Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis (Homo sapiens)

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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none GluconeogenesisGlycolysisMitochondrionCytosolTPI1Malate2P-GlyceratePentose phosphate pathwayGOT1OxaloacetateGAPDH1,3BP-GlyceratePCOxaloacetateAcetyl-CoAGOT23P-GlycerateMDH1MDH2Fructose-1,6BPLactateGlucoseGlyceraldehyde 3PPyruvatePyruvateFructose 6PMalateGlucoseTriglyceride synthesisGlycogen metabolismG6PCPCK1AspartateDihydroxyacetone-PP-enolpyruvateAspartateGlucose-6PTCA cyclePGK1PGK2HK1HK3HK2GCKFBP1FBP2ENO3ENO1ENO2ALDOAALDOCALDOBPKM1PKLRPKM2SLC2A2SLC2A5SLC2A1SLC2A4SLC2A3DLDPDHA1DLATLDHAL6BLDHALDHCLDHBPFKPPFKMPFKLPGAM2PGAM1MPC2MPC1Glucose-6P (open)PGIFructose 6P (open)GPIName: Glycolysis and gluconeogenesisOrganism: Homo sapiens


Glycolysis is the metabolic pathway that converts glucose C6H12O6, into pyruvate, CH3COCOO- and H+. The free energy released in this process is used to form the ATP and NADH.

Gluconeogenesis is a metabolic pathway that results in the generation of glucose from non-carbohydrate carbon substrates such as pyruvate, lactate, glycerol, glucogenic amino acids, and fatty acids. Description adapted from [Wikipedia](

Proteins on this pathway have targeted assays available via the [CPTAC Assay Portal](

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Image:Wplogo_31.pngCommunity: CPTAC

Ontology Terms



  1. Bricker DK, Taylor EB, Schell JC, Orsak T, Boutron A, Chen YC, Cox JE, Cardon CM, Van Vranken JG, Dephoure N, Redin C, Boudina S, Gygi SP, Brivet M, Thummel CS, Rutter J; ''A mitochondrial pyruvate carrier required for pyruvate uptake in yeast, Drosophila, and humans.''; Science, 2012 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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view23:01, 27 February 2025KhanspersModified description
view00:54, 24 January 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'glycolysis pathway' added !
128075view00:52, 24 January 2024EweitzStandardize shape, case
125947view09:02, 23 March 2023FehrhartReplaced double-headed arrows with single arrows
117147view09:42, 18 May 2021EweitzModified title
107184view14:27, 17 September 2019MaintBotChEBI identifier normalization
106436view23:25, 28 August 2019KhanspersModified description
106215view12:11, 16 August 2019MaintBotHMDB identifier normalization
105497view05:51, 8 August 2019KhanspersModified description
103755view23:18, 3 April 2019Khanspersfixed encoding issues in description
103681view09:00, 28 March 2019DeSlRemoved licence number and last modified part.
103680view09:00, 28 March 2019DeSlOntology Term : 'citric acid cycle pathway' added !
98729view23:28, 2 October 2018Khanspersupdated complexes
98722view18:52, 1 October 2018KhanspersReverted to version '23:57, 11 March 2018' by Khanspers
97388view04:42, 14 May 2018Khansperscleanup
97264view03:45, 7 May 2018Ambar21pathway upload
96385view23:57, 11 March 2018MarkAHershbergerModified title
94762view15:51, 5 October 2017EgonwTagged interactions with mim-types.
93722view14:48, 14 August 2017DeSlAdded nodes for open/closed forms of glucoses; changed IDs to (2-) forms where needed.
90450view21:05, 16 November 2016KhanspersReverted to version '06:22, 10 September 2016' by Khanspers
90290view22:57, 2 November 2016MirkoBaranziniSpecify description
90289view22:55, 2 November 2016MirkoBaranziniPeriodical save, work in progress
90268view06:39, 28 October 2016MirkoBaranziniSpecify description
90267view06:37, 28 October 2016MirkoBaranziniSpecify description
90256view08:48, 27 October 2016MirkoBaranziniPeriodical save, work in progress
90255view08:36, 27 October 2016MirkoBaranziniPeriodical save, work in progress
90254view08:26, 27 October 2016MirkoBaranziniPeriodical save, work in progress
90253view08:15, 27 October 2016MirkoBaranziniPeriodical save, work in progress
90250view22:22, 26 October 2016MirkoBaranziniSpecify description
90249view21:53, 26 October 2016MirkoBaranzinisxq
90248view21:49, 26 October 2016MirkoBaranziniSpecify description
90246view20:35, 26 October 2016MirkoBaranziniPeriodical save, work in progress
90245view20:15, 26 October 2016MirkoBaranziniSpecify description
90239view12:00, 26 October 2016MirkoBaranziniPeriodical save, work in progress
90238view11:56, 26 October 2016MirkoBaranziniGlicolisi1
90237view11:54, 26 October 2016MirkoBaranziniSpecify description
90236view11:50, 26 October 2016MirkoBaranziniPeriodical save, work in progress
90235view11:39, 26 October 2016MirkoBaranziniPeriodical save, work in progress
90234view11:36, 26 October 2016MirkoBaranziniSpecify description
90233view11:17, 26 October 2016MirkoBaranziniPeriodical save, work in progress
90232view11:05, 26 October 2016MirkoBaranziniPeriodical save, work in progress
90230view10:56, 26 October 2016MirkoBaranziniGlicolisi 1
90229view10:55, 26 October 2016MirkoBaranziniPeriodical save, work in progress
90228view10:50, 26 October 2016MirkoBaranziniSpecify description
90227view10:45, 26 October 2016MirkoBaranziniPeriodical save, work in progress
90226view10:40, 26 October 2016MirkoBaranziniglico1
90223view10:35, 26 October 2016MirkoBaranziniPeriodical save, work in progress
90222view10:25, 26 October 2016MirkoBaranziniPeriodical save, work in progress
90221view10:15, 26 October 2016MirkoBaranziniPeriodical save, work in progress
90220view10:05, 26 October 2016MirkoBaranziniPeriodical save, work in progress

