Sandbox pathway test (Homo sapiens)
From WikiPathways
This is just one test pathway with a variety of object types including datanodes which can be annotated with database entries. Feel free to edit anything on this page. (updated) Making another description update to test.
This is a test to edit the description.
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- Talépéoo; ''Test''; Test, 2018
- Kelder T, van Iersel MP, Hanspers K, Kutmon M, Conklin BR, Evelo CT, Pico AR; ''WikiPathways: building research communities on biological pathways.''; Nucleic Acids Res, 2012 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
- Kelder T, Pico AR, Hanspers K, van Iersel MP, Evelo C, Conklin BR; ''Mining biological pathways using WikiPathways web services.''; PLoS One, 2009 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
- Pico AR, Kelder T, van Iersel MP, Hanspers K, Conklin BR, Evelo C; ''WikiPathways: pathway editing for the people.''; PLoS Biol, 2008 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
- MMP2è; ''Test''; Test, 2018
- Kelder T, Conklin BR, Evelo CT, Pico AR; ''Finding the right questions: exploratory pathway analysis to enhance biological discovery in large datasets.''; PLoS Biol, 2010 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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External references
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Name | Type | Database reference | Comment |
ADP | Metabolite | HMDB01508 (HMDB) | |
AKAP2 | GeneProduct | 11217 (Entrez Gene) | |
ATP | Metabolite | ||
Alpha-D-Glucose | Protein | ||
BRCA1 | GeneProduct | ENSG00000012048 (Ensembl) | |
Calcium | Metabolite | HMDB00464 (HMDB) | At least xx needed. |
D-Glucose | Metabolite | ||
MIR338 | Rna | ENSG00000211563 (Ensembl) | |
MMP2 | GeneProduct | ENSG00000087245 (Ensembl) | |
Substrate é | Metabolite | undefined (Ensembl) | |
TCA Cycle | Pathway | WP78 (WikiPathways) | |
test Ä | GeneProduct |
Annotated Interactions
Source | Target | Type | Database reference | Comment |
BRCA1 | mim-conversion | 10003 (Rhea) |