran synthase ---------MFS-L1------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 2 Location Identifier: Mlong585_05231 Number of Introns: 2 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 1180

Homology to Canonical Genes: 90 % identity to Q947B7
MMR 1ProteinANA95861.1 (NCBI Protein) (-)-methone:(-)-menthol reductase ---------MMR-L1------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 11 Location Identifier: Mlong585_36607 Number of Introns: 6 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 107 Homology to Canonical Genes: 87 %identity to Q9XHE7

MMR 2ProteinANA95861.1 (NCBI Protein) (-)-methone:(-)-menthol reductase ---------MMR-L1------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 11 Location Identifier: Mlong585_36607 Number of Introns: 6 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 107

Homology to Canonical Genes: 87 %identity to Q9XHE7
MNR 1ProteinAAQ55959.1 (NCBI Protein) (-)-Menthone:(+)-isomenthol reductase-like ---------MNR-L1------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 11 Location Identifier: Mlong585_36608 Number of Introns: 0 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: n/a

Homology to Canonical Genes: pseudogene (premature stop codon)
MNR 2ProteinAAQ55959.1 (NCBI Protein) (-)-Menthone:(+)-isomenthol reductase-like ---------MNR-L1------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 11 Location Identifier: Mlong585_36608 Number of Introns: 0 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: n/a

Homology to Canonical Genes: pseudogene (premature stop codon
PRProteinAAQ75423.1 (NCBI Protein) (+)-pulegone reductase ---------PulR-1------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 3 Location Identifier: Mlong585_09229 Number of Introns: 4 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 3116 Homology to Canonical Genes: 95 % identity to Q6WAU0 ---------PulR-2------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 3 Location Identifier: Mlong585_09276 Number of Introns: 4 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 3116 Homology to Canonical Genes: 95 % identity to Q6WAU0 Mlong585_09276 ---------PulR-3------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 3 Location Identifier: Mlong585_09230 Number of Introns: 0 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: n/a Homology to Canonical Genes: pseudogene (premature stop codon) ---------PulR-L1------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 2 Location Identifier: Mlong585_06346 Number of Introns: 4 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 153 Homology to Canonical Genes: 92 % identity to Q6WAU0

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