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Acetogenesis (Acetobacterium woodii)
RAS and Bradykinin pathways in COVID-19 (Homo sapiens)
Galanin receptor pathway (Homo sapiens)
CAMKK2 Pathway (Homo sapiens)
STING pathway in Kawasaki-like disease and COVID-19 (Homo sapiens)


Deregulation of the Renin Angiotensin system by Sars-CoV infection (Mus musculus)
16p11.2 proximal deletion syndrome (Homo sapiens)
SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Pathway (Homo sapiens)
aspirin and miRNAs (Homo sapiens)


Glucocorticoid Receptor Pathway (Homo sapiens)
7q11.23 copy number variation syndrome (Homo sapiens)
DNA Repair Pathways Full Network (Homo sapiens)
16p11.2 distal deletion syndrome (Homo sapiens)
p53 transcriptional gene network (Homo sapiens)
Fluoroacetic acid toxicity (Homo sapiens)
Phosphoinositides metabolism (Homo sapiens)


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Beta Oxidation of Unsaturated Fatty Acids (Caenorhabditis elegans)


MAPK pathway in congenital thyroid cancer (Homo sapiens)
15q11.2 copy number variation syndrome (Homo sapiens)
Mitochondrial Complex I inhibition leading to chemical induced fanconi syndrome (Homo sapiens)
NO metabolism in cystic fibrosis (Homo sapiens)


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EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Resistance (Homo sapiens)
The influence of laminopathies on Wnt signaling (Homo sapiens)
Linoleic acid metabolism known to be affected by coronavirus infection (Homo sapiens)
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response in Coronavirus infection (Homo sapiens)
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SARS-CoV-2 and Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor: Molecular mechanisms and potential therapeutic target (Homo sapiens)
LDLRAD4 and what we know about it (Homo sapiens)
3q29 copy number variation syndrome (Homo sapiens)
COVID-19, thrombosis and anticoagulation (Homo sapiens)
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Direct Reversal Repair (Homo sapiens)


Mitochondrial CIV Assembly (Homo sapiens)
Autophagy (Homo sapiens)
Unfolded protein response (Homo sapiens)
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MAP3K1 role in promoting and blocking gonadal determination (Homo sapiens)
Cellular Proteostasis (Homo sapiens)
Neuroinflammation (Homo sapiens)
Mitochondrial CII Assembly (Homo sapiens)
Mitochondrial CIII assembly (Homo sapiens)
Purinergic signaling (Homo sapiens)
1q21.1 copy number variation syndrome (Homo sapiens)
SARS coronavirus and innate immunity (Homo sapiens)
Proximal tubule transport (Homo sapiens)
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Somatic Sex determination (Homo sapiens)
Peroxiredoxin 2 induced ovarian failure (Homo sapiens)
Disruption of postsynaptic signalling by CNV (Homo sapiens)
Interacting Laminopathic Pathways (Homo sapiens)
Peroxiredoxin 2 induced ovarian failure (Mus musculus)
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Mammalian disorder of sexual development (Homo sapiens)


Nanomaterial-induced Inflammasome Activation (Homo sapiens)
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Oxidative Stress and Redox Pathway (Mus musculus)
Downregulation of ACE2 expression by SARS-CoV infection and SARS-CoV Spike protein. (Homo sapiens)
Ciliopathies (Homo sapiens))
Cholesterol Biosynthesis with Skeletal Dysplasias (Homo sapiens)
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Endochondral Ossification with Skeletal Dysplasias (Homo sapiens)
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Glycosaminoglycan degradation (Homo sapiens)
Conversion of Angiotensinogen to Angiotensin II (Homo sapiens)
GDNF/RET signalling axis (Mus musculus)
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Genes controlling renal nephrogenesis (Homo sapiens)
Regucalcin in proximal tubule epithelial kidney cells (Homo sapiens)
COVID-19 AOP (Homo sapiens)
Intracellular trafficking proteins involved in CMT neuropathy (Homo sapiens)
Hijack of Ubiquitination by SARS-CoV-2 (Homo sapiens)
Host-pathogen interaction of human corona viruses - autophagy (Homo sapiens)
Host-pathogen interaction of human corona viruses - apoptosis (Homo sapiens)
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Type I Interferon Induction and Signaling During SARS-CoV-2 Infection (Homo sapiens)
Kisspeptin/Kisspeptin Receptor System in the Ovary (Homo sapiens)
Activation of NLRP3 Inflammasome by SARS-CoV-2 (Homo sapiens)
Pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 Mediated by nsp9/nsp10 Complex (Homo sapiens)
Host-pathogen interaction of human corona viruses - MAPK signaling (Homo sapiens)
Host-pathogen interaction of human corona viruses - Interferon induction (Homo sapiens)


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Proteoglycan biosynthesis (Homo sapiens)
Somitogenesis in the context of spondylocostal dysostosis (Homo sapiens)
Type I collagen synthesis in the context of Osteogenesis imperfecta (Homo sapiens)
Osteoblast differentiation (Homo sapiens)
Autosomal recessive Osteopetrosis pathways (Homo sapiens)
MED and Pseudoachondroplasia genes (Homo sapiens)
FGF23 signalling in Hypophosphatemic rickets (Homo sapiens)
mBDNF and proBDNF regulation of GABA neurotransmission (Homo sapiens)
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GDNF/RET signalling axis (Homo sapiens)


FGFR3 signalling in chondrocyte proliferation and terminal differentiation (Homo sapiens)
Purine metabolism (Homo sapiens)
Monoterpene Biosynthesis Pathway Genes in Mint (Homo sapiens)


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Vitamin D-sensitive calcium signaling in depression (Homo sapiens)
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Thyroid hormones production and their peripheral downstream signalling effects regarding congenital hypothyroidism (Homo sapiens)
Netrin-UNC5B signaling Pathway (Homo sapiens)
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Base Excision Repair (Homo sapiens)
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Nucleotide Excision Repair (Homo sapiens)
IL-18 signaling pathway (Homo sapiens)
Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System (RAAS) (Homo sapiens)
PKC-gamma calcium signaling pathway in ataxia (Homo sapiens)
Regulation of Pgc1a expression by a Gsk3b-Tfeb signaling axis in skeletal muscle (Mus musculus)


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Melanoma (Homo sapiens)
HIPK2 in kidney fibrosis (Homo sapiens)
Nephrotic syndrome (Homo sapiens)


Fatty Acid Beta Oxidation (Rattus norvegicus)
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Renin - Angiotensin System (Rattus norvegicus)
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Glycerolipids and Glycerophospholipids (Homo sapiens)
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Omega-9 FA synthesis (Homo sapiens)
Sphingolipid Metabolism (integrated pathway) (Homo sapiens)
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Overview of interferons-mediated signaling pathway (Homo sapiens)
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Omega-3/Omega-6 FA synthesis (Homo sapiens)
Relationship between inflammation, COX-2 and EGFR (Homo sapiens)
Eicosanoid metabolism via Cytochrome P450 Mono-Oxygenases (CYP) pathway (Homo sapiens)
Ketogenesis and Ketolysis (Homo sapiens)
Eicosanoid metabolism via Cyclo Oxygenases (COX) (Homo sapiens)
Cholesterol metabolism (includes both Bloch and Kandutsch-Russell pathways) (Homo sapiens)
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Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (Homo sapiens)
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Eicosanoid metabolism via Lipo Oxygenases (LOX) (Homo sapiens)
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Sphingolipid Metabolism (general overview) (Homo sapiens)


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