Omega-6-fatty acids in senescence (Homo sapiens)

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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none PHypothetical reactionAcetylationLegendNo ID foundDietary LipidsExcretion via urinePAcPhosphorylationMetaboliteProtein15-keto-PGF2αΔ12-PGJ2DH-TxB2*12-oxo-10,11-dihydro-LTB412(S)-HETEIP3Δ13-reductaseMitochondrial dysfunction-associated senescenceOncogene-induced senescence15(S)-HETE15-keto-PGI2p5310,11-dihydro-LTB4CYP4F8Beta-oxidationΔ12-PGD215(R)-HpETECell Cycle ArrestSenescencePGFSIsomerase15-ketoprostaglandin reductasePGA218-COOH-dinor-LTE410-HOTrEDinor-4-keto-7,9,13-trihydroxy-prosta-11,12-enoic acid*TxA1*5(S),6(S)-DiHETENAT1HXA311α-hydroxy-9,15-dioxo-2,3,4,5,20-pentanor-19-carboxyprostanoic acidDH-PGJ218-COOH-dinor-LTB4Adrenic acid (22:4,w6)12-oxo-LTB4N-acetyl- LTE4EXC4SLCO2A1DH-15d-PGJ2PGB1Excretion via urineTxB1PGESγ-GTDehydration14-COOH-hexanor-LTE4*Beta-oxidationDihomo-y-linolenic acid (20:3,w6)LXB4TBXAS1Carboxypeptidase A15-epi-LXA45α,7α-dihydroxy-11-keto tetranor-prostane-1,16-dioic acid*9α, 11α-dihydroxy-11-keto-2,3,4,5-tetranorprostane-1,16-dioic acid*EXD4Omega-oxidationNon-enzymatic rearrangementPGE115(S)-HpETETetracosapentaenoic acid (24:5,w-6)GPX1MAPKALOXE3Bicyclo-PGE216-COOH-tetranor-LTE32,4-dienoyl-CoA reductaseEPHX25(S),6(R)-DiHETEDH-PGF1α*15-keto-13,14-dihydro-PGE1PGDSNon-enzymatic16-COOH-tetranor-LTB3*9-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase*DH-PGF2α15-ketoprostaglandin reductaseEXE49α, 11β-dihydroxy-15-oxo-2,3,18,19-tetranorprost-5-ene-1,20-dioic acid*9,15-dideoxy-Δ9,12,14-PGD2*TRXB313,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGD215-hydroxy PG dehydrogenase*prostaglandin Δreductase*β-oxidase*12(S)-HpETE15-epi-LXB4ABCC4PGH2PG-9KRDPEPPGI1*Beta-oxidation20-COOH-LTB413,14-dihydro-PGF2α5(S)-HETEDH-PGD2CYP4F8IsomeraseDH-PGE2IsomerizationLGE2LTF4PRAKNon-enzymatic conversion6-trans-LTB4Carbonyl reductase*Reductasey-linolenic acid (18:3,w6)PGDSCa2+PGE synthasePGI2LGD29α,11α-PGF2α9α,11β-PGF2αTXASProstaglandin [e]Beta-oxidation13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGE2EXA4CYP4F8Eicosadienoic acid (20:2,w6)Irradiation-induced senescencePGG1GSHPGC1Tetranor-PGDMNAT2UnknownDehydration5(S),15(S)-DiHpETE*PGF1αTRXA3PPARγp21w-hydroxylase*GPX1PGESGqPGA113,14-dihydro-PGE2*19-OH-PGH2*HPGDLinoleic acid (18:2,w6)cAMP15-keto-PGD2DehydraseOmega-oxidationRASDH-PGH2*HXB3Arachidonic Acid (20:4,w6)Spontaneous hydrolysisdelta10-reductase2,3 dinor-6-keto-PGF1α6-keto-PGF1αDH-15d-Δ12,14-PGD25(S),6(S)-epoxy-15(S)-HETE13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGA2Gs9-deoxy-Δ12-PGD2*Δ9-Elongase*15-keto-13,14-dihydro-PGF2αLXA45(S),6(S)-epoxy-15(R)-HpETE*11-dehydro-TxB2Excretion via urine6-keto-PGE1PGE2Osbond acid (22:5,w6)Tetracosatetraenoic acid (24:4, w-6)CYP8A1AKR1C3Non-enzymatic degradation20-COOH-LTE419-OH-PGE1PGD2PGH1PGJ215-keto-PGE1UnknownGqPGD1Radiation-induced senescenceExcretion via urineTxADH-TxA2*PGG24,13-diketo-7,9-dihydroxy-2,3-dinor prostanoic acid*Senescence phenotypeΔ6-trans-12-epi-LTB4Beta-oxidationβ-oxidation15-deoxy-Δ12,14-PGJ2Albumin-mediated degradationGGT1GiHydrolaseCa2+IP3AKR1C3AKR1B1PTGESPTGES2PTGES3ALOX12ALOX15BALOX15ALOX15ALOX15BALOX12ALOX15LTC4SGSTP1PTGDRPTGDR2PTGER1PTGER2PTGER3PTGER4H-PGDSL-PGDSAKR1B119-OH-PGE215-keto-PGE2PGC2PGB2PTGFRTxBTBXA2RGsPTGIRcAMPMembrane