Deregulation of renin-angiotensin system by SARS-CoV infection (Mus musculus)

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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none Angiotensin IIAngiotensin IAngiotensin-(1-7)AngiotensinogenSARS-CoVSpike proteinLung injury2. AngII accumulates as Ace2 no longer negatively regulates AngII productionAgtr1aAce2AceAgtr23. An increase in AT1R activity can lead to increased vascular permeability and lung injury1. ACE2 expression is downregulated by SARS-CoV Spike protein bindingAngiotensin-(1-9)Name: Deregulation of renin-angiotensin system by SARS-CoV infectionOrganism: Mus musculus


The spike protein of SARS-CoV down regulates ACE2, leading to deregulation of the renin-angiotensin system. This deregulation can be the cause of lung injury that is linked to SARS-CoV infection. This work was done in a mouse model.

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  1. Kuba K, Imai Y, Rao S, Gao H, Guo F, Guan B, Huan Y, Yang P, Zhang Y, Deng W, Bao L, Zhang B, Liu G, Wang Z, Chappell M, Liu Y, Zheng D, Leibbrandt A, Wada T, Slutsky AS, Liu D, Qin C, Jiang C, Penninger JM; ''''; , PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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view10:12, 11 January 2023Mkutmonlayout
120766view11:08, 3 January 2022EweitzTighten graphics
120765view11:02, 3 January 2022EweitzTighten graphics
120764view10:55, 3 January 2022EweitzTighten graphics
120763view10:54, 3 January 2022EweitzFix PathVisio-pvjs graphics inconsistency
120762view10:51, 3 January 2022EweitzUse mouse case convention for gene symbol in description
120761view10:50, 3 January 2022EweitzFix errant gene symbols
120760view10:46, 3 January 2022EweitzTighten graphics
120753view01:34, 3 January 2022EweitzRefine graphics, case
120248view11:55, 20 November 2021EgonwLinked to the lung injury pathway
116625view11:09, 9 May 2021EweitzModified title
116624view11:08, 9 May 2021EweitzModified title
116366view12:39, 4 May 2021EweitzModified description
116365view12:38, 4 May 2021EweitzModified title
114109view08:00, 23 December 2020EgonwConverted a Label to a pathway DataNode
114021view15:21, 17 December 2020EgonwReplaced two ChEBI IDs for dizwitterions with IDs for their matching neutral form, the latter having mappings to Wikidata.
113646view18:21, 9 November 2020EgonwReplaced two old HMDB identifiers
112227view07:37, 4 October 2020EgonwReplaced the human genes with mouse gene identifiers.
112063view09:30, 18 September 2020DeSlMade textLabels more readable
112062view09:28, 18 September 2020DeSlUpdated unconencted lines to graphical lines; updated lit. ref.
111927view06:54, 11 September 2020EgonwModified title
111926view06:54, 11 September 2020EgonwRemoved the duplicate header
111925view06:53, 11 September 2020EgonwModified title
111600view06:57, 27 August 2020JdoijenModified description
111599view06:53, 27 August 2020JdoijenOntology Term : 'native cell' added !
111598view06:52, 27 August 2020JdoijenOntology Term : 'G protein mediated signaling pathway' added !
111597view06:51, 27 August 2020JdoijenOntology Term : 'viral infectious disease' added !
111596view06:50, 27 August 2020JdoijenNew pathway

External references


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Name  ↓Type  ↓Database reference  ↓Comment  ↓
Ace2GeneProductENSMUSG00000015405 (Ensembl)
AceGeneProductENSMUSG00000020681 (Ensembl)
Agtr1aGeneProductENSMUSG00000049115 (Ensembl)
Agtr2GeneProductENSMUSG00000068122 (Ensembl)
Angiotensin IMetaboliteHMDB0061196 (HMDB)
Angiotensin IIMetaboliteHMDB0001035 (HMDB)
Angiotensin-(1-7)MetaboliteCHEBI:55438 (ChEBI)
Angiotensin-(1-9)MetaboliteCHEBI:80128 (ChEBI)
AngiotensinogenMetaboliteCHEBI:2720 (ChEBI)
Lung injuryPathwayWP5035 (WikiPathways)

Annotated Interactions

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