Serotonin HTR1 group and FOS pathway (Homo sapiens)

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35166, 97, 186, 228, 237...23, 40, 42, 113, 114, 171...95, 133, 205, 334, 34647, 54, 60, 65, 122...8331821, 39, 55, 88, 180...34929035114, 96, 135, 216, 229...278318181, 262, 33210, 19, 59, 98, 121...11919033, 110, 171, 200, 232...11, 18, 115, 127, 217...7, 20, 43, 62, 174...268351868322, 28, 30, 32, 94...108, 164, 218, 238, 242...136, 221, 233, 315, 35386, 255, 34719181, 170, 189, 2102, 116, 153, 158, 182...204831308, 100, 105, 107, 115...24, 48, 70, 150, 198...12641, 93, 141, 157, 27683266, 306351285831, 9, 13, 45, 56...3, 4, 58, 140, 144...12, 87, 279, 29766, 169, 192, 253, 26483, 29244, 74, 101, 112, 134...214, 2318346, 68, 80, 222, 249...34, 63, 118, 120, 187...1, 193, 258, 330159, 21149, 178, 203, 3425, 35, 77, 82, 102...23, 73, 90, 123, 139...27, 52, 61, 71, 161...30999, 26153, 129, 137, 142, 148...223103, 149, 185, 280, 29457, 64, 72, 76, 84...27816, 14325, 92, 151, 338, 3418326, 38, 50, 69, 85...36, 91, 109, 213, 26915, 29, 31, 37, 85...8379, 310138, 308, 33589, 155, 166, 305Promoter BindingLEGENDSynthesis ReceptorIndirect RegulationFunctional Protein ClassBindingDirect RegulationProteinProtein ModificationSmall MoleculeHTR1BMAP3K1PtdIns3PCREB1MAP2K1RPS6KGNAI2GNAI1HTR1FMAP2K2MAP2K6ELK4MAPKAPK2ITPR1MAPK1PI3KSerotoninMAP2K31,2-DiacetinMAPKAPK3HTR1DGb/gMAPK3RASGRF1PKCRHOAELK1BRAFGNAO1GNAI3SRFPDPK1RAP1AFOSCALCIUMPLCMAPK14RasHTR1ARPS6KA5RASGRP1HTR1E1,4,5-Insp3


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125764view14:31, 9 March 2023DeSlAdded rhea ID and ref. for PI3K interaction
125763view14:27, 9 March 2023DeSlFixed PI3K enzyme conversion
125656view15:59, 6 March 2023DeSlIntegrated description from WP733
125655view15:58, 6 March 2023DeSlIntegrated WP733
125651view15:51, 6 March 2023DeSlAdded two annotations
125650view15:47, 6 March 2023DeSlConverted (in)direct regulation to MIM-stimulation
125649view15:43, 6 March 2023DeSlVretical layout, converted arrow to MIM-conversion
125648view15:41, 6 March 2023DeSlChanged layout
125647view15:40, 6 March 2023DeSlConverted some arrows to specific MIM-types
125646view15:35, 6 March 2023DeSlUpdating to current color scheme
125633view02:01, 6 March 2023AlexanderPicoModified description
125272view15:34, 31 January 2023EgonwFixed two more references
125271view15:22, 31 January 2023EgonwFixed a reference
120570view01:00, 17 December 2021Khanspersupdated lit refs
120569view00:58, 17 December 2021Khanspersupdated lit refs
120568view00:45, 17 December 2021Khanspersfixed literature references to remove weird characters
117823view15:06, 22 May 2021EweitzModified title
106177view12:07, 16 August 2019MaintBotHMDB identifier normalization
102357view19:43, 20 December 2018Fehrhartfixed unconnected lines
102125view17:03, 1 December 2018EgonwRemoved whitespace in PubMed identifiers.
74511view05:59, 27 April 2014EgonwLast batch of PubMed ID fixes.
74501view17:12, 26 April 2014EgonwMore PubMed ID fixes.
74499view16:58, 26 April 2014EgonwFixed PubMed IDs.
73767view00:49, 22 February 2014MaintBotupdating schema
49735view09:04, 25 July 2012AndraRDF Tidy
49638view10:31, 23 July 2012AndraRDF Tidy
49633view09:57, 23 July 2012AndraRDF Tidy
49625view09:24, 23 July 2012AndraRDF Tidy
49624view09:22, 23 July 2012AndraRDF Tidy
49621view08:51, 23 July 2012AndraRDF Tidy
49580view07:14, 21 July 2012AndraRDF Tidy
49556view19:33, 20 July 2012AndraRDF tidy
49540view09:59, 20 July 2012AndraCorrected references
49539view09:48, 20 July 2012AndraCorrected a erroneous pubmed reference
49534view09:06, 20 July 2012AndraCorrected a pubmed error
46093view03:28, 15 December 2011AlexanderPicoconverted more hugo to hgnc
45025view18:43, 6 October 2011ThomasOntology Term : 'serotonin signaling pathway' added !
41105view23:22, 1 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
39767view07:54, 17 January 2011AlexanderPico
34469view18:32, 10 December 2009MaintBotAutomatic update of empty xrefs
33424view14:53, 30 November 2009MaintBotRemoved group label
33185view17:56, 5 November 2009KhanspersModified categories
31150view04:01, 5 August 2009ArukeModified description
30189view21:58, 8 July 2009ArukePeriodical save, work in progress
30183view04:17, 8 July 2009ArukePeriodical save, work in progress
30177view18:15, 7 July 2009ArukeAdded legend
30176view18:05, 7 July 2009ArukePeriodical save, work in progress
30071view18:39, 30 June 2009ArukeSpecify description
30070view18:37, 30 June 2009ArukePeriodical save, work in progress
30069view18:34, 30 June 2009ArukeSpecify description

