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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none neurotransmitter / receptor / function transcription factor cell proliferation / cell cycle regulation food / appetite regulation circadian rythm regulation epigenetics hormone signaling basic energy metabolism ion channel immune system apoptosis renal function protein degradation angiogenesis osteoporosis tight junctions DNA repair DNA / RNA handling blood coagulation others NPY2R JUN PAX4 CRX NPS ARNT2 ADA CIPC DRD3 CIPC FAS TH CIPC CIART ATOH7 PRKG2 PER1 CLOCK CDK4 DRD4 SFTPC DRD1 EGR1 NCOA2 TYMS HTR7 ARNTL2 ADIPOQ LEP PER3 SLC9A3 CST3 HDAC3 SLC6A4 CREB1 NCOR1 HOMER1 PER2 KLF10 AHCY DBP DDX5 SOX14 NAGLU TPH1 ADORA1 NTRK3 DDC ID4 MTTP KCNH7 PRF1 HCRTR2 HS3ST2 ATF5 DBP MTA1 NR1H3 PRKAA1 RBM4 SREBF1 GFPT1 RORA KLF9 DYRK1A CUL1 HDAC1 METTL3 ADORA2A IL6 STAR HNF1B ID3 NPAS2 SIX3 NR2F6 ARNT CHRNB2 AGRP UTS2R JUND CLDN4 BTBD9 SETX ADCY1 KCNMA1 CREM DRD2 NTRK1 KCND2 PRKAA2 OPRL1 PROX1 TNFRSF11A MAGED1 MC3R PTGDS OGT EZH2 KDM5A HDAC2 PPP1CC GNA11 NKX2-1 RORB CCAR2 SKP1 PROK2 OPN3 SUV39H2 ATF4 OPN4 MAGEL2 GHRL FBXL21 F7 TIMELESS USP2 NMS SFPQ ROCK2 NR1D1 NGFR CRH ARNTL PSPC1 NPAS2 PPARGC1A TP53 SIN3A PRKDC BTRC THRAP3 FBXW11 NOCT RAI1 TOP2A TOP1 CHRM1 EP300 PRKCDBP PRKCG SERPINE1 ZFHX3 NCOA2 NONO PROKR1 ADCY1 SIRT1 HCRTR1 NFIL3 AANAT CARTPT CRY1 HNRNPD GNAQ SIK1 GSK3B HCRTR2 HCRTR1 CSNK1E SUV39H1 RELB HNRNPU Q59FM5 FBXL3 NLGN1 MTNR1B UBA52 RPS27A PPP1CB PPP1CB PPP1CA GHRH AVP EGR3 HEBP1 PPARA CRTC1 NRIP1 CSNK1D KMT2A NR1D2 RBM4B MYBBP1A UBE3A CIPC PROKR2 ID2 PTEN DHX9 MTNR1A NOS2 PHLPP1 UTS2 TPH2 C1orf51 CIPC MAPK9 MAPK8 RORC MAPK10 UBC PPARG PASD1 CRY2 CPT1A LGR4 PML PROK1 NAMPT AHR BHLHE41 PRMT5 BHLHE40 HOMER1 NRIP1 PROKR2 C1orf51 AGRP PROKR1 SIRT1 PROK2 BHLHE41 PRKAA1 Name: Circadian rhythm genes Organism: Homo sapiens
This is currently not a pathway but a list of circadian rhythm related genes and proteins. The source for this information is the gene ontology. The genes and proteins were filtered for "circadian rhythm" annotation (taxon = homo sapiens). According to supplementary information they were clustered in major (neurotransmitters, hormons, appetite regulation and immune system) and minor groups.
Proteins on this pathway have targeted assays available via the [CPTAC Assay Portal]( ).
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Annotated lists Annotated lists of gene products are considered useful for analysis and for stimulating future pathway curation.
Approved version The current version of this pathway was approved for data analysis by Kristina Hanspers .
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