RAS and bradykinin pathways in COVID-19 (Homo sapiens)

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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none Blood vesselDegradationSensitization20-HETESERPINE1NFKB1bradykinin, des-arg(9)Kallikrein-KininSystemMAPK1SERPING1CYP24A1Complement andCoagulation CascadesL-arginineKLK1AldosteroneF12KLKB1AGTR1CPN1Vitamin D3VDRAGTR2BDKRB1BradykininAngiotensin IIKNG1Angiotensin IACEAng 1-7RENACE2AGTACEBDKRB2Ang 1-9Arachidonic acidCa++CYP3A4CYP3A4ACERelaxationPRKG1MLCPGuanylate cyclaseRHOAROCK1Guanosine triphosphatenitric oxideVascular smooth muscle cellCyclic guanosine monophosphatenitric oxideNOS1NOS3L-arginineInflammatory mediatorsProstaglandin E2Prostaglandin I2IL1AIL1BACE2TNFIL1ANFKB1IL1BProstaglandin E2Prostaglandin I2IL1AIL1BIncreased plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1 coded by SERPINE1) totissue/urokinase plasminogen activator (tPA/uPA) ratio leading to hypofibrinolysisName: RAS and bradykinin pathways in COVID-19Organism: Homo sapiens


This pathway describes imbalances in RAS and Bradykinin pathways in COVID-19.

The expression of several genes in these pathways is affected in by SARS-CoV-2:

  • SERPING1 is downregulated, which cancels the suppression of F12 of the intrinsic coagulation cascade, resulting in the production of bradykinin from kallikrein and KNG.
  • ACE is downregulated, which increases bradykinin levels.
  • ACE2 is upregulated, ACE is downregulated, which causes an increase in Angiotensin 1-9 and sensitization of bradykinin receptors.
  • NFkappaB is suppressed by SARS-Cov-2, decreasing its binding to the ACE promoter and subsequent transcription.

The result of a hyperactive bradykinin system is vasodilation to the point of vascular leakage and infiltration of inflammatory cells.

The pathway is based on Figure 2A from [Garvin et al.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7410499/).

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137796view06:27, 8 March 2025EgonwModified description
129170view14:36, 14 March 2024DeSlUpdated description
125829view20:41, 12 March 2023EgonwAdded missing reference info
125781view09:46, 10 March 2023DeSlChanged 'MIM-binding' between two metaboliutes to 'MIM-conversion'
120081view21:42, 29 October 2021Khansperscleaning up lit refs
120080view21:40, 29 October 2021Khansperscleaning up lit refs
120079view21:37, 29 October 2021Khanspersupdated lit refs
118979view06:49, 6 June 2021EgonwTranslocation
118837view09:14, 2 June 2021EweitzOntology Term : 'COVID-19' added !
118836view09:14, 2 June 2021EweitzOntology Term : 'DOID:934' removed !
118835view09:14, 2 June 2021EweitzOntology Term : 'DOID:2945' removed !
118834view09:13, 2 June 2021EweitzOntology Term : 'vascular associated smooth muscle cell' added !
116369view12:43, 4 May 2021EweitzModified title
115143view18:14, 28 January 2021KhanspersModified description
115142view18:13, 28 January 2021Khanspersfixed unconnected
114342view15:12, 8 January 2021PennyUpdated link from Angiotensin II to AGTR1 and SERPINE1 leading to the Complement and Coagulation Cascades-pathway.
114074view06:14, 21 December 2020EgonwMade two process label pathway DataNodes
114025view15:26, 17 December 2020EgonwReplaced the ChEBI ID of the protonated form with the ID for the neutral compound.
113957view13:52, 11 December 2020EgonwNew pathway also clickable
113929view13:56, 10 December 2020PennyAdded link to Complement and Coagulation cascades WP558
113912view21:25, 8 December 2020KhanspersModified description
113911view21:09, 8 December 2020KhanspersModified description
113910view21:05, 8 December 2020KhanspersUpdate literature reference
113909view20:47, 8 December 2020KhanspersModified description
113907view19:49, 8 December 2020KhanspersModified description
113906view19:34, 8 December 2020Khanspersupdated layout
113841view17:47, 30 November 2020Marvin M2Added bits downstream of bradykinin receptors
113829view08:29, 30 November 2020FehrhartOntology Term : 'disease pathway' added !
113828view08:29, 30 November 2020FehrhartOntology Term : 'viral infectious disease' added !
113827view08:29, 30 November 2020FehrhartOntology Term : 'severe acute respiratory syndrome' added !
113826view08:28, 30 November 2020Fehrhartsmall graphical adaptions
113635view05:33, 9 November 2020EgonwModified title
111967view22:48, 11 September 2020KhanspersNew pathway