phospholipidsCytosolic phospholipase A2Cytosolic phospholipase A2p38 MAPKNon-enzymatic dehydration11-hydroxy-9,15-dioxo-prost-5-en-1,20-dioic acid*7α-hydroxy-5,11-diketo-tetranorprosta-1,16-dioc acid*Dinor-4,13-diketo-7,9-dihydroxy-prostanoic acid*Dinor-4,13-diketo-7,9-dihydroxy-prostan-1,18-dioic acid*Unknown2,3-dinor 6-keto pentanor*19-OH-6-keto-PGF1α6,15-Diketo-13,14-dihydro-PGF1α6,15-Diketo-13,14-dihydro-2,3-dinor PGF1α*Unknown2,3-dinor-11β-PGF2αUnknown2,3-Dinor-TxB211-hydroxythromboxane B2 dehydrogenaseUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownPPTGS1PTGS215-deoxy-Δ12,14-PGD2ELOVL2ELOVL5ELOVL5FADS2FADS1Excretion via urineExcretion via urineExcretion via urineExcretion via urineΔ13-reductaseUnknownΔ13-reductaseExcretion via urine6,15-diketo PGF1αUnknownDPEP1DPEP2GGT1GGT5LTC4SLTA4HALOX5FLAPLTB45(S)-HpETELTD4LTA4LTE4LTC4SASPHPGDHPGDHPGDProstaglandin [c]Prostaglandin [e]Prostaglandin [c]Prostaglandin [e]Prostaglandin [c]DH-PGI2Non-enzymaticCysLT1RSIRT1p53ROSp53Pp21RbRbPPAI-1Senescencep53Ac20-OH-LTB4Oncogene-induced senescenceDNA damage-induced senescenceOxidative stress-induced senescenceReplicative senescenceIrradiation-induced senescenceReplicative senescenceRadiation-induced senescenceMtochondrial dysfunction-associated senescenceOncogene-induced senescenceSASPDH-PGG2*Irradiation-induced senescenceIrradiation-induced senescenceIrradiation-induced SenescenceOncogene-induced senescence (RAS)Radiation-induced senescenceOncogene-induced senescence(RAS)Irradiation-induced senescenceOncogene-induced senescence(RAS)Mitochondrial dysfunction-associated senescenceOncogene-induced senescence(RAS)Oncogene-induced senescence(RAS)DNA damage-induced senescenceOncogene-induced senescenceMitochondrial dysfunction-associated senescenceOncogene-induced senescence(RAS)Irradiation-induced senescenceReplicative senescenceOncogene-induced senescence(RAS)Paracrine senescence8-iso-15-keto-PGF2α2,3-dinor-5,6-dihydro-8-iso-PGF2α*2,3-dinor-8-IsoPGF2α15-E2-IsoK*8-iso-13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGF2α15-TxB2-IsoP*15-D2-IsoK*α-tetranor-15-keto-13,14-dihydro-8-iso-PGF2α*15-TxA2-IsoP*15-H2-IsoP*15-G2-IsoP*15-F2-IsoP15-D2-IsoP15-J2-IsoP15-15d-J2-IsoP*15-E2-IsoP15-A2-IsoP12-E2-IsoK*12-D2-IsoK*12-H2-IsoP12-G2-IsoP12-F2-IsoP12-D2-IsoP12-J2-IsoP12-15d-J2-IsoP12-E2-IsoP12-A2-IsoP12-Dioxolane-IsoP*12-TxA2-IsoP*12-TxB2-IsoP*8-Dioxolane-IsoP*8-D2-IsoK*8-E2-IsoK*8-H2-IsoP*8-G2-IsoP*8-F2-IsoP8-D2-IsoP8-J2-IsoP8-15d-J2-IsoP8-E2-IsoP8-A2-IsoP8-TxA2-IsoP*8-TxA2-IsoP*5-D2-IsoK*5-E2-IsoK*5-TxA2-IsoP*5-H2-IsoP*5-G2-IsoP*5-F2-IsoP5-D2-IsoP5-J2-IsoP5-15d-J2-IsoP5-E2-IsoP5-A2-IsoP5-TxB2-IsoP*Free radical-catalyzed peroxidationExcretion via urineHPGD7-DH-F2-IsoP14-DH-F2-IsoP10-DH-F2-IsoP17-DH-F2-IsoPLeukotriene 3-series8-iso-13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGE2*11-deoxy-13,14-dihydro-15-keto-11β,16-cyclo-PGE1Upregulation/OverexpressionDownregulation/UnderexpressionConversionStimulationCatalysisSenescence phenotypeCytosolic phospholipase A2Metabolite*ELOVL2FADS2ALOX15Omega-oxidationBeta-oxidationPTGS2AcALOX5ALOX15BBeta-oxidationName: Omega-6-fatty acids in senescenceOrganism: Homo sapiens


