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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none CTP Origin GTP Orc3 UTP Orc2 ATP Orc5 dCTP Orc2 dGTP Orc3 dUTP Orc5 dATP Orc4 Ubiquitin Orc1 ATP Orc3 ADP Orc5 ATP Orc4 ADP Orc2 Ubiquitin Cdc6 ATP Cdc6 Cdt1 Cdt1 Geminin Cdc6 Cdt1 Mcm10 Cdt1 Phosphorylation of Mcm 2-7 complex DNA polymerase alpha: primase: origin complex DNA polymerase alpha: primase: origin complex RNA Primer Phosphorylated Orc1 Phosphorylated Cdc6 Ubiquitinated Orc1 Ubiquitinated Cdc6 Degraded by proteasome in cytosol Degraded by proteasome in cytosol RNA primer-DNA primer RNA primer-DNA primer p49 p58 p70 p180 RFC36 RFC37 RFC38 RFC40 RFC140 Mcm 4,6,7 trimer forms and associates with the replication fork Orc2 Orc3 RFC Heteropentamer:RNA primer-DNA primer PCNA homotrimer RFC Heteropentamer:RNA primer-DNA primer: RNA primer-DNA primer:origin duplex:PCNA Primase DNA Polymerase a Pre-replicative complex 2. Activation of the pre-replicative complex 3. DNA replication initiation Pre-replicative complex 1. Assembly of the pre-replicative complex Mcm2 Mcm3 Mcm4 Mcm6 Mcm7 Orc Complex Cdc6 Cdt1 Mcm2 Mcm3 Mcm4 Mcm6 Mcm7 4. Switching of origins to post-replicative state 5. Leading/lagging strand synthesis Orc complex Processive complex Orc complex Orc complex Orc complex Mcm5 Mcm5 CG9273 RPA3 RPA4 DNApol-alpha180 DNApol-alpha50 DNAprim Pole2 DNApol-epsilon lat Orc2 Orc5 Orc4 Orc1 Orc6 GMNN dup RpL40 Mcm6 Mcm5 dpa Mcm3 Mcm2 Mcm7 Mcm10 CDK2 DNApol-alpha73 RfC3 CG8142 RfC38 RfC40 Gnf1 mus209 ASK l(1)G0148 RpA-70 CDC45L CG12018 POLD3 POLD4 DNApol-delta CG5971 Ubi-p63E Name: DNA replication Last Modified: 10/17/2013 Organism: Drosophila melanogaster
DNA replication, the basis for biological inheritance, is a fundamental process occurring in all living organisms to copy their DNA. This process is "replication" in that each strand of the original double-stranded DNA molecule serves as template for the reproduction of the complementary strand. Hence, following DNA replication, two identical DNA molecules have been produced from a single double-stranded DNA molecule. Cellular proofreading and error-checking mechanisms ensure near perfect fidelity for DNA replication.
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