ERK1-ERK2 MAPK cascade (Danio rerio)

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1, 2phosphorylated by ERK1/2factorsinhibitorsMAPKKKKsresponsive genesgrowth factorMAPKKKspMAPKKsMAPKsptranscriptionpmap2k2 / MEK2mapk3 / ERK1kdrsos1mapk14a / p38acmycbmapk4 / ERK4map2k6mknk1 / MNK1*PAC1 / dusp2Elk1*pdgfash3gl3mkp1 / dusp1atf2lrps6ka3 / RSK2tgfb1nRAStgfb3atf1mapkapk2junblMBPRap1aigf2gaip*fgf10bcPLA2fgf1mkp2 / dusp4badegfigfmap4k5shcnr2f5atf3sos2*fgf20a#igf1rbfgfr1op2fgf17bAP-1junmkp4 / dusp9*mapk6 / ERK3#fgf22cebpbmap2k4amapk13 / p38delta*fgf18amap2k1 / MEK1srfmapk9 / JNK2*sh3glb2map3k5 / ask1#atf4map4k2elk4 / sap1fgf12#rps6ka1 / RSK1*fgf2sh3glb2mapk1 / ERK2igf2r#il17rdpdgfrb2#mapk14b / p38bfgf6fgf8fgf16creb1junbpdgfrb1#map3k7 / tak1vegfaaMAP3K8 / TPL-2 / Cot#tgfb2map3k4 / Mekk4#mapk2k2met / hgfrPTP1bfgf13fgf23hgf2#fgf11#mapkapk5her1eif4ebp1*MEKK 4#mapk7 /ERK5#braffgf4igf1rafgfr3hRascryabtgfbr2aRAF#hgfaeif4e1athraf1bfgf24aRAFlfgf10RPS6KA4 / MSK2*maxmapk11 / p38beta*ER alphamychatf7bfgfr2mycl1bgrb2pdgfraERMfgf19#elk3spry2sh3gl2fgf14rras2cmycangfr#ntlfgfr1fgf20b#mapk11 / p38beta*mapk8bngf1b#fgf18l#mkp3 / dusp6ngfra#fgf17ausf2mospeafosspry4mapk15 / ERK7sh3glb1hsf1mapk10 / JNK3*fgf5atf7afgf3fgfr4egfrarps6kal / RSK1mycl1aPHAS1*mknk2 / MNK2eif4e1bfgfrl1ash3glb2vegfcfgfrl1bkRASastat5a*fgf7fgf13lmycnRPS6KA5 / MSK1eEf2Kfgf21*


The MAPK signaling proteins are involved in many eukaryotic cellular processes and signaling networks. The upstream activation pathways for ERK1 and ERK2 are highly similar, and also many of their known downstream targets are common; however these genes exhibit different knockdown phenotypes and there are diverse roles for these kinases during embryogenesis. For ERK1 specific genes are involved in dorsal-ventral patterning and subsequent embryonic cell migration. For ERK2, several genes are involved in cell-migration, mesendoderm differentiation and patterning.


GenMAPP notes 
* = is not present in GenMAPP gene database
GenMAPP remarks 
# not represented in Agilent zebrafish 22K oligo set