Oxylipins, notably prostaglandins, are synthetized by senescent cells and then accumulate, promoting the senescent-associated secretory phenotype (Wiley et al., 2021). Prostaglandins are classified into three main groups, depending on the starting point of their biosynthesis. Series-1 prostaglandins are derived from its precursor dihomo-γ-linolenic acid (DGLA). Series-2 prostaglandins and series-3 prostaglandins are derived from arachidonic acid (AA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), respectively (Noverr et al., 2003)

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View all...
view21:27, 9 March 2025EweitzEconomize layout
view22:53, 21 July 2024EweitzModified description
134273view07:05, 19 July 2024EgonwRemoved template comments
129383view18:52, 29 March 2024Nikita KrstevskaAddition of missing Ensembl identifiers
129101view14:29, 11 March 2024Nikita KrstevskaAddition of isoforms NAT1 and NAT2 in LTE4 -> N-acetyl LTE4 reaction
128985view14:11, 27 February 2024Nikita KrstevskaUpdating a comment on the LTB4 -> 20-OXO-LTB4 reaction.
128703view22:00, 20 February 2024EgonwCorrected the EC format
128691view20:08, 19 February 2024EgonwRemoved redundant RHEA: prefixes in 27 interaction identifiers
128662view16:10, 18 February 2024Nikita KrstevskaModification of text labels of the gene products 'PGA isomerase' and 'PGC isomerase'
128639view17:52, 17 February 2024Nikita KrstevskaAddition of missing gene product identifiers
128612view12:30, 16 February 2024Nikita KrstevskaAddition of missing gene IDs
128601view19:39, 15 February 2024Nikita KrstevskaAddition of missing gene product annotations
128579view11:07, 14 February 2024Nikita KrstevskaModification of glutathione cofactor
128559view18:33, 12 February 2024Nikita KrstevskaAnnotation of missing gene product IDs
128502view13:49, 10 February 2024Nikita KrstevskaPositive feedback loop of dihomo-15d-PGJ2
128091view16:57, 25 January 2024JuliaUMRHEA IDs for PGs
128089view13:47, 25 January 2024DeSlOntology Term : 'fatty acid omega degradation pathway' added !
128087view13:45, 25 January 2024DeSlOntology Term : 'lipid metabolic pathway' added !
127870view13:10, 3 January 2024AndreapascaudModified title
127831view12:52, 22 December 2023JuliaUMCorrection of reaction + IDs
127820view12:44, 19 December 2023JuliaUMHX and TRX were added
127803view14:02, 16 December 2023EgonwCorrected the format of a few EC identifiers
127802view13:58, 16 December 2023EgonwMade multiple pathways clickable
127800view13:46, 16 December 2023EgonwIP3 is not a complex itself
127793view15:14, 14 December 2023JuliaUMNew reaction + IDs
127792view18:00, 13 December 2023JuliaUMNew LX and LT reactions
127791view13:02, 13 December 2023JuliaUMNew LT reactions + new IDs
127789view16:56, 12 December 2023JuliaUMFinish of the map splitting + rearrangement + eoxins were added
127778view15:51, 6 December 2023JuliaUMsmall changes in reactions
127777view09:08, 6 December 2023JuliaUMSmall changes in PG reaction
127703view17:23, 23 November 2023JuliaUMNew references + minor corrections in the LT pathway
127702view08:36, 23 November 2023JuliaUMSmall changes in the reactions
127677view17:29, 20 November 2023JuliaUMNew IDs + minimized duplicated nodes
127676view12:36, 20 November 2023JuliaUMAddition of a legend
127670view15:11, 16 November 2023JuliaUMNew Maresins & protectins (DPA)
127669view13:05, 16 November 2023JuliaUMDeletion/Addition of PG reactions + references
127668view12:27, 16 November 2023Mra1221Modified title
127663view08:47, 15 November 2023JuliaUMMore references for isoprostanes + change to hypothetical reaction in comments
127656view07:58, 14 November 2023JuliaUMNew IDs + references for Isoprostanes
127632view14:46, 10 November 2023JuliaUMNew Isoprostanes + IDs
127631view09:47, 10 November 2023JuliaUMNew Isoprostanes + IDs
127627view17:11, 9 November 2023JuliaUMMore consistency in senescence links + isoprostanes
127626view13:58, 9 November 2023JuliaUMMore consistency in senescence links
127615view19:25, 7 November 2023JuliaUMNew IDs + some changes in resolvin T
127604view08:23, 7 November 2023JuliaUMOntology Term : 'cellular senescence pathway' added !
127591view07:17, 29 October 2023EgonwNot a mim-conversion
127589view08:52, 27 October 2023AndreapascaudAddition of CHEBI IDs to the metabolites
127588view17:55, 26 October 2023JuliaUMSmall changes on DH-PG reactions + new IDs for enzymes
127587view11:40, 26 October 2023EgonwFixed a few EC numbers (syntax)
127584view10:09, 25 October 2023AndreapascaudUpdate Protectins

External references


View all...
Name  ↓Type  ↓Database reference  ↓Comment  ↓

Oncogene-induced senescence(RAS)