External references


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Name  ↓Type  ↓Database reference  ↓Comment  ↓
20-HETEMetaboliteCHEBI:34306 (ChEBI)
ACEGeneProduct1636 (Entrez Gene)
ACE2GeneProduct59272 (Entrez Gene)
ACE2GeneProductENSG00000130234 (Ensembl)
AGTGeneProduct183 (Entrez Gene)
AGTR1GeneProduct185 (Entrez Gene)
AGTR2GeneProduct186 (Entrez Gene)
AldosteroneMetabolite52-39-1 (CAS)
Ang 1-7Metabolite110354 (Chemspider)
Ang 1-9MetaboliteC15851 (KEGG Compound)
Angiotensin IMetabolite3081372 (PubChem-compound)
Angiotensin IIMetaboliteHMDB0001035 (HMDB)
Arachidonic acidMetaboliteCHEBI:15843 (ChEBI)
BDKRB1GeneProduct623 (Entrez Gene)
BDKRB2GeneProduct624 (Entrez Gene)
BradykininMetaboliteHMDB0004246 (HMDB)
CPN1GeneProductENSG00000120054 (Ensembl)
CYP24A1GeneProductENSG00000019186 (Ensembl)
CYP3A4GeneProductENSG00000160868 (Ensembl)
Ca++MetaboliteHMDB0000464 (HMDB)
Complement and Coagulation CascadesPathwayWP558 (WikiPathways)
Cyclic guanosine monophosphateMetaboliteCHEBI:16356 (ChEBI)
F12GeneProductENSG00000131187 (Ensembl)
Guanosine triphosphateMetaboliteCHEBI:15996 (ChEBI)
Guanylate cyclaseProteinA0A140VJE6 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
IL1AGeneProductIL1A (HGNC)
IL1BGeneProductIL1B (HGNC)
KLK1GeneProductENSG00000167748 (Ensembl)
KLKB1GeneProductENSG00000164344 (Ensembl)
KNG1GeneProduct3827 (Entrez Gene)
Kallikrein-Kinin SystemPathway
L-arginineMetaboliteCHEBI:16467 (ChEBI)
MAPK1GeneProductENSG00000100030 (Ensembl)
MLCPComplex3.1.3.53 (BRENDA)
NFKB1GeneProductENSG00000109320 (Ensembl)
NFKB1GeneProductNFKB1 (HGNC)
NOS1GeneProductENSG00000089250 (Ensembl)
NOS3GeneProductENSG00000164867 (Ensembl)
PRKG1GeneProductENSG00000185532 (Ensembl)
Prostaglandin E2Metabolite363-24-6 (CAS)
Prostaglandin I2Metabolite35121-78-9 (CAS)
RENGeneProduct5972 (Entrez Gene)
RHOAGeneProductENSG00000067560 (Ensembl)
ROCK1GeneProductENSG00000067900 (Ensembl)
SERPINE1GeneProduct5054 (Entrez Gene) SERPINE1 codes for plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1)
SERPING1GeneProductENSG00000149131 (Ensembl)
TNFGeneProductENSG00000232810 (Ensembl)
VDRGeneProductENSG00000111424 (Ensembl)
Vitamin D3MetaboliteCHEBI:28940 (ChEBI)
bradykinin, des-arg(9)MetaboliteCHEBI:133068 (ChEBI)
nitric oxideMetaboliteCHEBI:16480 (ChEBI)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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