Osteoblast signaling (Rattus norvegicus)

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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none NucleusOsteoblastParathyroid hormoneOsteoprotegerinVitamin DRANK ligandVitamin DBone sialoproteinBone sialoproteinSoluble RANK ligandPTH receptorFGF-23Collagen 1avb3 integrinPDGF-BBFGF-23PTH receptorParathyroid hormoneSodiumNPT3PhosphatePDGF-BBOsteoprotegerinOsteocalcinPDGF RaPDGF RbPDGF RaPDGF RbName: Osteoblast signalingOrganism: Rattus norvegicus


Osteoblasts are specialized, terminally differentiated uninucleated cells responsible for bone formation. Their activity is tightly regulated by external stimuli, originating from e.g. the parathyroid glands, osteocytes, etc. Along with osteoclasts, which are responsible for bone degradation, osteoblasts are key regulators of the shape and volume of bone tissue.

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Quality Tags

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Ontology Terms

Cell Type : osteoblast


  1. Shymanskyi I, Lisakovska O, Mazanova A, Labudzynskyi D, Veliky M; ''Vitamin D(3) Modulates Impaired Crosstalk Between RANK and Glucocorticoid Receptor Signaling in Bone Marrow Cells After Chronic Prednisolone Administration.''; Front Endocrinol (Lausanne), 2018 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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view14:22, 22 June 2023DeSlChanged metabolite DataNode colors.
126773view05:36, 22 June 2023EgonwAll VitD is now Metabolite
126757view20:18, 18 June 2023EgonwTagged VitD as a metabolite
126756view20:01, 18 June 2023EgonwAdded a reference
126755view19:46, 18 June 2023EgonwAdded a few more identifiers
125587view19:26, 2 March 2023AlexanderPicoModified description
117580view11:24, 21 May 2021EweitzModified title
117001view11:00, 16 May 2021EweitzOntology Term : 'osteoblast' added !
71999view11:44, 24 October 2013Mkutmonfixed unconnected lines
71998view11:42, 24 October 2013Mkutmonsplit PDGF Ra and PDGF Rb and made a group (2)
71997view11:40, 24 October 2013Mkutmonsplit PDGF Ra and PDGF Rb and made a group
71996view11:37, 24 October 2013MkutmonChanged Unknown -> GeneProduct
69371view18:55, 8 July 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
67552view11:25, 26 June 2013DdiglesOntology Term : 'signaling pathway pertinent to development' added !
41685view02:36, 2 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
21155view11:30, 14 November 2008MaintBot[[Pathway:Rattus norvegicus:Osteoblasts]] moved to [[Pathway:WP227]]: Moved to stable identifier
20402view21:23, 3 November 2008AlexanderPicofixed species info
10479view20:00, 30 January 2008KhanspersModified categories
10347view01:49, 23 January 2008AlexanderPico[[Pathway:Rattus norvegicus:Osteoblast]] moved to [[Pathway:Rattus norvegicus:Osteoblasts]]
10341view01:36, 23 January 2008EhsiaoGPML Import (Author=Grant Yang)

External references


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Name  ↓Type  ↓Database reference  ↓Comment  ↓
Bone sialoproteinGeneProduct25295 (Entrez Gene)
Collagen 1GeneProduct29393 (Entrez Gene)
FGF-23GeneProduct170583 (Entrez Gene)
NPT3GeneProduct25548 (Entrez Gene)
OsteocalcinGeneProduct25295 (Entrez Gene)
OsteoprotegerinGeneProduct25341 (Entrez Gene)
PDGF RaGeneProduct25267 (Entrez Gene)
PDGF RbGeneProduct24629 (Entrez Gene)
PTH receptorGeneProduct56813 (Entrez Gene)
Parathyroid hormoneGeneProduct24694 (Entrez Gene)
PhosphateMetabolite18367 (ChEBI)
RANK ligandGeneProduct117516 (Entrez Gene)
SodiumMetabolite29101 (ChEBI)
Soluble RANK ligandGeneProduct
Vitamin DMetabolite27300 (ChEBI)
avb3 integrinGeneProduct

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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