External references


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Name  ↓Type  ↓Database reference  ↓Comment  ↓
1,3BP-GlycerateMetaboliteHMDB0001270 (HMDB)
2P-GlycerateMetaboliteHMDB0000362 (HMDB)
3P-GlycerateMetaboliteHMDB0000807 (HMDB)
ALDOAGeneProduct226 (Entrez Gene)
ALDOBGeneProduct229 (Entrez Gene)
ALDOCGeneProduct230 (Entrez Gene)
Acetyl-CoAMetaboliteHMDB0001206 (HMDB)
AspartateMetaboliteHMDB0000191 (HMDB)
DLATGeneProduct1737 (Entrez Gene)
DLDGeneProduct1738 (Entrez Gene)
Dihydroxyacetone-PMetaboliteHMDB0001473 (HMDB)
ENO1GeneProduct2023 (Entrez Gene)
ENO2GeneProduct2026 (Entrez Gene)
ENO3GeneProduct2027 (Entrez Gene)
FBP1GeneProduct2203 (Entrez Gene)
FBP2GeneProduct8789 (Entrez Gene)
Fructose 6P (open)MetaboliteCHEBI:57579 (ChEBI) fructose-6-phosphate (2-) open form
Fructose 6PMetaboliteCHEBI:61527 (ChEBI)
Fructose-1,6BPMetaboliteHMDB0001058 (HMDB)
G6PCGeneProduct2538 (Entrez Gene) Not present in brain and muscle, so those organs can not produce their own glucose in the gluconeogenesis pathway
GAPDHGeneProductENSG00000111640 (Ensembl)
GCKGeneProduct2645 (Entrez Gene) Gck is mainly active in liver
GOT1GeneProduct2805 (Entrez Gene)
GOT2GeneProduct2806 (Entrez Gene)
GPIGeneProduct2821 (Entrez Gene) glucose-6-phosphate isomerase
Glucose-6P (open)MetaboliteCHEBI:57584 (ChEBI) D-Glucose-6-Phosphate (2-) open form
Glucose-6PMetaboliteCHEBI:75052 (ChEBI) Glucose-6-Phosphate (2-)
GlucoseMetaboliteHMDB0000122 (HMDB)
Glyceraldehyde 3PMetaboliteHMDB0001112 (HMDB)
Glycogen metabolismPathwayWP500 (WikiPathways)
HK1GeneProduct3098 (Entrez Gene)
HK2GeneProduct3099 (Entrez Gene)
HK3GeneProduct3101 (Entrez Gene)
LDHAGeneProduct3939 (Entrez Gene)
LDHAL6BGeneProduct92483 (Entrez Gene)
LDHBGeneProduct3945 (Entrez Gene)
LDHCGeneProduct3948 (Entrez Gene)
LactateMetaboliteHMDB0000190 (HMDB)
MDH1GeneProduct4190 (Entrez Gene)
MDH2GeneProduct4191 (Entrez Gene)
MPC1GeneProduct51660 (Entrez Gene)
MPC2GeneProduct25874 (Entrez Gene)
MalateMetaboliteHMDB0000744 (HMDB)
OxaloacetateMetaboliteHMDB0000223 (HMDB)
P-enolpyruvateMetaboliteHMDB0000263 (HMDB)
PCGeneProduct5091 (Entrez Gene)
PCK1GeneProduct5105 (Entrez Gene)
PDHA1GeneProduct5160 (Entrez Gene)
PFKLGeneProduct5211 (Entrez Gene)
PFKMGeneProduct5213 (Entrez Gene)
PFKPGeneProduct5214 (Entrez Gene)
PGAM1GeneProduct5223 (Entrez Gene)
PGAM2GeneProduct5224 (Entrez Gene)
PGIGeneProduct5.3.1.9 (Enzyme Nomenclature) phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI)
PGK1GeneProduct5230 (Entrez Gene)
PGK2GeneProduct5232 (Entrez Gene)
PKLRGeneProduct5313 (Entrez Gene)
PKM1GeneProduct5315 (Entrez Gene)
PKM2GeneProduct5315 (Entrez Gene)
Pentose phosphate pathwayPathwayWP134 (WikiPathways)
PyruvateMetaboliteHMDB0000243 (HMDB)
SLC2A1GeneProduct6513 (Entrez Gene)
SLC2A2GeneProduct6514 (Entrez Gene)
SLC2A3GeneProduct6515 (Entrez Gene)
SLC2A4GeneProduct6517 (Entrez Gene)
SLC2A5GeneProduct6518 (Entrez Gene)
TCA cyclePathwayWP78 (WikiPathways)
TPI1GeneProduct7167 (Entrez Gene)
Triglyceride synthesisPathwayWP325 (WikiPathways)

Annotated Interactions

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