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
1,2-DiacetinMetabolite102-62-5 (CAS) diacylglycerol
1,4,5-Insp3Metabolite85166-31-0 (CAS)
BRAFGeneProduct673 (Entrez Gene) v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1
CALCIUMMetabolite7440-70-2 (CAS)
CREB1GeneProduct1385 (Entrez Gene) cAMP response element-binding protein 1
ELK1GeneProduct2002 (Entrez Gene) ELK1, member of ETS oncogene family
ELK4GeneProduct2005 (Entrez Gene) ETS domain-containing protein Elk-4 (SRF accessory protein 1)
FOSGeneProduct2353 (Entrez Gene) proto-oncogene protein c-fos
GNAI1Protein2770 (Entrez Gene)
GNAI2Protein2771 (Entrez Gene)
GNAI3Protein2773 (Entrez Gene)
GNAO1Protein2775 (Entrez Gene)
HTR1AProtein3350 (Entrez Gene)
HTR1BProtein3351 (Entrez Gene)
HTR1DProtein3352 (Entrez Gene)
HTR1EProtein3354 (Entrez Gene)
HTR1FProtein3355 (Entrez Gene)
ITPR1GeneProduct3708 (Entrez Gene) inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor 1
MAP2K1GeneProduct5604 (Entrez Gene) mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 1
MAP2K2GeneProduct5605 (Entrez Gene) mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 2
MAP2K3GeneProduct5606 (Entrez Gene) mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 3
MAP2K6GeneProduct5608 (Entrez Gene) mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 6
MAP3K1GeneProduct4214 (Entrez Gene) mitogen activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1
MAPK14GeneProduct1432 (Entrez Gene) mitogen activated protein kinase 14
MAPK1GeneProductMAPK1 (HGNC) mitogen activated protein kinase 1
MAPK3GeneProduct5595 (Entrez Gene) mitogen activated protein kinase 3
MAPKAPK2GeneProduct9261 (Entrez Gene) mitogen activated protein kinase 3
MAPKAPK3GeneProduct7867 (Entrez Gene) mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase 3
PDPK1GeneProduct5170 (Entrez Gene) 3-phosphoinositide dependent protein kinase-1
PI3KGeneProduct5290 (Entrez Gene) phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase
PKCGeneProduct50818 (Entrez Gene) protein kinase C
PLCGeneProductphospholipase C
PtdIns3PGeneProductphosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate
RAP1AGeneProduct5906 (Entrez Gene) RAS-related protein-1a
RASGRF1GeneProduct5923 (Entrez Gene) RAS protein-specific guanine nucleotide-releasing factor 1
RASGRP1GeneProduct10125 (Entrez Gene) RAS guanyl releasing protein 1
RHOAGeneProduct387 (Entrez Gene) ras homolog gene family, member A
RPS6KGeneProductFunctional Class RPS6K (ribosomal protein S6 kinase)
RPS6KA5GeneProduct9252 (Entrez Gene) ribosomal protein S6 kinase, polypeptide 5
RasGeneProductRAS oncogene homolog
SRFGeneProduct6722 (Entrez Gene) serum response factor
SerotoninMetaboliteHMDB0000259 (HMDB)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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