Molecular pathway for oxidative stress (Homo sapiens)

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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none FoxOMSK1TSC1/2ATF2AP1PI3KJNK1/2/3Reactive oxigen speciesSIRT1ATRPIkB ubiquitinationMAP3K5/ASK1/2PTENPAKTPIP3IKKsRedox sensetive kinases, transcription factors & receptorsChk1P21GTPRhebPP53Anrti-apoptotic gene activationMKK4/7MKK3/6PPIP2CREBAnti-oxidantsP38mTORC1NQO-1CATGSHHO-1Pink1NRF-1SOD2Aerobic cell metabolismInflammationEnvironmental contaminantsRadiation protective agentsCell-cycle progressionApoptosisDifferentiationInflammationKeap-1Cul3NRF2Keap-1P53MDM2Cycline-ECDK2NOX1NF-kBNF-kBIkBICAM-1IL-1IL-8COX-2IL-6TNF-alphaiNOSAngiogenesisMigration/invasionBcl-2Bcl-xLc-IAPKeap-1Cul3UNRF2NRF2 degradationKeap-1RhebName: Molecular pathway for oxidative stressOrganism: Homo sapiens


Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body, resulting in too many free radicals and not enough antioxidants. This excess of free radicals can damage the body's cells and tissues.

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  1. Ryoichi HAYAKAWA, Teruyuki HAYAKAWA, Kohsuke TAKEDA, Hidenori ICHIJO; ''Therapeutic targets in the ASK1-dependent stress signaling pathways''; NCBI, 2012 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Yong Son, Sangduck Kim, Hun-Taeg Chung, Hyun-Ock Pae; ''Reactive oxygen species in the activation of MAP kinases''; NIH, 2013 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  3. Michael J Morgan, Zheng-gang Liu; ''Crosstalk of reactive oxygen species and NF-κB signaling''; Nature, 2011 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  4. Silvia Trombetti, Elena Cesaro, Rosa Catapano, Raffaele Sessa, Alessandra Lo Bianco, Paola Izzo, Michela Gross; ''Oxidative Stress and ROS-Mediated Signaling in Leukemia: Novel Promising Perspectives to Eradicate Chemoresistant Cells in Myeloid Leukemia''; ResearchGate, 2021 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  5. Brittney Joy-Anne Foo, Jie Qing Eu, Jayshree L Hirpara, Shazib Pervaiz; ''Interplay between Mitochondrial Metabolism and Cellular Redox State Dictates Cancer Cell Survival''; ResearchGate, 2021 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  6. Lakhan Kma, Taranga Jyoti Baruah; ''The interplay of ROS and the PI3K/Akt pathway in autophagy regulation''; Wiley, 2021 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  7. Danfeng Xue, Xiongming Zhou, Jiaxuan Qiu; ''Emerging role of NRF2 in ROS-mediated tumor chemoresistance''; Elsevier, 2020 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  8. Shuya Kasai, Sunao Shimizu, Yota Tatara, Junsei Mimura, Ken Itoh; ''Regulation of Nrf2 by Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species in Physiology and Pathology''; MDPI, 2020 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  9. Mira Hammad, Mohammad Raftari, Rute Cesário, Rima Salma, Paulo Godoy, S Noushin Emami, Siamak Haghdoost; ''Pathogenic and Non-Pathogenic Cells: A Possible General Mechanism of Resistance to Therapy''; MDPI, 2023 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  10. Anuradha Kirtonia, Gautam Sethi, Manoj Garg; ''The multifaceted role of reactive oxygen species in tumorigenesis''; ResearchGate, 2020 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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135819view06:37, 12 November 2024EgonwTyped a data node with an identifier
135728view22:42, 31 October 2024AlexanderPicoModified description
135727view22:41, 31 October 2024AlexanderPicoModified title
135312view21:26, 16 August 2024KhanspersOntology Term : 'signaling pathway' added !
135311view21:25, 16 August 2024KhanspersOntology Term : 'oxidative stress response pathway' added !
131777view12:44, 3 June 2024BurritacoNew pathway

External references


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Name  ↓Type  ↓Database reference  ↓Comment  ↓
AKTGeneProductENSG00000142208 (Ensembl)
AP1GeneProductENSG00000170345 (Ensembl)
ATF2GeneProductENSG00000115966 (Ensembl)
ATRGeneProductENSG00000175054 (Ensembl)
Aerobic cell metabolism
Anrti-apoptotic gene activation
Bcl-2GeneProductENSG00000171791 (Ensembl)
Bcl-xLGeneProductENSG00000171552 (Ensembl)
CATGeneProductENSG00000121691 (Ensembl)
CDK2GeneProductENSG00000123374 (Ensembl)
COX-2GeneProductENSG00000073756 (Ensembl)
CREBGeneProductENSG00000118260 (Ensembl)
Cell-cycle progression
Chk1GeneProductENSG00000149554 (Ensembl)
Cul3GeneProductENSG00000036257 (Ensembl)
Cycline-EGeneProductENSG00000105173 (Ensembl)
Environmental contaminants
FoxOGeneProductENSG00000150907 (Ensembl)
GSHGeneProductENSG00000169840 (Ensembl)
HO-1GeneProductENSG00000100292 (Ensembl)
ICAM-1GeneProductENSG00000090339 (Ensembl)
IKKsGeneProductENSG00000269335 (Ensembl)
IL-1GeneProductENSG00000115008 (Ensembl)
IL-6GeneProductENSG00000136244 (Ensembl)
IL-8GeneProductENSG00000169429 (Ensembl)
IkB ubiquitinationGeneProduct
IkBGeneProductENSG00000104365 (Ensembl)
JNK1/2/3GeneProductENSG00000107643 (Ensembl)
Keap-1GeneProductENSG00000079999 (Ensembl)
MAP3K5/ASK1/2GeneProductENSG00000197442 (Ensembl)
MDM2GeneProductENSG00000135679 (Ensembl)
MKK3/6GeneProductENSG00000034152 (Ensembl)
MKK4/7GeneProductENSG00000065559 (Ensembl)
MSK1 GeneProductENSG00000100784 (Ensembl)
NF-kBGeneProductENSG00000109320 (Ensembl)
NOX1GeneProductENSG00000007952 (Ensembl)
NQO-1GeneProductENSG00000181019 (Ensembl)
NRF-1GeneProductENSG00000106459 (Ensembl)
NRF2 degradationGeneProduct
NRF2GeneProductENSG00000116044 (Ensembl)
P21 GeneProductENSG00000124762 (Ensembl)
P38GeneProductENSG00000112062 (Ensembl)
P53GeneProductENSG00000141510 (Ensembl)
PI3KGeneProductENSG00000121879 (Ensembl)
PIP2GeneProductENSG00000159763 (Ensembl)
PIP3GeneProductENSG00000074706 (Ensembl)
PTENGeneProductENSG00000171862 (Ensembl)
Pink1GeneProductENSG00000158828 (Ensembl)
Radiation protective agents
Reactive oxigen speciesMetaboliteCHEBI:26523 (ChEBI)
Redox sensetive kinases, transcription factors & receptors
RhebGeneProductENSG00000106615 (Ensembl)
SIRT1GeneProductENSG00000096717 (Ensembl)
SOD2GeneProductENSG00000291237 (Ensembl)
TNF-alphaGeneProductENSG00000232810 (Ensembl)
TSC1/2GeneProductENSG00000165699 (Ensembl)
iNOSGeneProductENSG00000007171 (Ensembl)
mTORC1GeneProductENSG00000198793 (Ensembl)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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