Cell-matrix adhesions play important roles in biological processes such as cell motility, cell proliferation, cell differentiation, regulation of gene expression and cell survival. Focal adhesions are structures formed at the cell-extracellular matrix contact points, consisting of bundles of actin filaments anchored to trans-membrane receptors of the integrin family through a complex of multiple proteins. In addition to participating in the structural link between membrane receptors and the actin cytoskeleton, focal adhesions also contain signaling molecules, such as protein kinases and phosphatases, their substrates, and various adapter proteins. Integrin signaling is dependent on the non-receptor tyrosine kinase activities of the FAK and src proteins and the adaptor protein functions of FAK, src and Shc to initiate downstream signaling events. These signaling events results in the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton, which is essential for changes in cell shape and motility, and gene expression.
This pathway was inferred from Mus musculus pathway "Focal Adhesion-PI3K-Akt-mTOR-signaling pathway", WP2841 revision 89989, with a 94.0% conversion rate.
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Oloumi A, McPhee T, Dedhar S; ''Regulation of E-cadherin expression and beta-catenin/Tcf transcriptional activity by the integrin-linked kinase.''; Biochim Biophys Acta, 2004 PubMedEurope PMCScholia
Lee JW, Juliano R; ''Mitogenic signal transduction by integrin- and growth factor receptor-mediated pathways.''; Mol Cells, 2004 PubMedEurope PMCScholia
Comoglio PM, Boccaccio C, Trusolino L; ''Interactions between growth factor receptors and adhesion molecules: breaking the rules.''; Curr Opin Cell Biol, 2003 PubMedEurope PMCScholia
Mitra SK, Hanson DA, Schlaepfer DD; ''Focal adhesion kinase: in command and control of cell motility.''; Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol, 2005 PubMedEurope PMCScholia
Hlobilková A, Knillová J, Bártek J, Lukás J, Kolár Z; ''The mechanism of action of the tumour suppressor gene PTEN.''; Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub, 2003 PubMedEurope PMCScholia
Schlaepfer DD, Mitra SK; ''Multiple connections link FAK to cell motility and invasion.''; Curr Opin Genet Dev, 2004 PubMedEurope PMCScholia
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