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  1. Krens SF, He S, Spaink HP, Snaar-Jagalska BE; ''Characterization and expression patterns of the MAPK family in zebrafish.''; Gene Expr Patterns, 2006 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Krens SF, Corredor-Adamez M, He S, Snaar-Jagalska BE, Spaink HP; ''ERK1 and ERK2 MAPK are key regulators of distinct gene sets in zebrafish embryogenesis.''; BMC Genomics, 2008 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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118447view14:50, 27 May 2021EgonwRemoved an UniGene ID annotation without a matching Ensembl ID
116857view10:53, 14 May 2021EweitzModified title
101836view16:39, 12 November 2018EgonwReplaced an old Uniprot data source with the new one.
96465view15:44, 15 March 2018Fehrhartfixed connections
95554view13:42, 27 December 2017DeSlCOnnected lines were needed; changed several ineractions to graphical lines.
95553view13:36, 27 December 2017DeSlModified description
95476view23:51, 17 December 2017Andraconnected lines
95434view16:59, 14 December 2017Marvin M2Updated all UniGene identifiers
71500view19:20, 17 October 2013MaintBotAutomated update of data sources
68616view03:59, 6 July 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
67206view10:20, 26 June 2013Christine ChichesterOntology Term : 'the extracellular signal-regulated Raf/Mek/Erk signaling pathway' added !
58785view22:45, 20 February 2013MaintBotUpdated Ensembl and UniProt data source
40778view22:15, 1 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
29896view11:20, 9 June 2009Thomasupdated ensembl references
29182view18:22, 9 April 2009KhanspersChanges pathway name: removed "zebrafish"
21528view11:32, 14 November 2008MaintBot[[Pathway:Danio rerio:ERK1-ERK2 MAPK cascade]] moved to [[Pathway:WP402]]: Moved to stable identifier
16290view20:42, 17 June 2008Khanspers[[Pathway:Danio rerio:Dr ERK1-ERK2 MAPK cascade]] moved to [[Pathway:Danio rerio:ERK1-ERK2 MAPK cascade]]: Removed species code prefix
14275view07:12, 22 May 2008SFGKrensModified categories
14052view08:36, 21 May 2008SFGKrensNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
AP-1GeneProduct335916 (Entrez Gene)
ER alphaGeneProduct259252 (Entrez Gene)
ERMGeneProduct30452 (Entrez Gene)
MAP3K8 / TPL-2 / Cot#GeneProduct563727 (Entrez Gene)
MBPGeneProduct326281 (Entrez Gene)
MEKK 4#GeneProduct30495 (Entrez Gene)
PAC1 / dusp2GeneProduct445057 (Entrez Gene)
PTP1bGeneProduct30081 (Entrez Gene)
RPS6KA4 / MSK2*GeneProduct
RPS6KA5 / MSK1GeneProduct
Rap1aGeneProduct415242 (Entrez Gene)
aRAF#GeneProduct30716 (Entrez Gene)
aRAFlGeneProduct403063 (Entrez Gene)
atf1GeneProduct325609 (Entrez Gene)
atf2lGeneProduct378449 (Entrez Gene)
atf3GeneProduct393939 (Entrez Gene)
atf4GeneProduct406514 (Entrez Gene)
atf7aGeneProduct566279 (Entrez Gene)
atf7bGeneProduct568197 (Entrez Gene)
badGeneProduct58100 (Entrez Gene)
brafGeneProductENSDARG00000017661 (Ensembl)
cPLA2GeneProduct30554 (Entrez Gene)
cebpbGeneProduct140814 (Entrez Gene)
cmycaGeneProduct30686 (Entrez Gene)
cmycbGeneProduct393141 (Entrez Gene)
creb1GeneProduct393883 (Entrez Gene)
cryabGeneProduct30393 (Entrez Gene)
eEf2KGeneProduct266639 (Entrez Gene)
egfGeneProductENSDARG00000052739 (Ensembl)
egfraGeneProductENSDARG00000013847 (Ensembl)
eif4e1aGeneProduct79380 (Entrez Gene)
eif4e1bGeneProduct30738 (Entrez Gene)
elk3GeneProduct557074 (Entrez Gene)
elk4 / sap1GeneProduct30093 (Entrez Gene)
fgf10GeneProduct359830 (Entrez Gene)
fgf10bGeneProductENSDARG00000100475 (Ensembl)
fgf11#GeneProduct497640 (Entrez Gene)
fgf12#GeneProduct497641 (Entrez Gene)
fgf13GeneProduct492758 (Entrez Gene)
fgf1GeneProduct393733 (Entrez Gene)
fgf13lGeneProduct403003 (Entrez Gene)
fgf14GeneProduct497642 (Entrez Gene)
fgf16GeneProduct692065 (Entrez Gene)
fgf17aGeneProduct65089 (Entrez Gene)
fgf17bGeneProduct407737 (Entrez Gene)
fgf18aGeneProductENSDARG00000088048 (Ensembl)
fgf18l#GeneProduct497639 (Entrez Gene)
fgf19#GeneProduct368245 (Entrez Gene)
fgf20a#GeneProduct559630 (Entrez Gene)
fgf20b#GeneProduct564770 (Entrez Gene)
fgf21*GeneProductQ1ESX2 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
fgf22GeneProductENSDARG00000076510 (Ensembl)
fgf23GeneProduct494456 (Entrez Gene)