10,11-dihydro-LTB4MetaboliteHMDB0012504 (HMDB)
10-DH-F2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110315 (LIPID MAPS)
10-HOTrEMetabolite54574843 (PubChem-compound)
11-dehydro-TxB2MetaboliteCHEBI:28667 (ChEBI)
11-deoxy-13,14-dihydro-15-keto-11β,16-cyclo-PGE1Metabolite1283861-32-4 (CAS)
11-hydroxy-9,15-dioxo-prost-5-en-1,20-dioic acid*Metabolite
11-hydroxythromboxane B2 dehydrogenaseGeneProductENSG00000165092 (Ensembl) 11-hydroxythromboxane B2 dehydrogenase is the same as cytosolic aldehyde dehydrogenase
11α-hydroxy-9,15-dioxo-2,3,4,5,20-pentanor-19-carboxyprostanoic acidMetaboliteCHEBI:73965 (ChEBI)
12(S)-HETEMetaboliteCHEBI:34146 (ChEBI)
12(S)-HpETEMetaboliteCHEBI:15626 (ChEBI)
12-15d-J2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110090 (LIPID MAPS) Iso-Prostaglandin H2
12-A2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110248 (LIPID MAPS) Iso-Prostaglandin H2
12-D2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110085 (LIPID MAPS) Iso-Prostaglandin H2
12-E2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110190 (LIPID MAPS) Iso-Prostaglandin H2
12-F2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110042 (LIPID MAPS) Iso-Prostaglandin H2
12-G2-IsoPMetaboliteIso-Prostaglandin G2
12-H2-IsoPMetaboliteIso-Prostaglandin H2
12-J2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110087 (LIPID MAPS) Iso-Prostaglandin H2
12-oxo-10,11-dihydro-LTB4MetaboliteHMDB0012498 (HMDB)
12-oxo-LTB4Metabolite5280876 (PubChem-compound)
13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGA2MetaboliteCHEBI:89315 (ChEBI) 8: Prostanoid Metabolites as Biomarkers in Human Disease Helena Idborg; Sven-Christian Pawelzik. 2022. PubMed 36005592.
13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGD2 MetaboliteCHEBI:72603 (ChEBI) DK-PGD2
13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGE2MetaboliteCHEBI:15550 (ChEBI) PGEM= Metabolites downstream of PGE2
13,14-dihydro-PGF2αMetabolite88346 (ChEBI)
14-DH-F2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110331 (LIPID MAPS)
15(R)-HpETEMetaboliteCHEBI:82627 (ChEBI)
15(S)-HETEMetaboliteCHEBI:15558 (ChEBI)
15(S)-HpETEMetaboliteCHEBI:15628 (ChEBI)
15-15d-J2-IsoP*MetaboliteIso-Prostaglandin H2
15-A2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110138 (LIPID MAPS) Iso-Prostaglandin H2
15-D2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110099 (LIPID MAPS) Iso-Prostaglandin H2
15-E2-IsoPMetaboliteIso-Prostaglandin H2
15-F2-IsoPMetaboliteCHEBI:187201 (ChEBI) = 8-iso-PGF2a
15-H2-IsoP*MetaboliteIso-Prostaglandin H2 =PGH2
15-J2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110101 (LIPID MAPS) Iso-Prostaglandin H2
15-deoxy-Δ12,14-PGD2MetaboliteCHEBI:63999 (ChEBI) =15d-PGJ2
15-deoxy-Δ12,14-PGJ2Metabolite34159 (ChEBI) =15d-PGJ2
15-epi-LXA4MetaboliteLMFA03040010 (LIPID MAPS)
15-epi-LXB4MetaboliteLMFA03040007 (LIPID MAPS)
15-hydroxy PG dehydrogenase*

