
From WikiPathways

Revision as of 13:41, 20 May 2008 by Thomas (Talk | contribs)
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This page contains a list of featured pathways that is maintained by the WikiPathways community. The goal of this page is to create a subset of pathways that are considered good quality and usable for data analyses (e.g. enrichment studies). You can download all pathways on this list at once from the batch download page. A pathway will be picked from this list every day and displayed in the 'Featured pathway' box on the main page. Please help to keep this list up-to-date by adding good quality pathways and removing pathways that contain no useful information, e.g. test or draft pathways.

Add or remove a pathway by clicking the 'edit' tab and edit the list below. Add your pathway to the list in the format:

*[[Pathway:Homo sapiens:ACE Inhibitor Pathway]]

Click 'Save page' and a hyperlink to your pathway will show up in the list. Incorrectly formatted links or non existing pathways will be ignored.

Featured pathways

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