fgf24GeneProduct359831 (Entrez Gene)
fgf2GeneProductENSDARG00000104348 (Ensembl)
fgf3GeneProduct30549 (Entrez Gene)
fgf4GeneProduct60311 (Entrez Gene)
fgf5GeneProduct494454 (Entrez Gene)
fgf6GeneProduct30560 (Entrez Gene)
fgf7GeneProduct493181 (Entrez Gene)
fgf8GeneProduct30538 (Entrez Gene)
fgfr1GeneProduct30705 (Entrez Gene)
fgfr1op2GeneProduct335511 (Entrez Gene)
fgfr2GeneProduct352940 (Entrez Gene)
fgfr3GeneProduct58129 (Entrez Gene)
fgfr4GeneProduct30706 (Entrez Gene)
fgfrl1aGeneProduct393347 (Entrez Gene)
fgfrl1bGeneProduct497135 (Entrez Gene)
fosGeneProduct394198 (Entrez Gene)
grb2GeneProduct406308 (Entrez Gene)
hRasGeneProduct550286 (Entrez Gene)
her1GeneProduct30287 (Entrez Gene)
hgf2#GeneProduct493782 (Entrez Gene)
hgfaGeneProductENSDARG00000045544 (Ensembl)
hsf1GeneProduct58123 (Entrez Gene)
igfGeneProduct114433 (Entrez Gene)
igf1raGeneProduct245701 (Entrez Gene)
igf1rbGeneProductENSDARG00000034434 (Ensembl)
igf2GeneProduct30710 (Entrez Gene)
igf2r#GeneProduct557061 (Entrez Gene)
il17rdGeneProductENSDARG00000098359 (Ensembl)
junGeneProduct335916 (Entrez Gene)
junbGeneProduct407086 (Entrez Gene)
junblGeneProduct336038 (Entrez Gene)
kRASaGeneProduct393228 (Entrez Gene)
kdrGeneProductENSDARG00000017321 (Ensembl)
map2k1 / MEK1GeneProduct406728 (Entrez Gene)
map2k2 / MEK2GeneProduct563181 (Entrez Gene)
map2k4aGeneProductENSDARG00000063583 (Ensembl)
map2k6GeneProductENSDARG00000099184 (Ensembl)
map3k4 / Mekk4#GeneProduct30495 (Entrez Gene)
map3k5 / ask1#GeneProduct555703 (Entrez Gene)
map3k7 / tak1GeneProduct553788 (Entrez Gene)
map4k2GeneProductENSDARG00000001234 (Ensembl)
map4k5GeneProduct334565 (Entrez Gene)
mapk1 / ERK2GeneProduct360144 (Entrez Gene)
mapk10 / JNK3*GeneProduct
mapk11 / p38beta*GeneProduct
mapk13 / p38delta*GeneProduct
mapk14a / p38aGeneProduct65237 (Entrez Gene)
mapk14b / p38bGeneProduct266756 (Entrez Gene)
mapk15 / ERK7GeneProduct553780 (Entrez Gene)
mapk2k2GeneProduct336209 (Entrez Gene)
mapk3 / ERK1GeneProduct399480 (Entrez Gene)
mapk4 / ERK4GeneProduct406782 (Entrez Gene)
mapk6 / ERK3#GeneProduct565830 (Entrez Gene)
mapk7 /ERK5#GeneProduct541323 (Entrez Gene)
mapk8bGeneProductENSDARG00000009870 (Ensembl)
mapk9 / JNK2*GeneProduct
mapkapk2GeneProduct327321 (Entrez Gene)
mapkapk5GeneProduct436608 (Entrez Gene)
maxGeneProduct30467 (Entrez Gene)
met / hgfrGeneProduct
mknk1 / MNK1*GeneProduct
mknk2 / MNK2GeneProduct373121 (Entrez Gene)
mkp1 / dusp1GeneProduct406340 (Entrez Gene)
mkp2 / dusp4GeneProduct394146 (Entrez Gene)
mkp3 / dusp6GeneProduct353314 (Entrez Gene)
mkp4 / dusp9*GeneProduct
mosGeneProduct402817 (Entrez Gene)
mychGeneProduct338151 (Entrez Gene)
mycl1aGeneProduct405873 (Entrez Gene)
mycl1bGeneProduct327350 (Entrez Gene)
mycnGeneProduct252851 (Entrez Gene)
nRASGeneProduct30380 (Entrez Gene)
ngf1b#GeneProduct30469 (Entrez Gene)
ngfr#GeneProduct323817 (Entrez Gene)
ngfra#GeneProduct368715 (Entrez Gene)
nr2f5GeneProductENSDARG00000033172 (Ensembl)
ntlGeneProduct30399 (Entrez Gene)
pdgfaGeneProduct378480 (Entrez Gene)
pdgfraGeneProduct30745 (Entrez Gene)
pdgfrb1#GeneProduct378846 (Entrez Gene)
pdgfrb2#GeneProduct360210 (Entrez Gene)
peaGeneProduct30700 (Entrez Gene)
raf1bGeneProductENSDARG00000059406 (Ensembl)
rps6ka1 / RSK1*GeneProductZDB-GENE-060929-516 (ZFIN)
rps6ka3 / RSK2GeneProduct338219 (Entrez Gene)
rps6kal / RSK1GeneProduct337670 (Entrez Gene)
rras2GeneProductENSDARG00000036252 (Ensembl)
sh3gl2GeneProduct394091 (Entrez Gene)
sh3gl3GeneProduct393150 (Entrez Gene)
sh3glb1GeneProduct334911 (Entrez Gene)
sh3glb2GeneProduct394094 (Entrez Gene)
sh3glb2GeneProduct402885 (Entrez Gene)
sh3glb2GeneProduct664773 (Entrez Gene)
shcGeneProduct333933 (Entrez Gene)
sos1GeneProductENSDARG00000042468 (Ensembl)
sos2*GeneProductENSDARG00000060506 (Ensembl)
spry2GeneProduct335098 (Entrez Gene)
spry4GeneProduct114437 (Entrez Gene)
srfGeneProduct30431 (Entrez Gene)
tgfb1GeneProduct359834 (Entrez Gene)
tgfb2GeneProduct369194 (Entrez Gene)
tgfb3GeneProduct369195 (Entrez Gene)
tgfbr2GeneProductENSDARG00000034541 (Ensembl)
thGeneProduct30384 (Entrez Gene)
usf2GeneProduct406475 (Entrez Gene)
vegfaaGeneProductENSDARG00000103542 (Ensembl)
vegfcGeneProductENSDARG00000069640 (Ensembl)

Annotated Interactions

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