prostaglandin Δreductase*

GeneProductLumped reaction
15-keto-13,14-dihydro-PGE1MetaboliteCHEBI:134499 (ChEBI)
15-keto-13,14-dihydro-PGF2αMetabolite63976 (ChEBI)
15-keto-PGD2MetaboliteCHEBI:15557 (ChEBI)
15-keto-PGE1Metabolite22973-19-9 (CAS)
15-keto-PGE2Metabolite15547 (ChEBI)
15-keto-PGF2αMetaboliteCHEBI:28442 (ChEBI)
15-keto-PGI2MetaboliteCHEBI:15556 (ChEBI) =15-dehydro-Prostaglandin I2
15-ketoprostaglandin reductaseGeneProductENSG00000140043 (Ensembl)
16-COOH-tetranor-LTE3MetaboliteCHEBI:74014 (ChEBI)
17-DH-F2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110347 (LIPID MAPS)
18-COOH-dinor-LTB4MetaboliteCHEBI:63980 (ChEBI)
18-COOH-dinor-LTE4MetaboliteHMDB0012607 (HMDB)
19-OH-6-keto-PGF1αMetabolite172589 (ChEBI)
19-OH-PGE1Metabolite55123-67-6 (CAS)
19-OH-PGE2MetaboliteCHEBI:165313 (ChEBI)
2,3 dinor-6-keto-PGF1αMetabolite73944 (ChEBI)
2,3-Dinor-TxB2MetaboliteCHEBI:89991 (ChEBI)
2,3-dinor 6-keto pentanor*Metabolite
2,3-dinor-11β-PGF2αMetaboliteCHEBI:165323 (ChEBI)
2,3-dinor-8-IsoPGF2αMetabolite9548881 (PubChem-compound)
2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductaseGeneProductENSG00000104325 (Ensembl)
20-COOH-LTB4MetaboliteCHEBI:27562 (ChEBI)
20-COOH-LTE4Metabolite53481508 (PubChem-compound)
20-OH-LTB4MetaboliteCHEBI:15646 (ChEBI)
4,13-diketo-7,9-dihydroxy-2,3-dinor prostanoic acid*MetaboliteLumped reaction
5(S),6(R)-DiHETEMetabolite5283160 (PubChem-compound)
5(S),6(S)-DiHETEMetaboliteCHEBI:53026 (ChEBI)
5(S),6(S)-epoxy-15(S)-HETEMetaboliteCHEBI:64095 (ChEBI)
5(S)-HETEMetaboliteCHEBI:28209 (ChEBI)
5(S)-HpETEMetaboliteHMDB11135 (HMDB)
5-15d-J2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110075 (LIPID MAPS) Iso-Prostaglandin H2
5-A2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110257 (LIPID MAPS) Iso-Prostaglandin H2
5-D2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110070 (LIPID MAPS) Iso-Prostaglandin H2
5-E2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110174 (LIPID MAPS) Iso-Prostaglandin H2
5-F2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110039 (LIPID MAPS) Iso-Prostaglandin H2
5-G2-IsoP*MetaboliteIso-Prostaglandin G2
5-H2-IsoP*MetaboliteIso-Prostaglandin H2
5-J2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110072 (LIPID MAPS) Iso-Prostaglandin H2
5α,7α-dihydroxy-11-keto tetranor-prostane-1,16-dioic acid*Metabolite
6,15-Diketo-13,14-dihydro-2,3-dinor PGF1α*Metabolite6,15-Diketo-13,14-dihydro-2,3-dinor PGF1a = 15 kd dinor
6,15-Diketo-13,14-dihydro-PGF1αMetaboliteCHEBI:72595 (ChEBI)
6,15-diketo PGF1αMetabolite
6-keto-PGE1Metabolite28269 (ChEBI)
6-keto-PGF1αMetabolite28158 (ChEBI)
6-trans-LTB4MetaboliteCHEBI:63981 (ChEBI)
7-DH-F2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110299 (LIPID MAPS)
7α-hydroxy-5,11-diketo-tetranorprosta-1,16-dioc acid*Metabolite
8-15d-J2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110062 (LipidBank) Iso-Prostaglandin H2
8-A2-IsoPMetaboliteIso-Prostaglandin H2
8-D2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110057 (LIPID MAPS) Iso-Prostaglandin H2
8-E2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110003 (LIPID MAPS) Iso-Prostaglandin H2
8-F2-IsoPMetabolite8-F2t-IsoP (LIPID MAPS)
8-G2-IsoP*MetaboliteIso-Prostaglandin G2
8-H2-IsoP*MetaboliteIso-Prostaglandin H2
8-J2-IsoPMetaboliteLMFA03110059 (LIPID MAPS) Iso-Prostaglandin H2
8-iso-13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGF2αMetaboliteLMFA03110004 (LIPID MAPS)
8-iso-15-keto-PGF2α MetaboliteCHEBI:175523 (ChEBI)
9-deoxy-Δ12-PGD2*Metabolite175297 (ChEBI)
9-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase*GeneProduct
9α, 11α-dihydroxy-11-keto-2,3,4,5-tetranorprostane-1,16-dioic acid*Metabolite
9α, 11β-dihydroxy-15-oxo-2,3,18,19-tetranorprost-5-ene-1,20-dioic acid*Metabolite
9α,11α-PGF2αMetaboliteCHEBI:15553 (ChEBI)
9α,11β-PGF2αMetabolite15553 (ChEBI)
ABCC4GeneProductENSG00000125257 (Ensembl)
AKR1B1GeneProductENSG00000085662 (Ensembl) =aldo-keto reductase family 1 member B
AKR1C3GeneProductENSG00000196139 (Ensembl) =NADPH-dependent PGD2 11-ketoreductase

=aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C3

ALOX12GeneProductENSG00000108839 (Ensembl)
ALOX15BGeneProductENSG00000179593 (Ensembl)
ALOX15GeneProductENSG00000161905 (Ensembl)
ALOX5GeneProductENSG00000012779 (Ensembl) =arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase
ALOXE3GeneProductENSG00000179148 (Ensembl)
Adrenic acid (22:4,w6)Metabolite53487 (ChEBI)
Albumin-mediated degradationComplex
Arachidonic Acid (20:4,w6)Metabolite15843 (ChEBI)
Beta-oxidationPathwayWP5241 (WikiPathways)
Bicyclo-PGE2MetaboliteCHEBI:89568 (ChEBI)
CYP4F8 GeneProductENSG00000186526 (Ensembl)
CYP4F8GeneProductENSG00000186526 (Ensembl) =cytochrome P450 family 4 subfamily F member 8
CYP8A1GeneProductENSG00000124212 (Ensembl) =prostaglandin I2 synthase =PTGIS
Ca2+MetaboliteCHEBI:29108 (ChEBI) calcium
Carbonyl reductase*GeneProduct
Carboxypeptidase AGeneProduct3.4.17.1 (Enzyme Nomenclature)
Cell Cycle Arrest Senescence
CysLT1RProteinENSG00000173198 (Ensembl) =cysteinyl leukotriene type 1 receptor
Cytosolic phospholipase A2ProteinP47712 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DH-15d-PGJ2Metabolite16061095 (PubChem-compound) =1a,1b-dihomo-15-deoxy-Δ12,14-prostaglandin J2
DH-15d-Δ12,14-PGD2MetaboliteCHEBI:165317 (ChEBI)
DH-PGD2MetaboliteLMFA03010156 (LIPID MAPS)
DH-PGE2MetaboliteCHEBI:185711 (ChEBI)
DH-PGF2αMetaboliteCHEBI:183014 (ChEBI)
DH-PGI2MetaboliteCHEBI:165328 (ChEBI)
DH-PGJ2MetaboliteCHEBI:165318 (ChEBI)
DNA damage-induced senescence Oncogene-induced senescence
DPEPGeneProduct1.3.4.13 (Enzyme Nomenclature)
DPEP1GeneProductENSG00000015413 (Ensembl) =Human microsomal dipeptidase (MDP, formerly referred to as dehydropeptidase-I or renal dipeptidase) [EC]
DPEP2GeneProductENSG00000167261 (Ensembl)
Dihomo-y-linolenic acid (20:3,w6)MetaboliteCHEBI:53486 (ChEBI) = 8,11,14-Eicosatrienoic acid =DGLA
Dinor-4,13-diketo-7,9-dihydroxy-prostan-1,18-dioic acid*Metabolite
Dinor-4,13-diketo-7,9-dihydroxy-prostanoic acid*Metabolite
Dinor-4-keto-7,9,13-trihydroxy-prosta-11,12-enoic acid*Metabolite
ELOVL2GeneProductENSG00000197977 (Ensembl) fatty acid elongase 2
ELOVL5GeneProductENSG00000012660 (Ensembl) fatty acid elongase 5
EPHX2GeneProductENSG00000120915 (Ensembl)
EXA4MetaboliteCHEBI:63983 (ChEBI)
EXC4MetaboliteCHEBI:63984 (ChEBI)
EXD4MetaboliteCHEBI:63985 (ChEBI)
EXE4MetaboliteCHEBI:63986 (ChEBI)
Eicosadienoic acid (20:2,w6)MetaboliteCHEBI:73731 (ChEBI)
Excretion via urine
FADS1GeneProductENSG00000149485 (Ensembl) Δ5-Desaturase
FADS2GeneProductENSG00000134824 (Ensembl) gene=FADS2 Δ6-Desaturase
FLAPGeneProductENSG00000132965 (Ensembl) gene = ALOX5AP FLAP= 5-lipoxygenase activating protein
Free radical-catalyzed peroxidation
GGT1GeneProductENSG00000100031 (Ensembl)
GGT5GeneProductENSG00000099998 (Ensembl) =gamma-glutamyltransferase 5
GPX1GeneProductENSG00000233276 (Ensembl)
GSHProteinC00051 (KEGG Genes) Cofactor
GSTP1GeneProductENSG00000084207 (Ensembl)
GsComplexPGI2 binding to the associated IP receptor (coupled to Gs) leads to an activation of the AC and thus to an increase of intracellular cAMP. Its elevation downregulates store-mediated calcium entry, calcium mobilization and secretion, as well as platelet adhesion to subendothelial collagen via integrin α2β1. The cAMP increase further results in an activation of protein kinase-A (PKA) and in principle, in an inhibition of platelet activation. Analogous to cAMP, PKA activity has been associated with a reduced Ca2+ release from intra-platelet stores
H-PGDS GeneProductENSG00000163106 (Ensembl)
HPGD GeneProductENSG00000164120 (Ensembl) 15-PGDH=15-hydroxy-prostaglandin dehydrogenase
HXA3MetaboliteCHEBI:36190 (ChEBI)
HXB3MetaboliteCHEBI:34784 (ChEBI)
IP3MetaboliteCHEBI:16595 (ChEBI)
Irradiation-induced Senescence Oncogene-induced senescence (RAS)
Irradiation-induced senescence
L-PGDS GeneProductENSG00000107317 (Ensembl)
LGD2MetaboliteCHEBI:34820 (ChEBI) Levuglandin D2
LGE2MetaboliteCHEBI:34821 (ChEBI) Levuglandin E2
LTA4MetaboliteCHEBI:15651 (ChEBI)
LTA4HGeneProductENSG00000111144 (Ensembl)
LTB4MetaboliteCHEBI:15647 (ChEBI)
LTC4MetaboliteCHEBI:16978 (ChEBI)
LTC4SGeneProductENSG00000213316 (Ensembl)
LTD4MetaboliteCHEBI:28666 (ChEBI)
LTE4MetaboliteCHEBI:15650 (ChEBI)
LTF4MetaboliteCHEBI:27491 (ChEBI)
LXA4MetaboliteLMFA03040001 (LIPID MAPS)
LXB4MetaboliteLMFA03040002 (LIPID MAPS)
Leukotriene 3-seriesPathway
Linoleic acid (18:2,w6)Metabolite17351 (ChEBI) LA (18:2 w6)
Membrane phospholipidsMetaboliteCHEBI:16247 (ChEBI)
Mitochondrial dysfunction-associated senescence Oncogene-induced senescence
Mitochondrial dysfunction-associated senescence Oncogene-induced senescence(RAS)
Mitochondrial dysfunction-associated senescence

