Common pathways underlying drug addiction (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 21:12, 10 September 2016 by AlexanderPico (Talk | contribs)
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1NucleusCAMK4CaMKIIDopamineRegulation of actin skeletonMEK1Rap1GRIN1Ca++Regulation of Gap junctionCaMPKAMAPK Signaling pathwayPKAMEK2ERK1GlutamateConnexinCREBGnRH Signal PathwayGsPP1ADCYDRD4GRIA1Gap junctionADCY1Strong depolarizationI-1DRD2ACTBDRD1Long term potentiationGRM1PKCNeuroactive ligand-receptor interactioncAMP Gonadotropins gene expression & secretionRafGiERK2ACTG1ACTG2ADCY8GRIA2GRIA3GRIA4GRIN2AGRM5CaMKIIGRIN1GRIN2A


The network was constructed manually based on the common pathways identified in our study and protein interaction data. Addiction-related genes

were represented as white boxes while neurotransmitters and secondary massagers were highlighted in purple. The common pathways are highlighted in green boxes. Related functional modules such as regulation of cytoskeleton, regulation of cell cycle, regulation of gap junction, and gene expression and secretion of gonadotropins were highlighted in carmine boxes. Several positive feedback loops were identified in this network. Fast positive feedback loops were highlighted in red lines and slow ones were highlighted in blue lines.


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  1. Li CY, Mao X, Wei L; ''Genes and (common) pathways underlying drug addiction.''; PLoS Comput Biol, 2008 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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129835view00:39, 23 May 2024EweitzLink to WP pathway, refine clickability affordance, standardize case
116781view09:52, 14 May 2021EweitzModified title
106363view23:03, 22 August 2019KhanspersModified description
105556view06:15, 9 August 2019KhanspersModified description
95595view14:20, 5 January 2018DeSlFound incorrect identifier for glutamate (was the same as dopamine).
89423view22:39, 10 September 2016AlexanderPicoadded missing interactions and red/blue highlighted cycles
89422view22:36, 10 September 2016AlexanderPicoOntology Term : 'alcohol dependence' added !
89421view22:35, 10 September 2016AlexanderPicoOntology Term : 'nicotine addiction pathway' added !
89420view22:35, 10 September 2016AlexanderPicoOntology Term : 'morphine addiction pathway' added !
89419view22:33, 10 September 2016AlexanderPicoOntology Term : 'cocaine addiction pathway' added !
89418view22:33, 10 September 2016AlexanderPicoOntology Term : 'amphetamine addiction pathway' added !
89417view22:31, 10 September 2016AlexanderPicoModified description
89416view22:19, 10 September 2016AlexanderPicofinished adding xrefs and complexes
89415view22:07, 10 September 2016AlexanderPicoMore xrefs and complexes added
89414view21:37, 10 September 2016AlexanderPicoUpdated complexes and translation processes; additional layout changes
89413view21:12, 10 September 2016AlexanderPicoupdated layout and labels; added Actin
89374view06:24, 10 September 2016EgonwWidened label so that the full text is visible.
89373view06:23, 10 September 2016EgonwConnected lines.
87531view02:03, 25 July 2016AlexanderPicoOntology Term : 'drug pathway' added !
87530view02:02, 25 July 2016AlexanderPicoOntology Term : 'disease pathway' added !
87529view02:02, 25 July 2016AlexanderPicoModified title
84387view21:19, 18 February 2016KhanspersModified description
82194view09:47, 13 September 2015EgonwFixed the Ensembl data source ("Ensembl Human" -> "Ensembl")
73720view13:03, 19 February 2014Andraadded identifiers
73719view23:13, 18 February 2014AndraModified description
73718view23:08, 18 February 2014Andraadded identifiers
73717view22:50, 18 February 2014Andraadded connections
73716view22:48, 18 February 2014AndraNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
ACTBGeneProductENSG00000075624 (Ensembl)
ACTG1GeneProductENSG00000184009 (Ensembl)
ACTG2GeneProductENSG00000163017 (Ensembl)
ADCY1GeneProductENSG00000164742 (Ensembl)
ADCYGeneProduct4.6.1.1 (Enzyme Nomenclature)
ADCY8GeneProductENSG00000155897 (Ensembl)
CAMK4GeneProductENSG00000152495 (Ensembl)
Ca++Metabolite266 (Chemspider)
ConnexinGeneProductPF00029 (Pfam)
DRD1GeneProductENSG00000184845 (Ensembl)
DRD2GeneProductENSG00000149295 (Ensembl)
DRD4GeneProductENSG00000069696 (Ensembl)
DopamineMetabolite661 (Chemspider)
ERK1GeneProductENSG00000102882 (Ensembl)
ERK2GeneProductENSG00000100030 (Ensembl)
GRIA1GeneProductENSG00000155511 (Ensembl)
GRIA2GeneProductENSG00000120251 (Ensembl)
GRIA3GeneProductENSG00000125675 (Ensembl)
GRIA4GeneProductENSG00000152578 (Ensembl)
GRIN1GeneProductENSG00000176884 (Ensembl)
GRIN2AGeneProductENSG00000183454 (Ensembl)
GRM1GeneProductENSG00000152822 (Ensembl)
GRM5GeneProductENSG00000168959 (Ensembl)
Gap junctionPathway
GlutamateMetabolite661 (Chemspider)
GnRH Signal PathwayPathwayhsa04912 (KEGG Pathway)
Gonadotropins gene expression & secretionPathway
Long term potentiationPathwayhsa04720 (KEGG Pathway)
MAPK Signaling pathwayPathwayhsa04010 (KEGG Pathway)
MEK1GeneProductENSG00000169032 (Ensembl)
MEK2GeneProductENSG00000126934 (Ensembl)
Neuroactive ligand-receptor interactionPathway
PKAGeneProduct2.7.11.11 (Enzyme Nomenclature)
PKCGeneProduct2.7.11.13 (Enzyme Nomenclature)
Regulation of Gap junctionPathway
Regulation of actin skeletonPathwayhsa04810 (KEGG Pathway)
Strong depolarizationPathway
cAMP Metabolite5851 (Chemspider)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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