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Revision as of 18:18, 3 October 2017 by AlexanderPico (Talk | contribs)
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Sustaining proliferative signaling

ErbB signaling (Homo sapiens)

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ErbB signaling
Evading growth suppressors

Retinoblastoma gene in cancer (Homo sapiens)

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Retinoblastoma gene in cancer
Activating invasion and metastasis

Epithelial to mesenchymal transition in colorectal cancer (Homo sapiens)

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Epithelial to mesenchymal transition in colorectal cancer
Enabling replicative immortality

Notch signaling (Homo sapiens)

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Notch signaling
Inducing angiogenesis

Model for regulation of MSMP expression in cancer cells and its proangiogenic role in ovarian tumors (Homo sapiens)

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Model for regulation of MSMP expression in cancer cells and its proangiogenic role in ovarian tumors
Resisting cell death

PI3K-AKT-mTOR signaling and therapeutic opportunities in prostate cancer (Homo sapiens)

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PI3K-AKT-mTOR signaling and therapeutic opportunities in prostate cancer
Deregulating cellular energetics

Fatty acid beta-oxidation (Homo sapiens)

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Fatty acid beta-oxidation
Genome instability and mutation

Direct reversal repair (Homo sapiens)

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Direct reversal repair
Tumor promoting inflammation

Cytokines and inflammatory response (Homo sapiens)

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Cytokines and inflammatory response
Avoiding immune destruction

Interferon type I signaling (Homo sapiens)

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Interferon type I signaling
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