Oncogene-induced senescence(RAS)

Irradiation-induced senescence
N-acetyl- LTE4MetaboliteCHEBI:7210 (ChEBI)
NAT1 GeneProductENSG00000171428 (Ensembl)
NAT2GeneProductENSG00000156006 (Ensembl)
Non-enzymatic degradation
Non-enzymatic conversion
Non-enzymatic dehydration
Non-enzymatic rearrangement
Omega-oxidationPathwayWP206 (WikiPathways)
Oncogene-induced senescence

DNA damage-induced senescence Oxidative stress-induced senescence Replicative senescence

Irradiation-induced senescence
Oncogene-induced senescence(RAS)
Osbond acid (22:5,w6)MetaboliteCHEBI:53488 (ChEBI) =docosapentaenoic acid (DPAω6, 22:5)
PAI-1ProteinENSG00000106366 (Ensembl) Gene: SERPINE1
PG-9KRGeneProductENSG00000159228 (Ensembl) PG-9KR= Prostaglandin-9-ketoreductase
PGA1Metabolite14152-28-4 (CAS)
PGA2Metabolite27820 (ChEBI) PGA2=Prostaglandin A2
PGB1MetaboliteCHEBI:27624 (ChEBI)
PGB2Metabolite28099 (ChEBI) PGB2=Prostaglandin B2
PGC1MetaboliteCHEBI:15546 (ChEBI)
PGC2Metabolite27555 (ChEBI) PGC2=Prostaglandin C2
PGD1Metabolite27696 (ChEBI)
PGD2Metabolite15555 (ChEBI)
PGDSGeneProductENSG00000107317 (Ensembl)
PGE synthaseGeneProductENSG00000148344 (Ensembl)
PGE1Metabolite15544 (ChEBI)
PGE2Metabolite15551 (ChEBI)
PGESGeneProductENSG00000148344 (Ensembl) =Prostaglandin E synthase
PGF1αMetabolite28852 (ChEBI)
PGFSGeneProductENSG00000157870 (Ensembl) =Prostaglandin F synthase
PGG1Metabolite133739 (ChEBI)
PGG2Metabolite27647 (ChEBI) Prostaglandin G2 is abbreviated as PGG2
PGH1Metabolite91133 (ChEBI)
PGH2Metabolite15554 (ChEBI) PGH2 is the abbreviation of PGG2
PGI2MetaboliteCHEBI:15552 (ChEBI) Synonym for PGI2 is "Prostacyclin"
PGJ2Metabolite27485 (ChEBI)
PTGDR2 ComplexENSG00000183134 (Ensembl) =prostaglandin D2 receptor 2 =DP2
PTGDRComplexENSG00000168229 (Ensembl) =prostaglandin D2 receptor =DP1
PTGER1ComplexENSG00000160951 (Ensembl) =prostaglandin E receptor 1 =EP1
PTGER2ComplexENSG00000125384 (Ensembl) =prostaglandin E receptor 2 =EP2
PTGER3 ComplexENSG00000050628 (Ensembl) =prostaglandin E receptor 3 =EP3
PTGER4 ComplexENSG00000171522 (Ensembl) =prostaglandin E receptor 4 =EP4
PTGES GeneProductENSG00000148344 (Ensembl) =microsomal prostaglandin E synthase 1 (mPGES-1)
PTGES2 GeneProductENSG00000148334 (Ensembl) =microsomal prostaglandin E synthase 2 (PTGES2)
PTGES3 GeneProductENSG00000110958 (Ensembl) =prostaglandin E synthase 3 (cPGES)
PTGFR ComplexENSG00000122420 (Ensembl) Prostaglandin F receptor : FP

Activation of FP by PGF2α results in the IP3 and DAG formation as well as in the mobilization of Ca2+.

