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The PanCanNet Portal on WikiPathways

Welcome to the PancCanNet Pathway Portal

This portal highlights pathway content relevant to the pancreatic cancer research community.

The aim of this project is the creation of a biological pathway community portal (PancCanNet) as a unified knowledge base for pancreatic cancer. The portal enables expert clinical researchers (medical and scientific) to add and curate pathway content and allows programmatic access for downstream knowledge integration, data analysis, and data visualization. PancCanNet provides a resource for determining the functional impact of multi-omics experimental data with the aim to understand the mechanisms of treatment resistance, discover novel biomarkers and develop personal treatment options for pancreatic cancer patients.


Pathway Curation

To the right you'll see a rotating display of featured pathways related to pancreatic cancer. Where did these pathways come from? They came from people like you! The pancreatic cancer collection of pathways can be edited, fixed, and added to using the pathway drawing and annotation tools here at WikiPathways.

Getting Started


Curation projects

  • Contact Martina Kutmon if interested in curating, adding, or using pancreatic cancer pathways, mkutmon@gmail.com


Useful Links


Featured Pathways

Interferon type I signaling (Homo sapiens)

Image does not exist
Interferon type I signaling
View all Pathways for this Portal



The PancCanNet project has received funding from The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development under the ZonMw Hotel project number 435005037.

The logo of ZonMw The logo of ZonMw



The logo of Erasmus MC The logo of Maastricht University The logo of Omnigen BV

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