PTGIRComplexENSG00000160013 (Ensembl) prostaglandin I2 receptor
PTGS1GeneProductENSG00000095303 (Ensembl) Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 1 =cyclooxygenase (COX)
PTGS2GeneProductENSG00000073756 (Ensembl)
Paracrine senescence
Prostaglandin [c]Metabolite
Prostaglandin [e]Metabolite
ROSMetabolite26523 (ChEBI)
Radiation-induced senescence
Radiation-induced senescence Oncogene-induced senescence(RAS)
RbGeneProductENSG00000139687 (Ensembl)
Replicative senescence
Replicative senescence

Radiation-induced senescence Mtochondrial dysfunction-associated senescence

Oncogene-induced senescence
SASPPathwayWP3391 (WikiPathways)
SIRT1GeneProductENSG00000096717 (Ensembl)
SLCO2A1GeneProductENSG00000174640 (Ensembl)
Senescence phenotypePathway
SenescencePathwayWP615 (WikiPathways)
Spontaneous hydrolysis
TBXA2RComplexENSG00000006638 (Ensembl) =thromboxane A2 receptor
TBXAS1GeneProductENSG00000059377 (Ensembl) =CYP5A1
TRXA3MetaboliteCHEBI:36203 (ChEBI)
TRXB3MetaboliteCHEBI:35032 (ChEBI)
TXASGeneProductENSG00000059377 (Ensembl) =Thromboxane synthase
Tetracosapentaenoic acid (24:5,w-6)MetaboliteHMDB0006322 (HMDB)
Tetracosatetraenoic acid (24:4, w-6)MetaboliteHMDB0006246 (HMDB)
Tetranor-PGDMMetaboliteLMFA03010221 (LIPID MAPS)
TxAMetaboliteCHEBI:15627 (ChEBI)
TxB1Metabolite71668258 (PubChem-compound)
TxBMetaboliteCHEBI:28728 (ChEBI)
UnknownR13041 (KEGG Reaction)
cAMPMetaboliteCHEBI:17489 (ChEBI) PGI2 binding to the associated IP receptor (coupled to Gs) leads to an activation of the AC and thus to an increase of intracellular cAMP. Its elevation downregulates store-mediated calcium entry, calcium mobilization and secretion, as well as platelet adhesion to subendothelial collagen via integrin α2β1. The cAMP increase further results in an activation of protein kinase-A (PKA) and in principle, in an inhibition of platelet activation. Analogous to cAMP, PKA activity has been associated with a reduced Ca2+ release from intra-platelet stores
p21GeneProductENSG00000124762 (Ensembl) Gene: CDKN1A
p38 MAPKGeneProductENSG00000185386 (Ensembl)
p53GeneProductENSG00000141510 (Ensembl)
y-linolenic acid (18:3,w6)Metabolite28661 (ChEBI) GLA(18:3 w6)
Δ12-PGJ2MetaboliteCHEBI:28130 (ChEBI) Synonym: 9-Deoxy-delta(9,12)-13,14-dihydro PGD2
Δ13-reductaseGeneProduct1.3.1.48 (Enzyme Nomenclature) =15-oxoprostaglandin-Δ13-reductase
Δ13-reductaseGeneProductENSG00000140043 (Ensembl) =15-oxo-prostaglandin Δ13-reductase
Δ6-trans-12-epi-LTB4MetaboliteCHEBI:63982 (ChEBI)
γ-GTGeneProductENSG00000100031 (Ensembl) Identical to GGT1

Annotated Interactions

View all...
Source  ↓Target  ↓Type  ↓Database reference  ↓Comment  ↓
15-keto-PGE115-keto-13,14-dihydro-PGE1mim-conversion50586 (Rhea)
15-keto-PGE213,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGE2mim-conversion11914 (Rhea)
15-keto-PGF2α15-keto-13,14-dihydro-PGF2αmim-conversion50590 (Rhea)
9α,11α-PGF2α15-keto-PGF2αmim-conversion63481 (Rhea)
Arachidonic Acid (20:4,w6)PGG2mim-conversion42597 (Rhea)
Dihomo-y-linolenic acid (20:3,w6)PGG1mim-conversion50425 (Rhea)
PGA1PGC1mim-conversion10461 (Rhea)
PGA2PGC2mim-conversion50541 (Rhea) Non-enzymatic dehydration
PGC1PGB1mim-conversion50553 (Rhea)
PGC2PGB2mim-conversion50545 (Rhea) Non-enzymatic dehydration
PGD215-keto-PGD2mim-conversion20745 (Rhea)
PGD29α,11β-PGF2αmim-conversion45317 (Rhea)
PGD2PGJ2mim-conversion50557 (Rhea) Non-enzymatic,albumin-mediated dehydration
PGE115-keto-PGE1mim-conversion11637 (Rhea)
PGE1PGA1mim-conversion50549 (Rhea)
PGE215-keto-PGE2mim-conversion11877 (Rhea)
PGE29α,11α-PGF2αmim-conversion24510 (Rhea)
PGE2PGA2mim-conversion50537 (Rhea) Non-enzymatic dehydration
PGH1PGD1mim-conversion50441 (Rhea)
PGH1PGE1mim-conversion50437 (Rhea)
PGH29α,11α-PGF2αmim-conversion45314 (Rhea)
PGH2PGD2mim-conversion10601 (Rhea)
PGH2PGE2mim-conversion12894 (Rhea)
PGH2PGI2mim-conversion23581 (Rhea)
PGH2TxAmim-conversion17138 (Rhea)
PGI215-keto-PGI2mim-conversion21421 (Rhea) Reference:
PGJ2Δ12-PGJ2mim-conversion53549 (Rhea) Non-enzymatic,albumin-mediated conversion
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